
Terms containing minister | all forms | exact matches only
econ.a government minister政府大臣
UN, ecol.Ad Hoc Group of Ministers of Industry特设工业部长小组
China, polit.assistant minister部长助理
busin.cabinet minister内阁大臣
manag.cabinet minister部长
manag.cabinet minister资本主义国家的内阁大臣
econ.cabinet minister内阁
gen.cabinet minister资本主义国家内阁大臣
earth.sc.Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment加拿大环境部长会议
earth.sc.Canadian Council of Resource and Environment Ministers加拿大资源和环境部长委员会
UN, polit.Chief Minister Montserrat首席部长
interntl.trade.commerce minister商业部长
manag.communication minister交通部长
UNConference of African Ministers responsible for Sustainable Development and the Environment非洲主管可持续发展与环境部长会议
ecol.Conference of North Atlantic Fisheries Ministers北大西洋渔业部长大会
interntl.trade.Council for Ministers部长理事会
UNCouncil of Arab Environmental Affairs Ministers阿拉伯国家环境事务部长理事会
IMF.Council of Ministers欧盟理事会
UN, afr.Council of Ministers部长会议
org.name.Council of Ministers部长理事会
busin.Council of Ministers欧洲经济共同体部长理事会
UN, ecol.Council of Ministers for Asian Economic Cooperation亚洲经济合作部长理事会
commer.Council of Ministers for Asian-Cooperation亚洲合作部长理事会 (1968)
commer.Council of Ministers of European Communities欧共体部长理事会
econ.Council of Ministers of European Economic Community欧洲经济共同体部长理事会
busin.Council or Ministers of Asian Cooperation亚洲合作部长理事会
China, polit.counsellor with the rank of minister公使衔参赞
busin.deputy prime minister副首相
busin.deputy prime minister副总理
expl.Due to the severe fire in his throat,the prime minister will not be able to give a speech at tomorrow's conference首相喉咙发炎、明天的会上他不能讲话
environ.EC Council of Ministers The organ of the EU that is primarily concerned with the formulation of policy and the adoption of Community legislation. The Council consists of one member of government of each of the member states of the Community, and its presidency is held by each state in turn for periods of six months欧共体内阁 (欧盟机构主要包括政策的制定和相关法例的通过。该委员会由各成员政府的成员组成,其主席是各成员国每六个月轮流担任。)
busin.envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary特命全权公使
UN, polit.ESCAP Preparatory Meeting of Ministers of Industry for the Fourth General Conference of UNIDO工发组织第四届大会亚太经社会工业部长筹备会议
tech.European conference of Minister's of Transport欧洲运输部长会议
spaceEuropean Conference of Ministers of Transport欧洲各国运输部长会议
org.name.European Conference of Ministers of Transport欧洲交通部长会议
avia.European conference of ministers of transport欧洲运输部长会议
econ.European Council Of Ministers欧洲部长理事会
fin.eurozone's finance ministers' group欧元区13国财长会议
fin.finance minister财政部长
textileforeign trade minister对外贸易部长
org.name.Forum of African Ministers of Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources非洲农业、粮食和自然资源部长论坛
UNForum of Ministers on Poverty and Environment贫穷和环境问题部长论坛
securit.G-7 finance ministers西方七国财长会议
securit.G-7 finance ministers西方七国财长
nautic., tech.group of twenty finance ministers and central back governors20 国集团
IMF.Group of Twenty Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors二十国集团
UNHigh-Level Committee of Ministers and Officials部长和官员高级别委员会
fin.meeting of finance ministers and central bank governors 20国集团 G20财长和央行行长会议
fin.meeting of G20 finance ministers 20国集团财长会议
UN, polit.Meeting of Ministers of Industry and Technology工业和技术部长会议
UN, polit.Meeting of Ministers Responsible for Transport and Communications主管运输和通讯部长会议
environ.minister competence The skill, knowledge, qualification, capacity or authority associated with the chief of an administrative department or other high ranking official selected by the head of state部长的权限 (国家元首选出的行政主管部门的领导或者其他高级官员相关的技能,知识,资格,能力或权力。)
org.name.Minister Counsellor部长级参赞
China, polit.minister-counsellor公使衔参赞
tech.Minister for Communications交通部部长
China, lawminister in charge of commission委员会主任
econ.minister in Charge of the Commission of Science, Technology and Industry for National Defence国防科学技术工业委员会主任
econ.Minister in Charge of the State Commission for Restructuring Economic System国家经济体制改革委员会主任
econ.Minister in Charge of the State Economic Commission国家经委主任
