
Terms containing moment of inertia | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
nautic., tech.added moment of inertia附加惯性矩
wind.aerodynamic moment of inertia气动力惯性矩
el.mach.angular moment of inertia角转动惯量
el.mach.angular moment of inertia惯性角矩
wind.area moment of inertia面积二次矩
wind.area moment of inertia面积惯性矩
sport., med.area moment of inertia面积转动惯量
tech.axial moment of inertia轴向惯性矩
tech.axial moment of inertia极惯性矩
sport., med.axial moment of inertia轴转动惯量
bridg.constr.beam of varying moment of inertia变惯性矩梁
tech.central moment of inertia中心惯性矩
bridg.constr.central moment of inertia of area面积的中心惯性矩
tech.coefficient of moment of inertia转动惯量系数
bridg.constr.conversion equivalent moment of inertia of section换算等量截面惯性矩
met.converter moment of inertia转炉惯性矩
met.cross-section inertia moment of roll辊子截面惯性距
bridg.constr.cross-section moment of inertia of member杆件截面惯性矩
el.mach.dynamic moment of inertia惯性力矩
auto.dynamic moment of inertia动态惯性力矩转动惯量
spaceeffective moment of inertia有效惯性矩
tech.ellipse of moment of inertia二次矩椭圆
tech.ellipse of moment of inertia惯性矩椭圆
tech.equatorial moment of inertia中线惯性矩
tech.equivalent moment of inertia当量惯性矩
el.mach.external moment of inertia外加惯性矩
tech.geometric moment of inertia几何惯性矩
tech.geometric moment of inertia截面矩量
auto.geometrical moment of inertia由钢材断面形状及尺寸决定的抗弯曲强度值
met.geometrical moment of inertia几何惯性矩
tech.geometrical moment of inertia截面矩量
spacegimbal moment of inertia框架惯性矩
tech.gimbal moment of inertia常平架转动惯量
tech.gimbal moment of inertia框架转动惯量
bridg.constr.gross moment of inertia毛惯矩
railw.gross moment of inertia毛溃矩
tech.gross moment of inertia总惯性模量
railw.inertia moment of cross section截面惯性矩
met.inertia moment of cross-section of solidified billet凝固小方坯横截面二次距
bridg.constr.inertia-moment of area of figure of subgrade reaction coefficient on the side of cap slab of pile foundation about the base座板侧面地基系数图形面积对底面的惯性矩
tech.longitudinal moment of inertia纵向惯矩
tech.longitudinal moment of inertia纵摇纵向惯性矩
tech.main moment of inertia主惯性矩
phys.mass moment of inertia转动惯量
wind.mass moment of inertia质量惯性矩
bridg.constr.minimum moment of inertia最小惯性矩
el.mach.dynamic moment of inertia转动惯量
phys.moment of inertia惯性〔力〕矩
sport., med.moment of inertia惯性力矩
tech.moment of inertia转动惯量
gen.moment of inertia惯性动量
tech.moment of inertia惯性矩
tech.moment of inertia面积的二次矩
tech.moment of inertia截面惯性矩
tech.moment of inertia
gen.moment of inertia惯〔性〕矩
tech.moment of inertia about equatorial axis绕赤道轴转动惯量
tech.moment of inertia about polar axis绕极轴转动惯量
bridg.constr.moment of inertia about the x-axis绕x轴的惯性矩
wind.moment of inertia in yaw偏航惯性矩
tech.moment of inertia method惯性矩法
bridg.constr.moment of inertia of a cross section截面惯矩
tech.moment of inertia of area截面惯性矩
tech.moment of inertia of atmosphere大气转动惯量
tech.moment of inertia of core核心转动惯量
tech.moment of inertia of cross-section横截面惯性矩
bridg.constr.moment of inertia of entire crosssection全截面惯性矩
bridg.constr.moment of inertia of gross cross-section毛截面惯性矩
tech.moment of inertia of gyrorotor陀螺转子转动惯量
