
Terms containing martial | all forms | exact matches only
China, lawactivities against the martial law反对戒严的活动
China, lawarea under martial law戒严地区
avia.court-martial order军事法庭判决书
China, lawduring the period of martial law戒严期间
China, lawexecute the order of martial law实施戒严令
China, polit.impose martial law实行军事管制
China, lawlift the martial law解除戒严
exhib.martial art武术
wushu.martial art武艺
wushu.martial artist武术家
wushu.martial artist武术家
sport.martial arts武术
sport.martial arts中国古代体育武艺
sport.martial arts中国古代体育 武艺
sport., folk.martial arts武艺
textilemartial attire戒装
sport.martial dance中国古代体育武舞
sport.martial dance中国古代体育 武舞
sport., folk.martial dance武舞
spaceMartial dust storm火星尘暴
desert.martial eagle猛雕
tech.martial ethiops磁性氧化铁
China, lawmartial -la w-executing organ戒严实施机关
lawmartial law军事管制法
lawmartial law戒严令
China, lawmartial law戒严
China, lawmartial law command戒严指挥机构
China, lawmartial law task戒严任务
China, lawmartial-law-enforcing officer戒严执勤人员
China, laworder of martial law戒严令
China, lawproclaim the order of martial law发布戒严令
gen.proclamation of martial law宣布戒严
wushu.traditional Chinese martial arts中国国术
wushu.traditional Chinese martial arts武术
wushu.traditional Chinese martial arts国术
wushu.traditional Chinese martial arts武术
wushu.traditional Chinese martial arts功夫
gen.under martial law在戒严地区内
gen.under martial law在戒严期中