
Terms for subject China containing means | all forms | exact matches only
a variety of flexible means for cooperation灵活多样的合作方式
adopt a variety of flexible means for cooperation at regular or irregular intervals实行定期与不定期的灵活多样合作方式
any other means其他途径
artificial means人工培育
blind-guide means导盲手段
by any means用任何方法
by means of agreement通过协议
by means of assuming non-existent debt承担虚构的债务
by means of violence以暴力胁迫方法
by means of violence or intimidation以暴力、威胁方法
by means of violence or threat以暴力方法
by no means of violence or threat未使用暴力、威胁方法
by such means of compensation as assignment以出让等有偿使用方式
by the means mentioned in the preceding item以前项手段
Convention on the Means of Prohibiting and Preventing the Illicit Import Export and Transfer of Ownership of Cultural Property禁止和防止非法进出口文化财产和非法转让其所有权的方法的公约
credit means信贷手段
demolish the project by compulsory means强制拆除
destroy through mandatory means强制扑杀
discharge from the means of transport带离运输工具
employ economic means such as subsidies, discount interest, tax and pricing运用补助、贴息、税收、价格等经济手段 (to)
employ non-peaceful means and other necessary measures采取非和平方式及其他必要措施
entrust, or by other means以委托等方式
examine the means of transport检査运输工具
fraud by means of a letter of credit信用证诈骗活动
fraudulent means欺骗手段
illegal means非法手段
inward and outward means of transport进出境运输工具
kidnap a woman or child by means of anaesthesia麻醉方法绑架妇女、儿童
make innovations in the systems and means of government administration创新政府管理制度和方式
means and mechanisms for doing work related to deputies代表工作的形式与机制
means for executing执行方式
means of agricultural production农业生产资料
means of coercion胁迫手段
means of committing a crime犯罪方法
means of communications通讯方法
means of deceit欺诈手段
means of enforcing the mortgage interest抵押权实现方式
means of fraud欺诈手段
means of guarantee担保方式
means of public and centralized transaction公开的集中交易方式
means of rapid test快速检测方法
means of test检测方法
means of violence or intimidation暴力、威胁方法
modern means for teaching and learning现代化教学手段
non-peaceful means非和平方式
obtain approval by fraudulent means骗取批准
obtain approval by fraudulent means采取欺骗手段骗取批准
obtained by fraudulent means骗领
obtained by means of allocation以划拨方式取得
obtained by means of granting以出让方式取得
peaceful means和平方式
private ownership of the means of production生产资料私有制
property transfered by unlawful means非法转让的财产
purchase by means of tender offer要约收购
resort to military means靠武力
resort to military means求助于或者诉诸于军事手段
reunify the country through peaceful means以和平方式实现祖国统一
settle dispute through peace means和平方式解决争端
socialist public ownership of the means of production生产资料的社会主义公有制
socialist transformation of the private ownership of the means of production生产资料所有制的社会主义改造
technological means of reconnaissance技术侦察措施
the Law Against Competition by Inappropriate Means反不正当法
the Law Against Competition by Inappropriate Means反不正当竞争法
the Measures for Assisting Vagrants and Beggars with No Means of Support in Cities《城市生活无着的流浪乞讨人员的救助管理办法》
the private ownership of the means of production生产资料私有制
through forums, seminars, study classes and other means通过召开座谈会、报告会,举办学习班等形式
through multiple channels and by diversified means多渠道、多方式
transfer by unlawful means非法转让
transfer of land by unlawful means非法转让土地
under any name or by any means以任何名义、任何方式
unlawful detention or deprivation or restriction of citizens' freedom of the person by other means非法拘禁和以其他方法非法剥夺或者限制公民的人身自由
unlawful means非法的方法
use a combination oversight means综合运用各种监督形式
voyage insurance contract for a means of transport运输工具航程保险合同
work of addressing public complaints registered by means of letters and visits信访工作