
Terms for subject Business containing means | all forms | exact matches only
accidental means意外原因
according to one's means量力而行
accumulative means累计方式
accumulative means积累方式
accuracy in the mean平均精度
additional investment in the means of production追加生产投资
additivity of mean平均值加性
administrative means管理手段
among adjusted means调整平均数之间
analysis of means for treatment effects处理效用均值分析
appropriate means, currency in international practice国际通用惯例
appropriate the means of production占有生产资料
approximation in the mean平均近似值
arithmetic mean-geometric mean inequality算术几何平均不等式
arithmetic mean price算术平均价格
arithmetical means算术平均数
asymptotic mean渐进平均值
augmented sample moment about the mean增扩样本中心矩
auxiliary means辅助手段
basic means of consumption基本消费资料
basic means of production基本生产资料
best practicable means最佳作业法
between-columns mean square列间均方
between-the-mean variation均值间变差
beyond the means of ordinary consumer超岀一般消费者经济能力
by unfair means用不正当的方法
calculated mean value计算平均值
central mean中心均值
change in mean effect平均效率变化
class mean组平均值
Club small means together紧集微薄资力
cluster sample mean整群样本平均值
coefficient of mean equal contingency定额系数
combination power mean组合幂均值
commodification of the means of production生产资料商品化
common population mean公共总体均值
communicating means of post and telecommunication邮电通信手段
compensation for consumption of the means of production生产资料消耗补偿
confidence interval of mean均值置信区间
confidence limits for population means总体均值置信界限
constant mean常数均值
continuity in the mean square均方连续性
control chart for means平均数控制图
correction for mean平均校正值
correlation between mean and variance均值与方差相关
cumulative mean累计平均数
deviation from the mean偏离均差
difference between two means平均数间差异
difference in means方法差异
difference in means均值差异
difference in means and difference in proportions均差与比例差
difference of means平均数差异
distribution of differences in sample means样本平均数差异分布
distribution of means平均值分布
distribution of sample mean样本平均数分布
durable means of production生产资料
economic means of regulation经济调节手段
economic means of regulation经济管理方法
effective error mean square实际均方差
end and mean目的与手段
end-mean chain目的—手段链
end-mean relationship目的—手段关系
equation of mean motion平均数运动方程
error mean square误差均方值
estimate of expected mean期望平均数估计
estimate of mean平均值估计
estimated mean time between failures估计故障平均时间
estimation of mean平均数估算
expected mean期望平均数
expected mean life预期平均寿命
experimental sampling distribution of mean平均数的实验抽样分布
extended of mean value广义均值定理
extrapolated mean外推均值
extreme and mean ratio内外比
factor level mean要素水平平均
fair means正当手段
fair of means of production生产资料市场
false mean虚设平均数
first law of the mean第一平均值定律
forecast period mean squared error预测期均方误差
foreign means of payment对外支付手段
general mean总平均
general mean一般平均数
geometric mean estimator几何平均估计量
geometric mean time to repair几何平均修理时间
germanium epitaxial mean transistor锗外延台面晶体管
germanium mean transistor锗台面晶体管
grand mean总平均数
grand mean of sample样本总平均数
Greenwich Mean格林尼治标准时
Greenwich mean time格林威治平均标准时间
heating means加热平均值
illegal means不正当手段
increasing transportation capacity as an important means运输先行
independent means不靠工资为生的收入如靠地租或证券收益为生
industrial means of production工业生产资料
input-output model with additional restraint means of ecological balance附带生态平衡约束的投入产岀模型
interpretation of sample means样本平均数注释
labor exchange by means goods物的劳动交换
large-scale means of production大规模生产资料
lawful means合法手段
least mean-square error最小均方误差
limited means特定手段
linear estimators of the population mean总体平均值线性估计量
linear minimum-mean-square-error estimator线性最小均方误差估计式
live within one's means量入为出
log mean price对数平均价格
lowest monthly mean level最低月平均水平
Mac Queen K-mean method麦昆K均值法
man of means资本家
market for the means of production生产资料市场
market of means of livelihood生活资料市场
market of means of production生产资料市场
mathematical mean数学平均值
mean absolute deviation平均绝对离差
Mean Active Repair Time平均有效修理时间
mean and standard deviation for activity time工作时间的均值与标准差
mean annual efficiency年均效率
mean annual growth年均增长
mean annual profit年均利润
mean annual rate of growth年均增长率
mean annual rate of increase平均年度增长率
mean arithmetical form of an index指数的算术平均形式
mean average中数平均
mean change rate平均变动率
mean chart均值控制图
mean cycles between failure故障平均周期
mean cycles to failure至故障发生时的平均周期
mean difference method均值差分法
mean difference parameter平均差参数
mean down time平均停工期
mean effective horsepower平均有效功率
mean elasticity of loans to deposits of banks银行贷款对存款的平均弹性
mean-free error time平均无故障时间
mean free error time平均无差错时间
mean function of stochastic process平均随机过程函数
mean interest rate平均利率
mean interval平均间隔
mean lag平均滞后
mean length of the waiting line平均队长
mean life time平均寿命
mean method中庸法
mean number of customers in the system系统内顾客平均数
mean of Bernoulli population贝奴里群体平均数
mean of demerits平均缺陷数
mean of distribution分布平均值
mean of linear combination线性组合平均数
mean of observation观测值的平均值
mean of payment平均付款
mean of population群体平均值
mean of random variables随机变量平均数
mean of regression coefficients回归系数平均值
mean of sample样本平均数
mean of sample sum样本和平均数
mean of sum和数平均数
mean of the means平均值的平均数
mean of the sampling distribution抽样分布平均值
mean per unit单位平均值
mean product method平均乘积法
