
Terms for subject China containing minority | all forms | exact matches only
a province where many minority nationalities live in concentrated community聚居的少数民族多的省
areas inhabited by minority nationalities少数民族地区
in areas where minority nationalities live in concentrated communities少数民族聚居的地方
deputies of from minority nationalities少数民族代表
deputies to the people's congresses of ethnic minority townships民族乡人民代表大会代表
enable the social development of the ethnic minorities to leap over several historical stages使各少数民族的社会发展跨越了几个历史阶段
ethnic minorities少数民族
ethnic minority areas民族地区
ethnic minority groups少数民族
ethnic minority townships民族乡
guarantee the special rights and interests of ethnic minorities保障少数民族的特殊权益
in an area where people of a minority nationality live in a concentrated community or where a number of nationalities live together在少数民族聚居或者多民族共同居住的地区
in old revolutionary areas, ethnic minority regions, border areas and poverty-stricken areas老少边穷地区
in the areas inhabited by minority peoples在少数民族地区
in the areas where ethnic minorities live in compact communities在少数民族聚居或者多民族共同居住的地区
institute ethnic regional autonomy in the areas where ethnic minorities live in compact communities实行民族区域自治
minority nationalities少数民族
minority nationalities living in scattered groups散居的少数民族
principle that the minority is subordinate to the majority少数服从多数的原则
safeguard the rights of minority nationalities保障少数民族的权利
small population ethnic minority groups人口较少的民族
the allocated number of deputies to be elected by a minority nationality分配给少数民族的应选代表名额
the ethnic minorities with exceptionally small populations人口特少的民族
the ethnic minorities with extremely small populations人口特少的民族
the folk medicine of ethnic minorities民族医药
the Law on the Autonomy of Ethnic Minority Areas民族区域自治法
the Law on the Autonomy of Ethnic Minority Regions民族区域自治法
the people's congresses of ethnic minority townships民族乡人民代表大会
the system of autonomous ethnic minority areas民族区域自治制度