bridg.constr.moment of inertia of member base构件底面惯性矩
bridg.constr.moment of inertia of member crosssection杆件截面惯性矩
bridg.constr.moment of inertia of member shaft构件身惯性矩
bridg.constr.moment of inertia of reinforcement about centroidal axis of member cross-section对杆件横截面重心轴的钢筋惯性矩
bridg.constr.moment of inertia of section截面惯性矩
bridg.constr.moment of inertia of sectional area截面惯矩
bridg.constr.moment of inertia of sectional area断面二次矩
bridg.constr.moment of inertia of sector扇形惯性矩
bridg.constr.moment of inertia of the whole cross-section全截面惯性矩
bridg.constr.moment of inertia per unit length of cross-section of abutment台的单位长度横截面的惯性矩
bridg.constr.moment of inertia with respect to centre of gravity对重心的惯性矩
bridg.constr.moment of inertia with respect to gravity axis对重心轴的惯性矩
el.moment-of-inertia method惯性矩法
earth.sc.moments of inertia惯性矩
earth.sc.moments of inertia转动惯量
bridg.constr.net moment of inertia净惯矩
nautic., tech.net moment of inertia净惯性矩 (Is)
nautic., tech.net polar moment of inertia净极惯性矩 (Ip)
nautic., tech.net sectional moment of inertia净剖面惯性矩 (Iw)
auto.pitch moment of inertia车辆动力学纵倾惯性力矩
auto.pitching moment of inertia汽车动力学纵倾惯性矩
auto.polar moment of inertia转动惯性极矩
wind.polar moment of inertia极惯性矩
sport., med.polar moment of inertia极转动惯量
bridg.constr.polar moment of inertia极惯矩
tech.polar moment of inertia面积的极二次矩
avia.polar moment of inertia惯性极矩
bridg.constr.polar moment of inertia of a cross section截面极惯性矩
hydroel.st.polar moment of inertia of section截面极惯性矩
bridg.constr.polar moment of inertia of sectional area断面积二次极矩
spaceprincipal moment of inertia主惯性矩
sport., med.principal moment of inertia主转动惯量
tech.principal moment of inertia截面惯性矩
avia.principal moment of inertia惯性主矩
tech.product moment of inertia惯性积
tech.product moment of inertia惯积
bridg.constr.product moment of inertia of area灌溉站
tech.product moment of inertia of area惯矩积
tech.product moment of inertia of area截面惯性积
tech.product moment of inertia of area惯性积
auto.radial moment of inertia径向转动惯量惯性矩
bridg.constr.ratio of minimum sectional moment of inertia to maximum sectional moment of inertia最小和最大截面惯性矩之比
tech.ratio of moment of inertia惯性矩比
tech.reduced moment of inertia折算惯性距
auto.roll moment of inertia车辆动力学侧倾惯性力矩
nautic., tech.roll-moment of inertia横摇惯性矩
auto.rolling moment of inertia汽车动力学侧倾惯性矩
el.rotary moment of inertia转动惯性矩
hydroel.st.rotary moment of inertia转动惯矩
tech.rotary moment of inertia转动惯性力矩
bridg.constr.rotatory moment of inertia转动惯性矩
spacerotor moment of inertia转子转动惯量
auto.second moment of inertia抗弯曲强度值
plast.second moment of inertia of area断面二次转动惯量
bridg.constr.sector moment of inertia扇性惯矩
bridg.constr.sectorial moment of inertia扇形惯性矩
tech.solid moment of inertia刚体转动惯量
bridg.constr.torsional moment of inertia扭转惯性矩
spaceunequal moment of inertia不等惯量
tech.variable moment of inertia可变惯性矩
tech.virtual moment of inertia虚转动惯量
tech.weight moment of inertia重量惯性矩
tech.weight moment of inertia重量转动惯量
auto.yaw moment of inertia车辆动力学横摆惯性力矩
wind.yawing moment of inertia偏航惯性矩
wind.yawing moment of inertia横摆惯性矩