mean quantity平均数量
mean rank均值秩
mean rate of arrival平均到达率
mean rate of increase平均增长率
mean rate of return平均报酬率
mean recurrence time平均循环时间
mean relatives fluctuation平均相对波动
mean residual平均剩余
mean round between failures平均故障间隔周期
mean rounds between failure平均失效周期
mean simulation error平均模拟误差
mean solar time平均日照时间
mean square canonical correlation coefficient均方典型相关系数
mean square contingency coefficient均方联列系数
mean-square error analysis均方误差分析
mean-square error criteria均方误差准则
mean square successive difference均方递差
mean square value of periodic waveforms周期波动均方值
mean test平均检验次数
mean time before failure故障前平均工作时间
mean time between complaints平均障碍时间
mean time between defects downing平均减少故障时间
mean time between events事件间平均间隔时间
mean time between failures平均故障时间
mean time between human error平均人为误差间隔时间
mean time between interruptions平均中断时间
mean time between maintenance平均维修时间
mean time between maintenance action平均维修影响时间
mean time between repair平均修理时间
mean time between replacement平均更换时间
mean time to catastrophic failure平均大故障时间
mean time to failure平均故障时间
mean time to isolate平均发现故障时间
mean time to recover平均修复时间
mean time to system failure平均系统故障时间
mean time waiting for a spare平均等候排队时间
mean time-to-first-failure首次故障前平均工作时间
mean up time平均可能工作时间
mean up time平均可工作时间
mean utilization平均利用率
mean value中值
mean-value theorem平均价值理论
mean wage平均工资
mean wage rate平均工资率
mean waiting time平均等待时间
mean waiting time of an arrival in the queue来者排队平均等待时间
mean weighted加权平均值
mean year平均年度
means-ends analysis手段和目的分析
means-ends analysis method目标—手段分析法
means incommensurate to our wants入不敷出
means of accumulation积累方法
means of delivery交货方法
means of delivery运送方法
means of development开发手段
means of distribution分配方法
means of earning one's livelihood谋生手段
means of life生活资料
means of life谋生手段
means of livelihood in circulation流通生活资料
means of living谋生手段
means of production生产资料〔手段〕
means of production as means of production制造生产资料的生产资料生产
means of production in Category I一类生产资料
means of production in Category I一类物资
means of production in Category II二类生产资料
means of production in Category II二类物资
means of production in circulation流通生产资料
means of production service corporation生产资料服务公司
means of proof举证方法
means of purchase采购方法
means of recourse追偿办法手段
means of stock储存手段
means of supply供应方法
means of trading交易手段
means test财产调查
means test对接受救济人的家庭收入调查
means-tested benefits家庭经济情况调查后发放的救济金
means to save the situation补救办法
method of mean平均法
method of means and standard均值与标准偏差法
method of plane mean value平面均值法
minimization of mean time to detect平均检测时间极小化
minimum mean square error最小均方差
minimum mean-square-error最小均方误差
minimum mean-square-error estimator最小均方误差估计式
minimum mean-square-error forecast最小均方误差预测
minimum mean-square-error forecasting最小均方误差预测
minimum means of subsistence最低生活保证
modernization of communication means通讯手段现代化
modernization of means of information collection信息收集手段现代化
modernized control means现代化管理手段
modernized means of management现代化管理手段
modified mean square successive difference修正均方连续差
modified mean value修正平均值
monthly mean月平均值
monthly mean level月平均水平
more rapid growth of the means of production生产资料优先增长
narrow means穷困
national means of verification国家核査手段
negative means消极手段
non-means tested allowance非家计调查津贴
nontariff means非关税手段
observed mean failure rate平均失败率观测值
original means of production原始生产手段
overall mean总平均数
overall mean squared error总均方误差
paired sample means成对样品平均数
pooled mean square error合并均方误差
popularization means宣传工具
posterior mean后验均值
private means工资以外的收入
private means工资外收入
production of means of consumer goods消费资料生产
production of the means of production生产资料生产
progressive means累计平均
proportional mean比例平均值
purchase the basic means of production购买基本生产资料
quadratic mean二次平均
root-mean-square error criterion均方根误差准则
root mean square errors标准差
root mean square errors均方根误差
root mean square prediction error均方根预测误差
sample mean value样本平均值
sample period mean squared error样本期均方误差
second moment about the mean二阶中心矩
separation of means平均值区分
serial means序列平均值
smoothed exponential mean平滑平均数
standard deviation of estimate of mean平均数估计标准差
standard deviation of weighted mean加权平均数标准差
standard error of mean平均标准误差
stratum mean分层平均值
subclass mean子集平均值
subclass mean子类平均值
subgroup mean子组平均值
subgroup mean子群平均值
supply of means of production生产资料供应
test for homogeneity of means均质同质性检验
test for mean life平均寿命检验
test of differences among adjusted means匹配装置中的差异检验
test of distribution of means平均值分布检查
test on means方法检验
test on means检验手段
theorem of mean均值定理
time mean value时间平均值
treatment mean处理平均值
true mean实际平均值
true mean life实际平均寿命
true mean value实际均值
two sections of means of production生产资料两大部类
unacceptable mean life不可接受平均寿命
unbiasedness of sample mean样本平均数的无偏性
unfair means不正当手段
universe mean全域平均值
variance to mean ratio平均比率方差
variance-to-mean ratio方差均值比
variation about a mean平均变差
ways and means办法
ways and means筹款的办法
Ways and Means Advance英格兰银行暂付款指给财政部的短期贷款
weighted mean elasticity加权平均弹性
Wishart K-mean method威沙特K均值法
working mean工作平均数
yearly mean efficiency年平均效率
zero asymptotic mean value零渐近平均值
zero mean additive disturbance零均值加性扰动
zero mean random variable零均值随机变量