
Terms for subject Aviation containing low-pressure | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
bootstrap-cycle refrigeration system with separate low-pressure water separator低压除水升压式空气循环制冷系统
cock low pressure cock低压开关 (设计在飞机燃油系统中的通断式低压开关,通常紧接在主燃油供给箱之后。一旦关闭,供给发动机的燃油被切断。这个开关可以手动,也可以电动控制)
high pressure low flow高压低流量
high pressure/low pressure高压/低压
low and high pressure oxygen service低/高压氧气服务
low and high pressure oxygen低/高压氧
low oil pressure低滑油压力
low pressure air line低压空气管路
low pressure case cooling低压机匣冷却
low pressure check valve低压单向阀
low pressure compressor低速压气机
low pressure LP compressor低压压缩机
low pressure core低压轴
low pressure differential低压差
low pressure fuel cooled oil cooler低压燃油冷却的滑油冷却器
low pressure fuel pump低压燃油泵
low pressure fuel system低压燃油系统 (燃油系统的一部分,又称 aircraft fuel system (飞机燃油系统))
low pressure fuel turbopump低压燃油涡轮泵
low pressure gas filled低压充气的
low pressure ground connection低压地面接头
low pressure injection system低压喷射系统
low pressure oxidizer turbopump低压氧化剂涡轮泵
low pressure oxygen低压氧
low pressure oxygen service低压氧气服务
low pressure oxygen system低压氧气系统
low pressure rotor低压转子
low pressure rotor speed低压转子转速
low pressure switch〔支〕低压开关
low pressure turbine active clearance control低压涡轮主动间隙控制
low pressure turbine case cooling〔客〕低压涡轮壳体冷却
low pressure turbine clearance低压涡轮间隙
low pressure turbine clearance control低压涡轮间隙控制
low pressure turbine cooling低压涡轮冷却
low pressure turbine nozzle低压涡轮喷嘴
low pressure turbine overspeed低压涡轮超转
low pressure turbine rotor低压涡轮转子
low pressure turbine stator低压涡轮静子
low pressure valve低压活门
low pressure warning switch低压告警开关
low pressure water separator低压水分离器
low-temperature and low-atmospheric pressure test低温低气压实验
oxygen low pressure低压氧
oxygen supply line, low pressure〔支〕低压氧导管
simple-cycle refrigeration system with separate low-pressure water separator低压除水简单式空气循环制冷系统
three-wheel bootstrap-cycle refrigeration system with separate low-pressure water separator低压除水三轮式空气循环制冷系统