
Terms containing mind | all forms | exact matches only
gen.a bit of one's mind痛骂
gen.a bit of one's mind直言不讳的批评
gen.a practical mind注重实际的头脑
gen.absence of mind心不在焉
gen.absence of mind不留心
China, polit.adhere to the ideological guideline of emancipating the mind, seeking truth from facts坚持解放思想、实事求是的思想路线
arch.alter one's mind改变想法 (主意)
China, polit.always keep in mind that people come first坚持以人为本
China, polit.always keep people's interest in mind坚持以人为本
gen.apply one's mind to专心于
expl.apply mind to mathematics, physics and chemistry专心学数、理、化
auto.apply one's mind to专心于
gen.apply the mind to把精神灌注在
gen.apply the mind to专心于
gen.at the back of one's mind下意识地
gen.at the back of one's mind在记忆的深处
gen.attitude of mind看法
gen.attitude of mind态度
sport., psychol.audience mind观众心理
gen.be fresh in the mind记忆犹新
gen.be in several minds犹豫不决
gen.be in several minds动摇不定
gen.be in twenty minds犹豫不决
gen.be in twenty minds动摇不定
gen.be in two minds犹豫不决
gen.be in two minds动摇不定
gen.be of a mind意見一致
inf.be of one mind意見一致
gen.be of the same mind一人意见不变
gen.be of the same mind多人表示同意
gen.be present to the mind不忘记
gen.be present to the mind放在心里
econ.bear ... in mind记住
econ.bear ... in mind考虑
dril.bear in mind记住
dril.bear in mind考虑到
gen.bear in mind牢记
proj.manag.Bearing in mind that prevent the accumulation of static electricity要注意防止静电积聚
gen.bend one's mind on专心致志于
gen.bend one's mind to专心致志于
gen.bend one's mind upon专心致志于
gen.bend the mind to把精神灌注在
gen.bend the mind to专心于
gen.blow one's mind极度激动〔震惊〕
gen.body and mind身心
genet.body and mind health身心健康
sport., psychol.body-mind problem身心问题
sport., psychol.body-mind strategy身心策略
gen.bring to one's mind使…想起
gen.by a fiction of mind由想象造出
gen.call to one's mind使…想起
interntl.trade.call to mind回想
gen.call to mind使想起
gen.call to mind the past回忆
sport.caught in two minds犹豫
gen.change one's mind改变想法 (主意)
gen.change one's mind改变计划〔主意,想法,宗旨〕
chess.term.chess mind国际象棋思想
sport., psychol.collective mind集体心理
gen.come across one's mind忽然想起
gen.come across the mind忽然想到
gen.come into one's mind想起
gen.come to one's mind想起
ITcomputer mind计算机思维
telecom.computer mind计算机智力
wushu.concentrate one's mind on意守
wushu.concentrate one's mind on意守
nurs.concentration of mind on something存想
securit.controlling minds of a licensed corporation持照公司负责人
manag.creative mind创新思想
busin.creative mind创见
gen.cross one's mind想起〔到〕
psychol.crowd mind群众心理
gen.dawn on one's mind真相变明白
gen.disclose one's mind坦率表明意见
gen.Do you mind if others share the table with you?您是否介意别人和您同坐一桌?
gen.Do you mind waiting until 8:30?可以等到 8 :30 吗?
textileeconomic mind经济头脑
China, polit.emancipate the mind解放思想
gen.emancipate the mind, topple old idols解放思想,破除迷信
gen.especially buddhism or taoist control of mind and body修炼
gen.Excuse me. Do you mind taking us pictures? You can just press the button here不好意思,能帮忙拍个照吗?只要按这个按键就好
gen.Excuse me. Would you mind trading seats with me?对不起,您介意跟我换位置吗?
gen.fix one's mind on把注意力集中在
gen.fix one's mind upon把注意力集中在
China, polit.free our minds解放思想
gen.give one's mind to注意
gen.give one's mind to专心于
gen.go out of mind被忘却
nurs.group mind群体心理
tech.group mind集团心理
sport., psychol.group mind团体心理
gen.habit of mind性格
gen.have a good mind to极有意 (+ inf.)
gen.have a good mind to几乎决意 (+ inf.)
gen.have a good mind to非常想 (+ inf.)
gen.have a great mind to几乎决意 (+ inf.)
gen.have a great mind to极有意 (+ inf.)
