
Terms containing missing | all forms | exact matches only
econ.After inspecting the above shipment we found three boxes missing上述船货经检查后发现缺少3箱
interntl.trade.application for a missing unregistered postal packet平常函件査单
busin.application for a missing unregistered posted packet平常邮件查单
avia.atlantic missing range大西洋导弹靶场
libr.author's name missing失名
libr.author's name missing阙名
libr.blank space for missing characters空白
sport.Both jumpers cleared two metres, but the Bulgarian won on fewer misses两名跳高运动员都越过 2 米、但保加利亚运动员因失误次数少而获胜
tech.buoy missing浮标失踪
tech.code missing漏码
auto.combustion missing缺火
auto.combustion missing燃烧不着
UN, polit.Committee on Missing Persons失踪人员委员会
libr.copied manuscript to complete missing parts of a printed copy抄补本
libr.copied manuscript to complete missing parts of a printed copy抄配本
tech.cover missing外皮失落 (指货物)
nurs.decay missing filling龋失补
China, lawdeclaration of a person as missing宣告失踪
China, lawdeclaration of one's missing-person status失踪宣告
tech.engine misses发动机熄火
tech.estimation of missing data缺项估计
tech.estimation of missing data漏失数据估计
agric.estimation of missing plot缺区估计
tech.estimation of missing value缺项估计
tech.estimation of missing value漏失数据估计
libr.fill in missing pages or chapters in bibliographic descriptions阙补
proverbhave a cylinder missing头脑有点儿不正常
tech.hoop missing货筒箍失落
textilehorizontal missing横向拉长线圈
textilehorizontal missing横向延展线圈
sport.If two or more competitors are tied, the winner is the one with the fewest misses during competition如果两名或更多的选手成绩相同、则在比赛中失败次数最少者获胜
dentist.Implants are used to replace missing teeth种植牙可以替代缺失牙
China, lawincome lost by missing work因误工减少的收入
el.inter-layer missing oxide defect层间丢失氧化物缺陷
busin.list of missing articles失物单
interntl.trade.list of missing articles遗失货物单
busin.list of missing articles遗失货物清单
comp., MSmissed conversation未接的交談 (An incoming conversation that was not acknowledged by the user. Missed conversation notifications are saved and reported to the user)
textilemisses' body measurement少女或妇女人体测量
textilemisses' figure少女体型
textilemisses shoes少女鞋
textilemisses' sizes少女或妇女尺码
gymn.missing A, B and C partsA、B、C 组动作不足
tech.missing a train漏乘
dragon.dance.missing action漏做动作
tech.missing address marker漏地址标记
avia.missing aircraft report飞机失踪报告
gen.missing aircraft report失事飞机报告
avia.missing aircrew report空勤人员失踪报告
tech.missing argument缺变元
AI.Missing At Random随机丢失
AI.missing attribute丢失属性
avia.missing authority遗失发放
textilemissing bartack〔检〕漏打套结
agric.missing base缺失碱基
el.missing basic status bit丢失基本状态位
textilemissing belt loop〔检〕漏钉裤耳
tech.missing bit失误位
libr.missing books下落不明的图书
spacemissing burst漏炸
spacemissing burst probability漏炸概率
textilemissing button错用纽扣
textilemissing button〔检〕漏缝钮扣
bridge.missing card缺少的一张牌
bridge.missing card缺少的一张牌
econ.missing cargo失踪货物
logist.missing cargo〔空〕少收货物
interntl.trade.missing cargo遗失货物
busin.missing cargo货物下落不明
econ.missing cargo list遗失货物目录清单
busin.missing cargo list遗失货物清单
libr.missing character阙字
libr.missing character脱字
libr.missing character脱文
agric.missing chromosome遗失染色体
agric.missing chromosome缺失染色体
tech.missing code遗漏码
comp.missing code缺码
comp.missing code漏码
spacemissing command漏指令
AI.Missing Completely at Random完全随机丢失
libr.missing copy遗失图书
econ.missing cost失踪成本
