
Terms for subject Agriculture containing meat | all forms | exact matches only
ability to put on meat肉产生的能力
ability to put on meat生肉力
butcher's meat鲜肉
carcass meat鲜肉
cold meat冷藏肉
cooked meat medium煮肉培养基
corned meat腌肉
dark meat带血肉
deep frozen meat冻肉
dried meat干肉
dried meat flake processing肉脯加工
edible meat offals可食用碎肉
edible meat offals可食用下水内脏
fattening for meat production肉用型肥育
feeding for meat production肉用型肥育
fresh meat鲜肉
layout of meat processing plant肉制品厂设计
lean meat weight瘦肉重
marble meat大理石型肉
marble meat五花肉
meat-and-bone meal骨肉粉
meat autolysis肉类自体分解作用
meat autolysis肉类自解作用
meat bird肉鸡
meat bird housing肉鸡舍饲
meat breed肉用品种
meat center肉食中心
meat chopper碎肉机
meat crab肉蟹
meat extract肉膏
meat extract肉浸汁
meat extract agar肉膏琼脂
meat extract gelatine肉膏明胶
meat facility肉食设施
meat-fat ratio出脂率
meat-fat ratio肉脂比率
meat fiber肌肉纤维
meat fly丽蝇
meat fly肉蝇
meat for human consumption屠宰出售的肉类指肉铺出售的肉类
meat grinder磨肉机
meat infusion肉浸液
meat inspector肉类检验员
meat maggot
meat maggot肉蝇的幼虫
meat medium肉汁培养基
meat mincing machine碎肉机
meat packing肉类[加工]包装
meat percentage纯肉率
meat percentage出肉率
meat performance肉产量
meat performance testing肉产量的检验
meat poisoning肉中毒
meat poultry肉用家禽
meat preserves肉类腌藏品
meat preserves肉罐头
meat processing industries肉类加工业
meat producing capacity肉产生的能力
meat producing capacity肉的生产能力
meat producing capacity生肉力
meat ripening肉成熟作用
meat strain肉用品
meat sugar环己六醇
meat sugar肌糖
meat-type breed肉用品
meat-type pig肉用型猪
meat-type swine肉用型猪
meat ware肉食品
meat-ware factory肉食加工厂
meat weight纯肉重
meat yield出肉率
minced meat碎肉
poultry meat家禽肉
salted meat咸肉
salted meat腌肉
salted meat processing咸肉加工
slaughter and meat-dressing factory屠宰加工厂
slimy meat油腻肉
slimy meat肥肉
smoked meat熏制肉
tinned meat罐头肉
traditional Chinese meat product processing中国传统肉制品加工
unsalted meat未腌肉