
Terms for subject Architecture containing maintenance | all forms | exact matches only
annual maintenance年度保养维修养护
bare pavement maintenance使路面外露的除雪养护
cost of maintenance养护费
cost of maintenance维修保养
field maintenance现场安装
installation and maintenance安装维修的
maintenance charge修缮费
maintenance cost养护维修,保养
maintenance crew养护工作队
maintenance depot修配厂
maintenance division维修队
maintenance dredging例行清淤
maintenance engineer养护工程师
maintenance equipment养路设备
maintenance facility辅助设备
maintenance force养护工队力量
maintenance foreman养护力量
maintenance-free life路面耐久年限
maintenance hangar飞机修理棚
maintenance load test维持载荷法 (试桩)
maintenance manipulation养路维修工作
maintenance outlay维修费用
maintenance period保修期限
maintenance point维修点
maintenance prevention维修设施
maintenance process养护方法程序
maintenance shed保状态养性车库
maintenance superintendent养路主管工程师
maintenance work日常维修工作
routine maintenance经常性养护
running maintenance日常检修