agric., stat.missing data缺测数据
agric., stat.missing data缺区数据
tech.missing data漏失数据
spacemissing data遗漏数据
tech.missing data缺项
desert.missing data缺失值
agric., stat.missing data in factorial experiment因子试验[的]缺区数据
agric.missing data in randomized blocks随机区组[的]缺区数据
avia.missing data report遗失资料报告
busin.missing dependent-variable observation漏失因变量观测值
tech.missing design设计不全
tech.missing design遗漏设计
tech.missing detail碎部遗漏
scub.missing diver迷失方向的潜水者
subm.missing diver迷失方向潜水者
telecom.missing dot漏点
textilemissing end断经
tech.missing end断头
textilemissing end缺经
tech.missing end缺径
busin.missing error漏失误差
tech.missing error疏忽错误
ITmissing error遗漏错误
tech.missing error遗漏误差
agric.missing excision function缺失切割功能
agric.missing factor缺少因子
tech.missing factor缺因子
AI.missing feature丢失特征
AI.missing feature approach遗失特征逼近技术
gen.missing fromM 从M中不见的
gen.missing fromM 在M中缺少的
agric.missing gene遗失基因
agric.missing gene缺失基因
interntl.trade.missing goods遗失货物
textilemissing hangtag漏挂吊牌
textilemissing height不编织高度
textilemissing height浮线高度
agric.missing hill缺穴
avia.missing in action未行动
avia.missing in action作战失踪
telecom.missing information遗漏信息
mil., air.def.missing information漏情
el.missing interrupt checker丢失中断检验程序
el.missing-interrupt handler丢失中断处理程序
tech.missing interruption handler遗漏中断处理程序
libr.missing issue缺期
libr.missing item遗失图书
busin.missing item漏项
busin.missing item in the calculation of output value产值构成缺项
logist.missing label标签脱落
toy., tech.missing label缺标签
textilemissing label〔检〕漏缝唛头
adv.missing leaf缺页
tech.missing level失误电平
tech.missing line遗漏划线
biotechn.missing link缺少环节
biotechn.missing link未知环节
tech.missing link可拆链环
tech.missing link连接链环
textilemissing list失物清单
interntl.trade.missing list遗失货物目录清单
tech.missing list遗失货物目录清单
tech.missing locking漏锁闭
genet.missing main line主线缺失
avia.missing-man flyby失踪者飞越
avia.missing mass丢失质量
spacemissing mass短缺质量
avia.missing mass损失质量
textilemissing needle不编织针
textilemissing needle漏针
busin.missing observation漏失观测值
tech.missing of ignition不着火
China, lawmissing of radioactive sources放射源丢失
chem.missing order缺级
tech.missing order缺序
interntl.trade.missing package包件遗失
busin.missing package遗失包件
telecom.missing page缺页
telecom.missing page遗漏页
ITmissing page fault缺页错
agric.missing page interrupt缺页中断指打印或印刷
tech.missing page interrupt缺页中断
ITmissing page interruption缺页中断
agric.missing pair缺对指染色体
gymn.missing part漏做动作
CNCmissing part漏件
wushu.missing part漏做动作
avia.missing part for delivery交付缺件
telecom.missing part image遗漏部分图像
avia.missing parts缺件
textilemissing pattern缺花疵
China, lawmissing person失踪人
China, lawmissing person's property失踪人的财产
textilemissing pick缺纬
agric.missing plant缺株
busin.missing plot缺失标绘图
tech.missing plot缺区
stat.missing plot technique缺区估计技术
math.missing plot technique缺区补救技术
agric., stat.missing-plot technique缺区估计技术
agric.missing-plot yield缺区产量
tech.missing precipitation data缺测降水资料
adv.missing print漏印
spacemissing pulse漏脉冲
tech.missing pulse脉冲遗漏
mil., air.def.missing pulse correlator漏检脉冲相关器
el.missing pulse detector丢失脉冲检测器
mil., air.def.missing pulse detector失落脉冲检测器
tech.missing release漏解锁
tech.missing sample缺失样品
agric.missing seedling缺苗
tech.missing segment interrupt缺段中断
polygr.missing sheet control漏张控制
tech.missing ship失踪船 (舶)
interntl.trade.missing ship船舶失踪
