
Terms for subject Economy containing monopolies | all forms | exact matches only
a monopoly power垄断性大企业
a monopoly power垄断力量
a non-monopoly factor非货币因素
a salt monopoly盐专卖
a trading monopoly company贸易专利公司
abuse of monopoly滥用垄断权
an anti-monopoly law反垄断法
anti-monopoly legislation取缔独占立法
anti-monopoly legislation反垄断立法
bank monopoly capital银行荃断资本
bilateral monopoly双边独占
bilateral monopoly & oligopoly双边独占与寡占
capital monopoly资本独占
capitalistic monopoly资本的独占
capitalization of monopoly profits垄断利润资本化
class of monopoly垄断分类
complementary monopoly补充独占
complete monopoly完全独占
degree of monopoly垄断率
degree of monopoly独占程度
differentiated monopoly异质独占
discriminating monopoly差别待遇垄断
discriminating monopoly垄断差别价格
discriminating monopoly差别垄断
discrimination monopoly of price差别独占价格
discriminative monopoly差别垄断
discriminative monopoly差别独占
discriminative monopoly price独占价格
discriminative monopoly price差别垄断
discriminatory monopoly歧视性独占
equilibrium of firm, in monopoly在独占中厂商的平衡
financial monopoly财政垄断
fiscal monopolies专卖
fiscal monopoly财政独占
foreign trade monopoly外贸垄断
foreign trade state monopoly system对外贸易国家垄断
general welfare monopoly公益专制
government monopoly政府专利品
imputation of monopoly profits独占利润的归属
industrial monopoly capital工业垄断资本
inflation induced by monopoly垄断引起的通货膨胀
international monopolies国际垄断组织
international monopoly combines国际垄断同盟
labour and monopoly capital劳动力与垄断资
labour monopoly劳力专利
labour monopoly劳动力垄断
law of monopoly price垄断价格法则
make a monopoly of some commodity独家经营某种商品
Monopolies and Mergers Commission西欧垄断兼并委员会
monopolies and mergers commission垄断与吞并委员会
monopolies' profit垄断利润
monopoly-bourgeois socialism垄断资产阶级的社会主义
monopoly bourgeois socialism垄断资产阶级的社会主义
monopoly bourgeoisie垄断资产阶级
monopoly capitalist class垄断资产阶级
monopoly-capitalist group垄断资本集团
monopoly capitalist group垄断资本集团
monopoly commodities独占品
monopoly contract独家经理合同
monopoly distortion of income distribution垄断对收入分配的歪曲
monopoly gain垄断收益
monopoly goods专利物
monopoly goods垄断货物
monopoly goods独占物
monopoly marketing boards垄断销售局
monopoly of some commodity独家经营某种商品
monopoly price专卖价格
monopoly price独占价格
monopoly price theory垄断价格论
monopoly profit垄断利润
monopoly profit独占利润
monopoly profits垄断利益
monopoly profits专卖利润
monopoly profits垄断利润
monopoly regulated受管理的独占
monopoly rent垄断地租
monopoly rent独占租金
monopoly return垄断报酬
monopoly return独占报酬
monopoly revenue垄断收入
monopoly revenue独占收入
monopoly rights垄断权
monopoly rights专卖权
monopoly tax专利税
monopoly tax独占税
monopoly value垄断价值
monopoly value独占价值
multiple-business monopoly corporations综合性垄断公司
municipal monopoly区域垄断
municipal monopoly地方的荖断
national monopoly国家垄断
national monopoly国家专利
national monopoly国家独占
natural monopoly天然专利
natural monopoly自然独占
non-monopoly capital自由资本
non-monopoly economy自然经济
non-monopoly economy非货币经济
non-monopoly financial intermediary非货币性金融中介机构
non-monopoly liabilities非货币债务
non-monopoly over-investment theory非货币投资过剩说
note-issue monopoly货币发行垄断制
optimal monopoly mark-up最适当的垄断加价
partial monopoly部分独占
penetration of foreign monopoly capital外国垄断资本的渗透
price discrimination under monopoly在独占下的价格差别
private monopoly独人专利
public consumption monopoly公共消费品专利
public consumption monopoly公共消费品垄断 (专利)
public consumption monopoly公共消费品独占
public monopoly国家政府垄断
public monopoly公家专利
public monopoly政府公营
public policy on private monopoly私人独占企业公有政策
purchasing monopoly纯粹独占
quantification of monopoly prices确定垄断价格额
railway monopoly铁路专利
railway monopoly铁路专营
railway monopoly铁路独占
regulated monopoly受管理的独占
residuary monopoly发行纸币的剩余独占
secure a monopoly of one's invention取得发明的专利权
seller's monopoly卖者独占
simple monopoly单纯独占
simple monopoly price单纯垄断价格
simple monopoly price纯独占价格
smash up a monopoly打破垄断
social monopoly社会专利
social monopoly社会独占
state monopoly国营专卖
state monopoly for the purchase统购统销
state monopoly foreign trade国家专营对外贸易
state monopoly of sales of tobacco and alcoholic drink烟酒专卖
state-monopoly property国家垄断所有制
state monopoly purchasing price for grains粮食统购价格
super monopoly超级垄断
the monopoly of foreign trade对外贸易专营
the monopoly of foreign trade对外贸易垄断
the monopoly of sale包销
the monopoly of sale垄断销售
the monopoly of sale专卖
the natural monopoly天然专利 (矿产、物产)
the natural monopoly自然垄断
the non-monopoly capitalism自由资本
the non-monopoly capitalism自由资本主义
the penetration of foreign monopoly capital外国垄断资本渗透
the quantification of monopoly price确定垄断价格金额
the smashup of monopoly垄断的破灭'
the steel monopoly钢铁垄断资本家
theory of inflation induced by monopoly垄断引起通货膨胀的学说
theory of monopoly独占说
theory of monopoly专利说
theory of monopoly price独占价值访
We do not think they are able to make a monopoly of the zinc market我们认为他们没有能力垄断锌市场