econ.Minister in Charge of the State Education Commission国家教育委员会主任
econ.Minister in Charge of the State Family Planning Commission国家计划生育委员会主任
econ.Minister in Charge of the State Nationalities Affairs Commission国家民族事务委员会主任
econ.Minister in Charge of the State Physical Culture and Sports Commission国家体育运动委员会主任
econ.Minister in Charge of the State Planning Commission国家计委主任
econ.Minister in Charge of the State Scientific & Technological Commission国家科学技术委员会主任
econ.Minister of Agriculture Animal Husbandry and Fishery农牧渔业部长
econ.Minister of Astronautics Industry航天业部长
econ.Minister of Aviation Industry航空工业部长
econ.Minister of Chemical Industry化工尹部长
econ.Minister of Civil Affairs民政部长
econ.Minister of Coal Industry煤炭工业部
textileminister of commerce商务部长
econ.Minister of Commerce商业部长
econ.Minister of Communication交通部长
econ.Minister of Culture文化部长
econ.Minister of Electronics Industry电子工业部士
econ.Minister of Energy & Mines能源矿产部长
econ.minister of finance财政部长
econ.Minister of Foreign Affairs外交部长
econ.Minister of Foreign Economic Relations and Trade对外经济贸易部长
econ.Minister of Foreign Trade and Economic Co-operation对外经贸合作部长
econ.Minister of Forestry林业部长
polit.Minister of Geology and Mineral Recources地质矿产部长
econ.Minister of Justice司法部长
econ.Minister of Labour and Personnel劳动人事部长
econ.Minister of Light Industry轻工业部长
econ.Minister of Machine-Building Industry机械工业部长
econ.Minister of Metallurgical Industry冶金工业部长
econ.Minister of National Defence国防部长
econ.Minister of Nuclear Industry核工业部长
econ.Minister of Ordnance Industry兵器部长
econ.Minister of Petroleum Industry石油工业部长
econ.Minister of Posts and Telecommunications邮电部长
tech.Minister of Power电力部长
econ.Minister of Public Health卫生部长
econ.Minister of Public Security公安部长
econ.Minister of Radio and Television广播电视部长
econ.Minister of Railways铁道部长
econ.Minister of State Security国家安全部长
econ.Minister of Textile Industry纺织 部长
tech.Minister of Transport运输部长
econ.Minister of Urban and Rural Construction and Environmental城乡建设环境保护部长
econ.Minister of Water Resources and Electric Power水利电力部长
org.name.Minister Plenipotentiary全权公使
anim.husb.minister's face猪头
gen.minister toM 驻 M 公使
gen.minister without portfolio不管部长〔大臣〕
China, lawministers assume overall responsibility for the work of the ministry ministries and commissions部长、主任负责制
China, lawministers in charge of ministries各部部长
China, polit.ministers in charge of ministries or commissions of the State Council国务院部长、委员会主任
UNOpen-ended Intergovernmental Group of Ministers or Their Representatives on International Environmental Governance国际环境管理问题不限成员名额政府间部长或其代表小组
fin.president of the EU council of ministers欧洲理事会常设主席
gen.prime minister内阁总理
busin.Prime Minister首相
expl.prime minister宰相
gen.prime minister总理
econ.quadrilateral trade ministers四边贸易部长集团一般又被称为四巨头部长集团, 它包括加拿大的国际贸易部长、欧共体的外事专员、日本通产省以及美国的贸易代表
UN, polit.Regional Meeting of Ministers of Industry of Asia and the Pacific亚太工业部长区域会议
environ.report to the minister A written account or statement describing in detail observations or the results of an inquiry into an event or situation and presented to any person appointed or elected to a high-level position within some political entity向部长报告 (说明事件详细调查结果的书面声明,说明当选或被任命为一个政治实体的高层人员的情况。)
expl.Resign one's charge as prime minister辞去首相职责
org.name.Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization东南亚教育部长组织
interntl.trade.spending ministers支用当局
desert.The Conference of Arab Ministers Responsible for Environment阿拉伯国家主管环境部长会议
econ.the Foreign Minister外交部长
econ.the Minister of Foreign Affairs外交部长
consult.the minister of housing住房部长
econ.the Minister of Trade贸易部长
econ.The minister signed a bilateral trade agreement部长签署了一份双边贸易协定
China, polit.the Ministers in charge of commissions of the State Council国务院各委员会主任
China, polit.the Ministers in charge of ministries of the State Council国务院各部部长
expl.The parliament charges that the prime minister acts unlawfully议会指责首相行为不合法
econ.the Trade Minister贸易部长
China, polit.vice-minister副主任
tech.vice minister副部长
China, polit.vice-minister副部长