interntl.trade.missing ship失踪船
tech.missing ship去向不明的船舶
agric.missing silkworm遗失蚕
row.missing stay停船失败
textilemissing stitch漏缝
tech.missing stratigraphy缺失的地层
auto.missing teeth缺齿
telecom.missing term缺项
telecom.missing term遗漏项
securit.missing the market失去市场
securit.missing the market错过交易机会由于经纪人的疏忽而错过一项对客户有利的交易
securit.missing the market错过行情
securit.missing trade漏掉交易
securit.missing trade错过交易
IMF.missing trader fraud增值税转盘式骗税
IMF.missing trader fraud旋转木马式欺诈法
tech.missing triangle损缺三角形
textilemissing tuft缺绒
telecom.missing value遗漏值
econ.missing value漏测值
tech.missing value欠测值
tech.missing variable缺变元
textilemissing yarn漏纱
gen.My passport is missing我的护照不见了
gen.My suitcase seems to be missing我的手提箱好像遗失了
health.near misses些微误差
health.near misses近距脱靶
busin.near misses少许差错
el.no missing code无代码丢失
AI.non-ignorable missing非可略丢失
el.one layer missing material defect丢失一层材料型缺陷
gen.One piece of my luggage is missing. Here is my claim tag我有一件行李找不到了,这是我的提取牌
econ.Our forwarder informed us that the shipment consisting of 600 parcels was missing据我方运输行称,有600包运输的一批货遗失
libr.pages missing脱页
libr.pages missing缺页
agric.percentage of missing larvae减蚕率
agric.percentage of missing silkworm蚕数减少百分数
China, lawpersons who have been declared as missing宣告失踪的人
econ.Please send us the missing items by air freight so as to complete the shipment请将所缺项目空运给我们,以资补足
tech.probability of missing bit漏码概率
el.probability of missing code漏码概率
energ.ind.radial missing发射器的径向垂直旁路
textilerate of missing inspection漏验率
tech.rate of missing report漏报率
busin.return of missing goods遗失货物报单
tech.search for missing boat搜寻失踪船只
econ.seek for a missing case of equipment寻找一箱丢失的设备
commer.Several boxes were tampered with and a part of the contents was missing箱内一部分货物丢失了
commer.Several boxes were tampered with and a part of the contents was missing有几箱被人动过
busin.signature missing未签署
interntl.trade.statement of missing goods丢失货物说明书
repr.biol.tail missing未见尾丝
cloth.The fully developed body type belongs to both women's petite and misses size发育完全体型适用于妇女小号和妇女尺码
econ.The missing box was found left behind on the pier遗失的那一箱后来发现被遗留在码头上
econ.the missing cargo失踪货物
gen.the missing link体系中缺少的一环
econ.The TV sets have arrived, but part of the accessories are missing from the shipment电视机已运达,但随船运来的部分附件下落不明
econ.The two boxes arrived were No. 5 & 7, No. 6 was missing已到两箱货物,号码为5和7,6号箱未见到
commer.The vessel has been posted as missing这条船已宣布失踪
sport.Three consecutive misses result in elimination连续 3 次失误将被取消比赛资格
oiltrace missing道缺失
textilevertical missing纵向拉长线圈
textilevertical missing纵向延展线圈
textilevertical missing发射器的径向垂直旁路
textilevertical missing纵向浮线
tech.vertical missing垂直偏差
econ.We are informed that your shipment consisting of 500 bottles was missing, therefore we advise you to lodge your claim with the underwriters据悉你方有500瓶的一批货遗失,建议你们向保险商提出索赔
gen.When you lost your passport, you must go to the police station for a missing certificate and apply again for consulate护照丢失时,应立即到警察局开遗失证明书,再向领事馆申请补发
gen.Yesterday afternoon, I arrived at Lyon. Then I called a taxi to the Sheraton Hotel. After that, when I put my luggage in order, I found my handbag missing. I supposed I lost it in the taxi昨天下午到达里昂,然后叫一辆出租车到了喜来登酒店,当我收拾行李时,发现手提包不见了,我估计是丢在出租车上了
agric.yield of missing plot缺区产量