
Terms for subject General containing means | all forms | exact matches only
a mean of平均数,…
a mean of 3 in.平均 3 英寸
a means to an end实现目的的手段
above mean sea level在平均海平面以上〔高度〕
an electric iron may be marked 400W or, which means the same thing, 0.4kW电烙铁上可能标明是400瓦或标上0,4千瓦,都是一回事
arithmetic mean算呆平均〔值〕
as a means ofM 作为 M 的工具〔方法〕
as a means ofM 作为M的工具〔方法〕
be of mean stature身材矮小
British mean time英国平均时间
by all manner of means无论如何
by all manner of means务必
by all manner of means必定
by all manner of means一定
by all means无论如何
by all means表示答应完全可以
by all means不惜一切
by all means以任何手段
by all means一定
by any means一定
by any means表示答应完全可以
by any means不惜一切
by any means以任何手段
by fair means or foul不择手段
by fair means or foul用任何方法
by fair means or foul无论用什么办法
by M meanM 的意思是 N (N)
by M mean用 M 表示 N (N)
by M mean所谓M指的是N (N)
by means ofM 以 M
by means ofM 借助于 M
by means ofM 通过 M
by means ofM 用 M
by no manner of means决不
by some means用这种或那种方法 (or other)
by some means设法 (or other)
by some means总得想个办法 (or other)
by some means以某种方法 (or other)
by the word"alloy" we mean "mixture ofmetals"用"合金"这个词来表示"金属的混合物"
by which means借此
controlling means控制设备〔机构,装置,方法〕
corrected mean temperature修正后的平均温度
dipping coil primary means电磁式检测设备
disperse means弥散剂
Do you mean we can go to your country at any time without any formalities?你的意思是说我们可以随时进入贵国而不需要办理任何手续吗?
Does it mean that any foreigner can obtain residency?这是不是说任何一个外国入境者都有居留权?
employ all available means用尽所有办法
employ all available means千方百计
European mean time欧洲平均时间
every conceivable means—切办法 (手段)
every means imaginable一切可以想得出的方法
Forgive me, I didn't mean to offend you对不起。我不是有意要冒犯你的
geometric mean radius输电线的几何平均半径
geometric mean radius平均几何直径
have a mean opinion of瞧不起
have a mean opinion of轻视
have a means of + ing能够有办法
have no means of + ing无法
have no means of telling无法知道〔看出,辨别〕
in the mean time同时
in the mean time在那过程当中
in the mean time当其时
in the mean time在这期间
in the mean time这时
indicated mean effective pressure指示平均有效压力气缸的
leave no means untried用尽各种手段
leave no means untried试尽一切办法
leave no means untried用尽方法
logarithmic mean difference对数平均差
logarithmic mean temperature difference对数平均温差
mean absolute error炸点对命中中心的误差
mean absolute error平均〔绝对〕误差
mean affine curvature仿射平均曲率
mean affine curvature仿射中曲率
mean area of effectiveness平均有效区轰炸时炸弹作用威力区
mean business是认真的
mean business当真
mean continuity中数连续
mean deviation平均偏差偏移
mean diurnal平均日
mean down-time平均空闲停机时间机器的
mean draft平均吃水深度船舶的
mean draft平均抽力
mean effective horsepower平均有效马力功率
mean European time欧洲平〔均〕时
mean M for指定M给N (N)
mean M for把M用来做N (N)
mean M for打算使 M 成为 N (N)
mean free flight time平均自由〔飞行〕时间
mean hemispherical candle-power平均半球面烛光
mean high water neaps小潮平均高水位
mean high water springs大潮平均高水位
mean horizontal candle-power平均平面烛光
mean indicated pressure平均指示图示压力
mean lethal temperature平均50%致死温度
mean level平均标高
mean level平均水位
mean level平均位面
mean low water neaps小潮平掏低水位
mean low water spring大潮平均低水位
mean lower hemispherical candle-power平均下半球面烛光
mean much很重要
mean observed range平均观测距离
mean point of burst平均爆发点
mean point of three points形〔重〕心
mean point of three points三点的中点
mean probable error平均概〔率误〕差
mean radical error平均径向误差
mean rate of creep【洽】平均蠕变速度
mean relative derivation平均相对偏差
mean reservoir pressure〔储气〕罐内平均力
mean score平均分
mean spheric candle-power平均球面烛光
mean-square-angle scatter均方角散射
mean summer time夏季平〔均〕时
mean tidal level平均涨潮水位
mean time平均区域时间
mean time平〔均〕时
mean time before failure〔可修理部件的〕修理间隔平均时间
mean time before failure故障〔发生〕前平均〔工作〕时间
mean time between errors误差码误差信号间平均时间
mean time between failures平均工作期限
mean time between failures损坏前平均寿命
mean time to failure故障〔发生〕前平均〔工作〕时间
mean time to failure平均寿命不能修复的设备或部件的
mean time to failure故障〔发生〕前平均工作时间
mean time to first failure最初平均寿命
mean time to first failure首次故障发生前平均工作时间
mean tone中音
mean trick卑鄙手段〔行为〕
means to save face or resolve a dispute台阶
microinch root mean square微英寸均方根
operating means工作液体
operating means工质
Please forgive me. I really didn't mean that请原谅,真的不是那个意思
Quality of design means the value inherent in the garment设计质量是指服装自身的内在价值
root mean square平均有效值 (value)
root mean square均方根〔值〕 (value)
root-mean-square current平均有效电流
root-mean-square current均方根电流
root-mean-square power平均有效功率
root-mean-square power均方根功率
root mean square strain平均有效应变
root mean square strain均方根应变
standard error of the mean标准平均误差
"T" stands for telephone call charge, and "L” means laundryT表示电话费,L是洗衣费
Taking a taxi here means there is no need for tip at all在这里打车不需要给小费
the idea of atoms means a great deal in chemistry化学上原子的概念是很重要的
The officer said that I don't have strong ties. What does that mean?签证官说我没有牢固约束力•那是什么意思?
the velocity of light is too great to be measured by ordinary means光速太高以致不能用普通的方法来测量
try every means用尽一切方法
try every means想尽办法
try every means用各种手段
try every means at one's disposal尽自己的一切力量
volts-root mean square均方根电〔伏特数〕
We know that BMW means better quality, and better aftersales service我们知道宝马无论是从质量还是从售后服务上都是做得非常好的
weight mean temperature加权平均温度
what do you mean by "matter"所谓物质指的是什么
what does this word mean这个词是什么意思
whatever do you mean你究竟是什么意思
You mean we have to wait until the fog lifts?你是说我们得等雾散了才能起飞?