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Acoustical Materials' Association声学材料协会
action of lens material透镜镜体作用
Admiralty Materials Laboratory海军部材料实脍研究
Advanced Materials Engineering Co.尖端材料工程公司
Aeronautical Materials Laboratory航空材料实验研究
Aeronautical Materials Specification航空材料技术规范美国 SAE 制订的;常写作 SAE/AMS
Aerospace Materials Specification宇航材料技术规范
Air Force Materials Laboratory空军材料实验研究
American Material Handling Society美国材料运搬学会
American Society for Testing and Materials美国材料试验学会
an element is made of but one kind of material元素仅仅是由一种物质组成的
Army Aviation Material Command陆军航空器材司令部
Army Aviation Materials Laboratory陆军航空兵材料试验所
Army Materials and Mechanics Research Center陆军材料力学研究中心
Army Materials Research Agency陆军材料研究局
As kaolin is a loose raw material, it is easy to be quarried and needs no cracking so that it can be washed directly由于高岭土是一种疏松的土质原料,较易开采,且无须粉碎,可直接进行淘洗
be material toM 对 M 很重要
bill of material processor材料表处理机
British Institute of Materials英国材料协会
Bureau of Aeronautics material officer航空局材料员
Buweps Industry Material Reliability Advisory Board海军武器局工业材料可靠性咨询委员会
China National New Building Materials Corporationназв.комп. 中国新型建筑材料公司
China Scientific Instrument & Materials Corporationназв.комп. 中国科学器材公司
cladding material镀〔覆盖〕层
cladding material外包材料
cobalt-base permanent magnet material钻基永磁合金
contactor material接触器材料
contactor material接点材料
Controlled Materials Plan控制材料计划由美国商业部全国生产管理 f 执行的
Defense Materials Procurement Agency国防物资采购局
difficult-to-obtain material难以获得的材料
Directorate of Materials and Explosives Research and Development材料与炸药研究发展局
Directorate of Materials and Structures Research and Development材料与结构研究发展局
elastomeric insulation material合成橡胶绝缘材料
elastomeric shield material弹性体屏蔽材料
electric insulating material standard电绝缘材料协会标准
Engineering Materials&Design工程材料与设计英国杂志名
Feed Material Processing Center核燃料精炼中心
flocking material植绒材料,植绒布
hazardous material违禁品
heavy element radioactive material electromagnetic separator重放射性同位素电磁分离器
High-Temperature Materials, Inc.高温材料公司
How much would a suit made of this material cost?用这种料子做一套衣服要多少钱?
I it depends upon whether the material is stiff enough我不知道〔可疑的是; 这取决于〕这材料的刚度是否够大
I it is doubtful whether the material is stiff enough我不知道〔可疑的是; 这取决于〕这材料的刚度是否够大
I wonder whether the material is stiff enough我不知道〔可疑的是; 这取决于〕这材料的刚度是否够大
if the short is near inflammable material, it may start a fire如果在易燃物附近发生短路,可能会引起火灾
Institute for Composite Material复合材料研究所
Institute of Materials Research材料研究所
International Association for Testing Materials国际材料试验协会
International Federation for the Heat Treatment of Materials国际材料热处理联合会
Irradiated Materials Laboratory辐照材料实验研究
Is this material colorfast?这种材料会褪色吗?
Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures智能材料系统与结构杂志
Journal of Material Science材料科学杂志
Journal of Nuclear Materials核子材料杂志
library material图书〔馆〕资料
Material and Structure Laboratory材料与结构实验研究美国通用汽车公司技术中心所属的
Material Engineering材料工程学美国杂志名
material handing crane运料吊车
material handling材料储运
Material Laboratory材料实验〔研究〕所
material of marked substance极为坚实的材
material of this sort这种材料
Material Research Corp.材料研究公司
Material Science & Technology材料科学与技术
material specifications材料的技术条件
Materials Advisory Board材料咨询委员会美国国家科学研究委员会所属的
Materials for Industry Data and Application Service工业材料数据及用途咨询处
Materials Research Laboratory材料研究实验所
minus No. 3 material小于 3 筛号的材料
National Association of Secondary Materials Industries全国再生原料工业联合会
Naval Aeronautical Materials Laboratory海军航空材料实验研究
Naval Air Material Center海军航空材料研制中心
Naval Material Laboratory海军材料实验研究
New International Association for Testing Materials新的国际材料试验协会
Nuclear Materials and Equipment Corp.核子材料及设备公司
Office of Naval Material海军材料局
Ordnance Materials Research Office军械材料研究处
organo-metallic material有机金属材料
Panel on Ordnance Materials军械材料小组委员会美国 RDB 所属的
Plastic Materials Manufacturers' Association塑料制造业协会
Plastic Materials Manufacturers' Association聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯
Price of the material is also on the rise throughout other parts of Asia, including Indonesia and Singapore材料价格在亚洲的其他地方也在上升,包括印尼和新加坡
qualitative material requirement材料质量要求
Radiation Material Corp.辐射材料公司
Raw Materials Operations Office原料业务处 (USAEC 所属的)
recycled material回炉废钢
Reich Institute for Material testing国立材料试验研究所西德
Research Laboratory for Mechanics of Materials材料力学研究实验所美国马萨诸塞州理工学院所属的
Research Materials Information Center研究资料情报中心 (ORNL 所属的)
Rub the beer lightly into the material, and the stain should disappear轻轻地将啤酒搓擦进布料,这样污渍就会消失
sink material沉料
sink material浮选中的重料
Society for the Advancement of Materials and Process Engineering材料与加工工程促进协会
Society of Aerospace Materials and Processing Engineers宇航材料与加工工程师协会
special nuclear material特殊核子材料
stopping material堵口料
Substitute Alloy Materials Laboratory代用合金材料实验研究美国哥伦比亚大学所属的
sulplus material剩余材料
Technical Materials Corp.技术资料公司
teflon insulation material泰氟纶绝缘材料
the capability of a material to conduct物质传导的能力
The exclusive brass peacock is available in different size and weight and the material will surely make it last for a lifetime这种黄铜孔雀独一无二,有不同的大小和重量,这种材料无疑能让它保存一辈子
The ivory material has been applied widely for manufacture of cutters象牙已广泛用于制作切割工具
the material behaves elastically这材料呈弹性
the material has some properties all its own这种材料有它一些特有的性质
the material machined机加工的材料
The spun silk is the best material for pillowcase绢丝是做枕套的最好料子
thermo control coating material热控涂层材料
this material cannot withstand strong stresses, nor can it resist high temperatures这种材料既经不住重压,也抗不住高温
this sort of material这种材料
Tussah silk, as high-end clothing and decorative material, has a very broad market place柞蚕丝作为衣服及装饰用的高档面料,有着非常广阔的市场空间
UNIVAC bill of material processor random system通用电子〔数字〕计算机材料表处理机随机系统
UNIVAC bill of material processor sequential system通用电子〔数字〕计算机材料表处理机程序系统
war readiness material战备物资
we can't discover any material in an element but itself否定的关系代词相当于 who not, that not 没有不…的
we can't discover any material in an element but itself我们不可能发现任何别的物质
we can't discover any material in an element but itself除该元素本身之外
we can't discover any material in an element but itself在一个元素里
when manpower and material shortages ease当人力和材料缺乏的情况缓和时