
Terms for subject Finances containing machine | all forms | exact matches only
accounting machine会计机器
accounting machine记帐机
accounting tabulating machine会计制表机
automated teller machine自动售货机
automated teller machine-自动出纳机
automatic teller machine银行自动柜员机
banding machine自动存取机
billing machine开发票机
billing machine记帐机
bookkeeping machine簿记机器
bookkeeping machine活页簿记机
check signing machine支票银码机
check signing machine支票签名机
check signing machine支票签字机
check writting machine支票填写机
check-protecting machine支票印纹机
coin counting machine硬币计数机
computing accounting machine会计计算机
electric bookkeeping machines电子记帐机
electrical accounting machine电动会计机
electronic accounting machine电子记帐机
growth machine增长模式
keypunch machine键控穿孔机
keypunch machine打孔机
ledger posting machine分类账过账机
ledger posting machine过帐机
listing-adding machine记帐加数两用机
machine burden机器制造费用
machine hour method机器小时法分批制造费用的标准,按机器小时分摊成本法
machine hours basis for manufacturing overhead rates制造费用率的机器小时法
machine hours basis for overhead application制造费用分配的机器小时法
machine ledger机器分类帐
machine method of accounting会计的机器整理
machine posting机器过帐
machine procedures机器处理程序
machine rate method机器比率法
machine setting costs机器安装成本
machine work report机器工作报告
map of machine location机器位置图
multiple register accounting machines复式记录器会计机
multiple register bookkeeping machines复式记录簿记机器
national machine accountants association全国机器记帐会计人员协会
standard machine hour标准机时
standard machine tool标准机床
tabulating machine编表机