
Terms for subject China containing medical | all forms | exact matches only
a medical treatment system for public health emergencies突发公共卫生事件医疗救治体系
alternate medical treatment plan替代医疗方案
certificate of medical examination医学检查证明
certificate of medical technical appraisement医学鉴定证明
certificate of pre-marital medical examination婚前医学检查证明
childless and infirm rural residents receive subsidies for food, clothing, medical care, housing and burial expenses农村"五保户"
Chinese Medical Association中华医学会
compel sb. to receive medical treatment强制医疗
Convention Concerning the Compulsory Medical Examination of Children and Young Persons Employed at Sea在海上工作的儿童及未成年人的强制体格检查公约
criminal released on parole for medical treatment被保外就医的罪犯
establish a fully functioning system for disease prevention and control and for emergency medical aid that covers both urban and rural areas基本建成覆盖城乡、功能完善的疾病预防控制和医疗救治体系
fake medical certificate虚假医学证明
free medical services and a labor-protection medical care system at public expense公费和劳保医疗制度
give aid to medical treatment医疗救助
have access to necessary medical care for the elderly老有所医
institutions for medical technical appraisement医学技术鉴定组织
lack of accessibility and affordability of medical treatment"看病难看病贵"
lack of accessibility and affordability of medical treatment and education上学难上学贵、看病难看病贵
medical advice医学意见
medical agency医疗机构
medical aid医疗救护
medical and health care services医疗卫生工作
medical and health facilities医疗卫生设施
medical and health institution医疗保健机构
medical appraisal医疗鉴定
medical certificate医学证明
medical certificate for childbirths新生儿出生医学证明
medical convenience card就诊方便卡
medical disinfectant消毒药剂
medical emergencies医疗急救
medical expenses医疗费
medical expenses for job-related injury工伤医疗费
medical files医学文书
medical guarantee医疗保障
medical history data病历资料
medical institution for treatment of drug addiction戒毒医疗机构
medical institution that is qualified for medical treatment of drug addiction具有戒毒治疗资质的医疗机构
medical institution to be set up for treatment of drug addiction设置戒毒医疗机构
medical level医疗水平
medical measure医疗措施
medical observation医学观察
medical parole保外就医
medical risk医疗风险
medical sewage医疗污水
medical technical appraisement医学技术鉴定
medical toxicant毒性药品
medical treatment医疗救治
medical treatment area医疗区
medical treatment order slips医嘱单
medical wastes医疗废物
mother plant for medical use药用原植物
mother plant of narcotic drugs for medical use麻醉药品药用原植物
order of the medical system医疗秩序
organize the rescue and medical treatment组织救治
period of medical treatment for illness医疗期
person seeking medical service就诊人
prison's medical appraisal监狱的医疗鉴定
reform of medical insurance system医疗保险制度改革
released on parole for medical treatment保外就医
relevant medical certificate有关医学证明
rules and regulations for medical and health care services医疗保健工作规范
rural cooperative medical care system农村合作医疗制度
rural cooperative medical service农村合作医疗
self-employment in a medical practice个体行医
subsidies for medical treatment, injury and disability医疗、伤残补助
subsidized medical care医疗救助 (for)
the basic medical insurance system for urban working people城镇职工基本医疗保险制度
the problem of inadequate and unaffordable medical services"看病难看病贵"
the system of basic medical insurance基本医疗保险
train more medical and sanitation personnel加强卫生队伍建设
veterinary medical apparatus and instrument兽医器械和设备