gen.have a great mind to非常想 (+ inf.)
gen.have a mind to有意 (+ inf.)
gen.have a mind to想要 (+ inf.)
gen.have a mind to打算 (+ inf.)
idiom.have a one-track mind把全部注意力用于一项问题上面
idiom.have a one-track mind总是遵循着同一思路
gen.have half a mind to有几分想 (+ inf.)
gen.have in mind考虑到
gen.have M in mind想要做M
gen.have M in mind记得〔想到〕M
gen.have in mind记住
gen.have in mind着眼
gen.have little mind to一点儿也不想 (+ inf.)
gen.have one's mind on注意
gen.have one's mind on留心
gen.have one's mind on专心于
gen.have no mind to一点儿也不想 (+ inf.)
gen.have M on one's mind为 M 而操心
gen.have M on one's mind把 M 挂在心上
gen.have peace of mind安心
gen.have M upon one's mind为 M 而操心
gen.have M upon one's mind把 M 挂在心上
agric.hive mind蜂群情绪蜂群里的气氛
gen.I am of your mind我同意你的意见
gen.I won't change my mind我不会改主意了
proj.manag.If you watch your video recording with these tips in mind, you'll see that you dont look as nervous as you feel. Enjoy the confidence boost!如果你带着这些建议再去看你的录像、你会发现你不像你感觉到的那么紧张了。好好享受你暴涨的自信心吧!
gen.I'll check to see if there's any space left. Luckily, only one left. Mind you, boarding time is 9:20 am我查查看还有没有空位。很幸运,还剩一个。请注意,登机时间是上午9点20分
gen.I'll just find out for you, sir. Hello, are you still there? Unfortunately, Mr. Chen is not available at the moment. Would you mind holding for one minute?先生,我替你找一下。你好,还在吗?很不巧,陈先生现在不在,你介不介意稍微等一分钟?
gen.I'm afraid we have no suites available. Would you mind a twin instead?我们恐怕没有空余的套间了,您介意改订双床间吗?
gen.in one's mind照…的看法
gen.in one's mind…的心目中
in one's mind's eye在某人想象中
gen.in the mind's eye在某人想象中
busin.innovational mind改革精神
busin.innovational mind革新精神
wushu.integration of mind and will心与意合
gen.keep an open mind不孢成见
econ.keep ... in mind记住
econ.keep ... in mind考虑
sport.keep in mind记住
gen.keep in mind考虑到
securit.keep in mind经纪人记住客户指令 (客户告诉经纪人他所希望交易的特定证券的价格和数量,经纪人按客户指令行事)
gen.keep in mind记着
gen.keep M in mind of使 M 想起 N (N)
gen.keep one's mind on注意
gen.keep one's mind on留心
sport.keep mind on专心于
gen.keep one's mind on专心于
heavy.eq.keep your body and mind relaxed身心放松
China, polit.let us work together with one heart and one mind万众一心
market.machine’s ultralogical mind机器超逻辑心态
gen.make up one's mind下决心 (to + inf.)
gen.make up one's mind认定 (to, that)
gen.make up one's mind接受
gen.make up one's mind决意
gen.make up one's mind做决定
gen.make up one's mind决心
econ.make upon one's mind下决心
sport., psychol.mass mind群众心理
securit.meeting of mind合意
busin.meeting of minds意见一致
busin.meeting of minds合意
gen.meeting of minds谅解
sport., psychol.mind-altering富于改变精神
econ.mind at flock of sheep照看羊群
exhib.mind-bending exercise脑筋急转弯
AI.mind-body issue心身关系问题
AI.mind-body problem心智问题
sport., psychol.mind-body problem心身问题
sport., med.mind cure心理疗法
sport., med.mind cure精神疗法
otorhinol.mind deafness精神性聋
otorhinol.mind deafness心理性聋
AI.Mind Evolutionary Computation思维进化计算
gen.mind one's eye小心
gen.mind one's eye谨慎
gen.mind-fucker苦 "脑"的事情
logist.Mind Identity System企业形象理念识别系统
adv.mind identity system理念识别系统
AI.mind map脑图
ed.mind mapping心智图法
bodybuild.mind-muscle link意念肌肉结合
nurs.mind reading读心症
gen.mind ->she dislikes the fat and chooses the lean.
