
Terms for subject Microsoft containing messages | all forms
bounce message退回的郵件 (A non-delivery notification that is sent to an e-mail sender when a message cannot be delivered to the intended recipient either temporarily or permanently)
incoming instant message alert傳入立即訊息通知 (A notification that the user receives when someone sends an instant message to that user)
instant message立即訊息 (A message sent in real time through a network to a private chat area)
instant message conversation立即訊息交談 (A real-time communication over the Internet in which a sender types a message to one or more recipients and the recipient(s) immediately receives the message in a pop-up window)
instant message session立即訊息工作階段 (A real-time communication over the Internet in which a sender types a message to one or more recipients and the recipient(s) immediately receives the message in a pop-up window)
Intelligent Message Filter智慧型郵件篩選器 (The underlying technology of the Exchange Server content filter that evaluates inbound mail and assesses the probability that an inbound e-mail message is either a legitimate message or spam)
message envelope郵件信封 (" The information contained in an e-mail message that is required to send and deliver a message between messaging servers by using SMTP protocol commands. The message envelope contains the sender e-mail address and the recipient e-mail address information. Recipients never see the message envelope, because it is not part of the message content, and it is discarded when the message reaches its destination. The X.400 messaging standard equivalent to the message envelope is called the "P1 header." The message envelope is often referred to as the "P1 header.")
message handler訊息處理常式 (A Component Object Model (COM) object that implements the ITranslate interface in an in-process COM object)
message item訊息項目 (An implementation of the Internet Message Format defined by RFC2822. A message item is stored in the Exchange store)
Message Layer Security訊息層資訊安全 (A cryptographic protocol that provides domain-to-domain secure transmission of SMTP messages on the Internet by using cryptography. The protocol enables SMTP servers to communicate directly or by using an SMTP relay over the Internet in a manner designed to prevent eavesdropping, tampering, and message forgery)
Message Policy訊息原則 (A set of rules that are applied to e-mail messages. These rules govern how messages are processed and stored, based on a set of requirements. The requirements are typically based on regulatory requirements for an industry or geographic region)
message transfer system郵件傳輸系統 (The X.400 term for a messaging system, which is a product that enables electronic communication over a network)
Out of Office message不在辦公室 訊息 (The auto-reply text specified using Outlook's Automatic Replies or Out of Office Assistant)
poison-message queuePoison 訊息佇列 (A subqueue of the application queue where poison messages get moved to be later processed by a poison-message handling application)
voice message語音訊息 (An electronic message with a primary content of digitized audio)