
Terms for subject Wind Energy containing moment | all forms | exact matches only
aerodynamic hinge moment气动铰链力矩
aerodynamic moment of inertia气动力惯性矩
alternating bending moment交替弯矩
antitorque moment抗扭力矩
antitorque moment反扭力矩
area moment面积一次
area moment面积矩
area moment of inertia面积二次矩
area moment of inertia面积惯性矩
axial moment theory轴向力矩理论
base bending moment底部弯矩
base moment基底力矩
braking moment制动力矩
breaking moment断裂力矩
capsizing moment倾覆力矩
centrifugal hinge moment离心铰链力矩
constant pitching moment point等俯仰力矩点
dip moment倾斜力矩
flap hinge moment襟翼铰矩
flapwise bending moment副翼方向弯曲力矩
fluctuating moment触动力矩
fluctuating moment脉动力矩
flutter moment颤振力矩
force moment力矩
frictional moment摩擦力矩
generalized aerodynamic moment广义气动力矩
hinged moment铰接力矩
hinged moment balance铰链力矩天平
inertia moment转动惯量
inertia moment惯性矩
instantaneous overturning moment瞬时倾覆力矩
lead-lag moment超前一滞后时刻
lifting force moment升力矩
lifting moment升力矩
magnetic moment磁矩
mass moment of inertia质量惯性矩
moment admittance力矩导纳
moment arm力矩臂
moment balance力矩平衡
moment block力矩块
moment coefficient力矩系数
moment curve弯矩图
moment derivative力矩导数
moment diagram力矩图
moment method力矩法
moment of deflection挠矩
moment of deflection弯矩
moment of friction摩擦力矩
moment of inertia in yaw偏航惯性矩
moment of momentum equation动量矩方程
moment of momentum theorem动量矩定理
moment of spectral density function谱密度函数
moment of stability稳定矩
moment of torsion扭转力矩
moment of torsion扭矩
moment reference空气动力矩基准点
moment reference空气动力焦点
moment unbalance力矩不平衡
moment vector力矩矢量
nose down moment低头力矩
nose up moment抬头力矩
out-of-plane bending moment平面弯矩
pitching moment变桨力矩
pitching moment仰俯力矩
pitching moment俯仰力矩
pitching moment balance俯仰力矩平衡
pitching moment coefficient变桨力矩系数
pitching moment coefficient俯仰力矩系数
pitching moment linearity俯仰力矩的线性变化
polar moment极矩
polar moment of inertia极惯性矩
quasistatic bending moments准静态弯曲力矩
resonant bending moment共振弯矩
resonant root bending moment谐振根弯矩
restoring moment恢复力矩
rolling moment倾侧力矩
rolling moment滚转力矩
rotation moment转矩
rotative moment转矩
self excited aerodynamic moment自激励空气动力矩
shaft gravity moment轴重力矩
stalling moment失速力矩
stochastic tower bending moments随机塔弯矩
take moment about a对a点取力矩
tilting moment倾覆力矩
tower base fore-aft bending moment塔基前后弯矩
trimming moment配平力矩
trimming moment纵倾力矩
twist moment扭转力矩
ultimate design resisting moment极限设计抗力矩
warping moment翘曲力矩
wind moment风载力矩
wind moment风力矩
yaw moments偏航力矩
yawing moment偏航力矩
yawing moment coefficient偏航力矩系数
yawing moment of inertia偏航惯性矩
yawing moment of inertia横摆惯性矩
zero lift moment零升力矩
zero-lift moment零升力矩