sport., med.mind-to-muscle skills意念-肌肉技术
econ.mind one's work专心于工作
inf.mind you请注意
tech.mind your helm注意操舵
telecom.mind your own business管好你自己的事
comp., net.mind your own business不关你的事
gen.mind your own business不要管闲事
nautic.mind your rudder注意操舵
gen.mind your steps小心地滑
telecom.minds system智能系统
sport., med.muscle-to-mind skill肌肉一意念技术
nurs.mutual contain in mind心理相容
gen.My English is not that great, and I don't want to miss anything. Would you mind calling back later? I'm sorry我的英文不是非常好,我不想听错话。你介意稍后再打来吗?我很抱歉
gen.never mind不必介意
econ.never mind没关系
econ.never mind不要紧
gen.never mind不必顾虑
gen.never mind没事
gen.Never mind about that没关系
sport.of one mind一致意见
gen.of one mind一心
gen.one's mind脑海
gen.one's state of mind心情
gen.open one's mind to把意见告诉
gen.open the mind开扩思路〔眼界〕
expl.opener of the mind对心灵的启迪
gen.out of mind忘记
gen.pass out of mind被忘却
med.presence of mind镇静
med.presence of mind沉着
med.presence of mind急智
med.presence of mind镇定
gen.print on the mind记在心上
interntl.trade.projective mind想象力
gen.projective power of the mind想象力
gen.put in mind of提醒
gen.put in mind of使想起
gen.put M in mind of使 M 想起 N (N)
gen.put one's mind to a problem开始思考问题
textilequality mind质量意识
textilequality mind品质意识
gen.quick mind敏慧
gen.recall M to one's mind回忆〔想起〕M
nurs.reversal mind逆反心理
gen.rise in the mind涌上心头
econ.safety mind安全意识
gen.say one's mind坦率表明意见
gen.set one's mind on决心要很想要
adv.share of mind品牌于心目中的地位
slip from one's mind记不起来
slip from one's mind被…遗忘
China, lawsound development in body and in mind身心健康发展
gen.speak one's mind坦率说出想法
gen.speak one's mind坦率表明意见
busin.speak one's mind直言
econ.speak one's mind freely群言堂
gen.M spring to mind人们立刻想到M
gen.spring to mind使人突然想起
securit.state of mind思想状态 (股市上人们的)
securit.state of mind心理状态
gen.take one's mind offM 对M不注意
gen.take one's mind offM 把注意力从M移开
gen.tell one's mind坦率表明意见
gen.The first thing that comes to mind when I think about France is wine想到法国,脑子里出现的第一件东西就是葡萄酒
China, polit.the ideological guideline of emancipating the mind, seeking truth from facts解放思想、实事求是的思想路线
market.the meeting of minds注意焦点
expl.They do not mind giving some if it is for a good如果是为了好事,他们捐献些财物也不在乎
fin.think and to keep overall interests in mind顾全大局
gen.time out of mind很久以前
gen.time out of mind古远的时代
econ.to one's mind合…的心意
econ.to one's mind为…所喜欢
econ.to one's mind照…的想法
econ.to one's mind据…的意见
econ.to one's mind在某人看来
econ.to one's mind合某人的意
proj.manag.To my mind that's the most exciting field, especially the minicomputer对我来说、这是我最感到兴奋的领域、尤其是微机
adv.top of mind消费者头脑中首先想到的品牌
gen.turn a matter over and over in one's mind再三考虑
gen.turn one's mind to注意
gen.turn something over in one's mind琢磨
gen.turn the matter over and over in one's mind再三考虑
busin.unsettled state of mind犹豫不决
busin.unsound mind精神不健全
surg.vague mind神志迷糊
surg.vague mind神志不清
econ.We infer from your letter that you do not mind transshipment我们由你方的信中推断出你方不介意转船运输
busin.What's the workable price for this puncher in your mind?您心目中穿孔机的可行价格为多少?
gen.with M in mind把 M 搁在心上
gen.with M in mind考虑到 M
China, polit.with people's interest in mind外交为民
busin.work of mind智力作品
gen.Would you mind connecting the line to reception to check it?您介意我把电话转接到接待处让他们为您查一下吗?
gen.Would you mind giving me the six pence in coppers?劳驾给我6便士的铜币
gen.Would you mind holding for one minute?您不介意稍微等一分钟吧?
gen.You must be a mind-reader Michael. Do you feel like some western food?米歇尔,你真了解我。你想吃西餐吗?