
Terms containing low-cost | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
chem.advanced low cost technology先进低成本工艺
busin.amortization of low cost and short lived articles低值易耗品摊销
econ.amortization schedule of low cost and short lived articles低值易耗品摊销分配表
busin.amortization schedule of low cost and short lived articles低值易耗品摊销表
avia.assembly/fabrication-damaged low cost manufactured parts装配/加工中损坏的低值自制件 (自制零件,在随后装配操作中损坏,或按工程需要更改)
avia.assembly/fabrication-damaged low cost purchased parts装配/加工中损坏的低值外购件 (从供应商获得的零件,在随后装配操作中损坏,或需工程更改)
earth.sc.automated low cost weather observation system低费用自动天气观测系统
avia.buildup low cost advanced titanium structure组件式低成本钛结构
spacebuildup low-cost advanced titanium structure组件式低价先进钛结构 (钛加上超级塑料等,用于发动机制造)
avia.build-up low-cost advanced titanium structure组件式低价先进钛结构 (钛加上超级塑料等,用于发动机制造)
avia.cost low bound成本下限
el.fiber-optic low cost system低成本光纤系统
navig.floated low-cost inertial platform浮式低成本惯性平台
el.global low cost relay全球低成本中继
tech.high low method of cost estimation成本估算的咼低法
el.high reliability low cost integrated circuit高可靠低成本集成电路
busin.high-low method of cost estimation成本预测高低点法
spaceLOCI NS low cost integrated navigation system低成本综合导航系统
busin.low cost低价
busin.low cost成本低的
econ.low cost低费用值易耗品
econ.low cost廉价
el.low cost廉价的
econ.low cost低成本
met.low cost低成本
plast.low cost廉价
busin.low cost便宜的
tech.low cost低造价
avia.low cost重量轻、费用低
tech.low cost低费用
gen.low cost廉价〔的〕
avia.low cost aerial trainer低成本航空训练器
spacelow cost air target低成本空中目标
spacelow cost air target低成本靶机
avia.low cost air target低成本空中靶子
avia.low cost aircraft低成本飞机
busin.low cost and short lived articles低值易耗品
busin.low cost and short lived articles in store在库低值易耗品
busin.low cost and short lived articles in use在用低值易耗品
el.low cost anti-armor submunition低成本反装甲子母弹
busin.low cost area低费用地区
interntl.trade.low cost automation低成本自动化
agric.low cost automation低代价自动化
spaceLow Cost Autonomous Attack System低成本自主攻击系统
spacelow cost boost technology低成本助推技术
ITlow cost code低成本码
avia.low cost combustor development program低成本燃烧室研制计划
el.low cost competent munition program低成本长期军火供应计划
gen.low cost computer attachment廉价的计算机附件
busin.low cost country低成本国家招发展中国家
busin.low cost credit低息贷款
avia.low cost cruise missile defense低成本巡航导弹防御
mil., air.def.low cost cycle低寿命周期费用
mining.low cost development system低成本开发系统
el.low cost electronic warfare suite低成本电子战套件
mil., air.def.low cost electronic warfare suite低成本电子战装备
spacelow cost expendable launch vehicle低成本一次使用运载火箭
plast.low cost extender廉价增量增容,增充
anim.husb.low cost feeding低成本饲养
anim.husb.low cost feeding低价饲料
el.low cost fiber低成本光纤
avia.low cost flight guidance低成本飞行制导
el.low cost graphics terminal低成本图形终端
busin.low cost housing低价住房
tech.low cost housing低造价的住宅建设
busin.low cost housing area低价经济住房地区
busin.low cost housing project低价住房计划
avia.low cost inertial低成本惯导系统
spacelow cost inertial guidance system低成本惯性制导系统
el.low cost integrated navigation system低成本综合导航系统
avia.low cost interceptor低成本拦截器
el.low cost interconnection低成本互连
avia.low cost launch vehicle低成本发射飞行器
avia.low cost loitering carrier低成本空中巡逻运载器
avia.low cost low altitude dispenser低成本低空分配器
avia.low cost mini cruise missile低成本微型巡航导弹
el.low cost missile system低成本导弹系统
avia.low cost modular spacecraft低成本模件航天器
el.low cost module低成本模块
el.low cost module廉价组件
radiolow cost module廉价微型组件
busin.low cost of money低利息
busin.low cost of money低利率
telecom.low cost optical fiber LAN低成本光纤局域网
tech.low cost pavement简易沥青路面
plast.low cost plasticizer廉价增塑剂
polym.low cost plasticizer低价增塑剂
spacelow cost precision kill低成本精确杀伤
