
Terms for subject Bridge construction containing material | all forms | exact matches only
abrasion resisting material耐磨材料
adhesive material胶黏料
allowable value of shear stress of basic material基材剪应力容许值
analysis of labour and material expenses工料分析
anticorrosive material防腐材料
back up material填充材料
back-filling material回填材料
basic material母材
bedding material底层材料
below proof material废品
binding material胶结物
bituminous material沥青材料
bridge construction material建桥材料
bulk material松散材料
capacity of material to resist the effect of load材料承受荷载作用的能力
characteristic standard value of a property of material材料性能标准值
composite material组合材料
compressible material压缩性材料
construction material工程材料
construction material consumption norm建筑材料消耗定额
cost of material材料用费
dampproof material防潮材料
design value of a property of material材料性能设计值
divided material松散材料
drainage material排水材料
elastic-brittle material弹脆性材料
elastic-plastic material弹塑性材料
equipment and material器材
examination of material材料检验
facing material镶面材料
facing material饰面材料
factory of safety for structural material结构材料的安全系数
filling material behind abutment台后填充材料
fine material细粒材料
fine-graded material细级配料
fine-sorted material细粒材料
fire proof material耐火材料
fire-resistant material抗火材料
fireresisting material防火材料
firsthand material第一手材料原始材料
flame proof material耐火材料
fragile material脆性材料
frost-proof material防冻材料
frost-resistant material防冻材料
geological exploration material地质勘探资料
granular material粒料
gunite material喷浆材料
heat-transfer material传热材料
homogeneous anisotropic material匀质各向异性材料
homogeneous isotropic material匀质各向同性材料
homogeneous material匀质材料
impervious material不透水土层
impregnating material浸注材料
inelastic material非弹性材料
infilling material填充料
list of material quantities材料数量表
local material就地材料
lump material块料
man-made construction material人造建筑材料
masonry material圬工材料
material bill材料单
material characteristics材料性能
material compilation资料汇编
material cost材料用费
material expense of engineering工程材料费
material factor of safety材料的安全系数
material for prefabricated expansion joint预制伸缩缝材料
material homogeneity factor材料均匀系数
material nonlinearity材料非线性
material of uniform strength均匀强度材料
material price list材料价格表
material property材料特性
material record材料记录
material requirement材料需要量
material resistance材料抗力
material sample材料样品
material shortage材料短缺
material stock材料储备
material straightening材料整直
material strength材料强度
material supplying材料供应
material testing report材料试验报告
material unit price, unit price of material材料单价
material wastage材料损耗
material wastage rate材料损耗率
material yield strength材料屈服强度
mother material母材
name of material材料名称
non-ideal material不理想材料
non-metal material非金属材料
order of material charging投料顺序
packing material填充物
parent material母材
partial coefficient for property of material材料性能分项系数
paving material铺砌材料
perfect elastical material完全弹性材料
perfect elastic-plastic material完全弹塑性体
perfectly brittle material完全脆性材料
perfectly elastic material完全弹性材料
permeable material渗透性材料
property of material材料性能
quantity of material材料数量
recording material记录材料
report for material testing材料试验报告
seasoned material风干材料
seepy material透水材料
standard nominal strength of material材料的标称强度
standard value of material材料性能标准值
stiff material刚性材料
stream borne material河流挟带物
supplementary material补充材料
supplied material供应材料
surfacing material铺面材料
talus material坡积物
thermal insulation material保温材料
virgin material原始材料
virgin plate material未用过的板材
waterproof material防水材料
waterproofing material防水材料