
Terms for subject Desert science containing monitoring | all forms | exact matches only
aerial and space monitoring of desertification荒漠化航空和空间监测 (利用航空像片和卫星像片的诊断指征,系统地监测土地荒漠化的发生发展过程、趋势和逆转状况)
aerial and space monitoring of desertification荒漠化遥感监测
air monitoring instrument大气监测仪器
air pollution monitoring network大气污染监测网
anthropogenic monitoring人为活动监测
atmospheric monitoring system大气监测系统
desertification monitoring荒漠化监测
field monitoring study野外监测研究
freshwater monitoring洪水监测
geosystem monitoring地理系统监测
Global Environment Monitoring System全球环境监测系统 (联合国环境规划署)
monitoring equipment监测仪器
monitoring of landslide滑坡监测
monitoring of pore-water pressure孔隙水压力监测
monitoring systems监测系统
monitoring techniques监测技术
prototype monitoring原型监测
Transnational Project on Monitoring Desertification Processes and Related National Resources in Arid and Semiarid Areas in South-West Asia西南亚干旱半干旱区域荒漠化过程及有关自然资源跨国监测规划 (阿富汗、印度、伊朗和巴基斯坦)
Transnational Project on Monitoring Desertification Processes and Related Natural Resources in Arid and Semiarid Areas in South America南美干旱半干旱区域荒漠化过程及有关自然资源跨国监测规划 (阿根廷、智利、秘鲁和玻利维亚)
weather monitoring天气监测
World Conservation Monitoring Centre世界环境保护监测中心