
Terms for subject Space containing moment | all forms | exact matches only
aerodynamic hinge moment feedback气动铰链力矩反馈
aerodynamic moment气动力矩
anti-rolling moment反滚转力矩
axial moment轴向力矩
balancing moment平衡力矩
boundary layer moment thickness边界层动量厚度
center of moment矩心
centrifugal twisting moment离心扭转力矩
Cm pitching moment coefficient俯仰力系数
coefficient of moment力矩系数
control moment控制力矩
control moment gyro控制力矩陀螺
control moment gyro assembly控制力矩陀螺组件
control moment gyroscope控制力矩陀螺
controlling moment操纵力矩
controlling moment控制力矩
diamagnetic moment抗磁矩
directive moment指向力矩
disturbing moment generator干扰力矩发生器
double-gimbaled control moment gyro双框架控制力矩陀螺
effective moment of inertia有效惯性矩
estimates of moment method矩法估计
first order second moment一次二阶矩
fourth moment四阶矩
friction moment摩擦力矩
gimbal moment of inertia框架惯性矩
gimbal moment of inertial框架转动惯量
gyroscopic moment陀螺力矩
healing moment of missile导弹诱导滚动力矩 (气流不稳定使导弹产生的相对纵轴的滚动力矩)
healing moment of missile导弹斜吹力距
heeling moment倾斜力矩
heeling moment of missile导弹倾斜力矩
higher moment高阶矩
hinge moment铰链力矩
hinge moment balance铰链力矩天平
hinge moment coefficient铰链力矩系数
hinge moment feedback servo mechanism铰链力矩反馈伺服机构
hinge moment test铰链力矩试验
Induced roll moment诱导滚动力矩
inertial moment couple惯性力偶
inertial moment measurement惯性矩测量
kinetic moment动力矩
limit moment restrictor极限力矩限制器
loading moment加载力矩
longitudinal moment纵向力矩
magnetic dipole moment磁偶极子矩
magnetic moment磁力矩
magnetic moment effect磁力矩效应 (空间磁场的)
magnetic suspension control moment gyro磁悬浮控制力矩陀螺
Magnus moment马格努斯力矩
mechanobalance restoring moment机械天平恢复力矩
method of moment矩量法
missile heeling moment导弹斜吹力矩
missile launching moment导弹发射时机
missile pitching moment导弹俯仰力矩
missile restoring moment导弹恢复力矩
missile rolling moment导弹滚转力矩
missile yawing moment导弹偏航力矩
moment distribution力矩分配
moment excursion力矩偏移
moment in pitch俯仰力矩
moment in roll滚动力矩
moment in yaw偏航力矩
moment matching method时矩匹配法
moment method矩量法
moment of deflection挠曲力矩
moment of flexure挠曲力矩
moment of gravity重力矩
moment of mass质量矩
moment of momentum of gyro陀螺动量矩
moment of roll滚动[滚转]力矩
moment of rotation转[动]矩
moment of torque扭矩
moment of yaw偏航力矩
moment reference center of balance天平力矩参考中心
moment unbalance动不平衡
momentum moment动量矩
multi-moment display多矩显示
negative rolling moment负滚转力矩 (从后向前看反时针方向滚转)
noncentral moment非中心矩
optimum actuation moment最佳启动时刻
optimum moment of fuse actuation引信最佳启动时刻
original moment原点矩
output moment输出力矩
overturning moment翻转力矩
pendulous moment摆矩
pitch moment俯仰力矩
pitching-damping moment derivative俯仰力矩阻尼导数
positive pitching moment上仰力矩
positive pitching moment正俯仰力矩
positive rolling moment正滚转力矩
positive yawing moment正偏航力矩
principal moment of inertia主惯性矩
processional moment转动惯量
processional moment惯性矩
residual magnetic moment剩磁矩 (采取各种措施后航天器及其部件具有的磁矩)
restoring moment稳定力矩
restoring moment of missile导弹稳定力矩
restoring moment of missile导弹恢复力矩
reversed rolling moment反效滚转力矩
right-handed moment顺时针旋转力矩
righting moment扶正力矩
rolling moment of missile导弹的滚动力矩
rolling moment of missile/rocket导弹/火箭滚动力矩
rotor moment of inertia转子转动惯量
sample central moment样本中心距
second moment of area面积的二次矩
second order moment process二阶矩过程
single gimbal control moment gyro单框架控制力矩陀螺
single gimbal control moment gyroscope单框架控制力矩陀螺
single gimbaled control moment gyro单框架控制力矩陀螺
static moment静力矩
static-moment calculation静弯矩计算
tail moment尾翼力矩
torsion moment扭转力矩
unequal moment of inertia不等惯量
variational speed control moment gyro变速控制力矩陀螺