el.low cost printer廉价打印机
el.low cost printer低成本打印机
econ., agric.low cost product低成本产品
econ.low cost production低成本生产
tech.low cost road低级道路
tech.low cost road低造价道路
tech.low cost road简易道路
el.low cost seeker低成本自动导引头
avia.low cost simulation testbed低成本模拟试验台
el.low cost solid logic technology低成本固态逻辑技术
telecom.low cost system廉价系统
avia.low cost systems office低成本系统办公室
spacelow cost tactical imager低成本战术成像仪 (美国军用技术试验卫星)
busin.low cost technology低成本技术
el.low cost terminal低成本终端
earth.sc.low cost test platform低费用试验平台
el.low cost uncooled sensor prototype低成本非致冷传感器样机
consult.low cost utilities低费用的公共设施
avia.low cost wing低成本机翼
manag.low labor cost较低劳务成本
tech.low labor cost低劳动成本
tech.low labour cost低劳动成本
mil., air.def.low life cycle cost低寿命周期费用
avia.low life cycle cost avionics寿命周期低成本航空电子设备
econ.low nominal-cost currency名义费用低的货币
securit.low of cost or market成本与市场价孰低法
fin.low production cost低的生产成本
busin.low production cost低生产成本
logist.low-cost advantage低成本优势领先地位
busin.low-cost area低费用地区
mil., air.def.low-cost array for the detection of infrared红外探测用低成本阵列
el.low-cost arrays for the detection of infrared低成本红外探测阵列
busin.low-cost automation低成本自动化
tech.low-cost automation低价自动化
spacelow-cost autonomous strike system低成本自主攻击系统
tech.low-cost bituminous surface低价沥青路面
el.low-cost compact tester低成本小型测试仪
tech.low-cost compacting method简易击实法
busin.low-cost computer简易计算机
tech.low-cost computer简易型计算机
textilelow-cost country低成本国家
textilelow-cost credit低息贷款
textilelow-cost credit低息信贷
securit.low-cost credits低息信贷
proj.manag.low-cost defender低成本防御型
tech.low-cost die低值模具
spacelow-cost dispenser低成本布撒器
tech.low-cost dredging简易疏浚
tech.low-cost dwelling house廉价住宅
expl.low-cost explosive廉价炸药
fin.low-cost exports廉价出口
polym.low-cost filler廉价填料
fin.low-cost finance低成本融资
food.serv.low-cost food低成本食品
tech.low-cost goods廉价值货
busin.low-cost high-return investment低成本、高收益的投资
tech.low-cost highway低级公路
tech.low-cost highway价公路
tech.low-cost homes低价住房
tech.low-cost homes低价住宅
tech.low-cost house廉价住宅
environ.low-cost housing Residences built at minimal expense and designed to keep the rental rate or price of purchase affordable for persons with limited means, usually determined by an annual income level set below the local median低成本住房 (最小成本建设的公寓,旨在保持出租率或购买价格为小户收入者负担得起,这种小户通常由一年收入低于当地平均水平来确定。)
tech.low-cost housing价住宅
tech.low-cost housing低标准房屋
IMF.low-cost housing低成本住房
tech.low-cost housing低价住房
busin.low-cost housing area低价住房地区
interntl.trade.low-cost housing areas低价住房地区
busin.low-cost housing project低价住房计划
interntl.trade.low-cost housing projects代成本住房计划
securit.low-cost index tracker低成本指数追踪型基金
spacelow-cost inertial廉价惯导系统
logist.low-cost leadership低成本优势领先地位
spacelow-cost modular spacecraft低成本模件式航天器
el.low-cost multichip module低成本多芯片组件
el.low-cost optimized optical passive components低成本最佳无源光学元件
el.low-cost packet radio network低成本分组无线网
tech.low-cost pavement低造价路面
tech.low-cost pavement简易路面
proj.manag.low-cost position低成本地位
econ.low-cost producer生产费用低的生产者
busin.low-cost producers低成本生产者
econ.low-cost rediscount facilities低息再贴现手段
tech.low-cost road低级道路
tech.low-cost road简易道路
bridg.constr.low-cost road简易公路
tech.low-cost road价道路
tech.low-cost road低价公路
tech.low-cost road surface简易路面
spacelow-cost satellite廉价人造卫星
el.Low-Cost Silicon Solar Array Project低成本硅太阳能电池阵列计划
el.low-cost solar array低成本太阳能电池阵列
tech.low-cost sorbent廉价吸附剂
water.res., ecol.low-cost sorbents廉价吸附剂
tech.low-cost surface低价路面
tech.low-cost surface低级路面
interntl.trade.low-cost technologies低成本技术
fin.low-cost technology低成本技术
el.low-cost vision system低成本视觉系统
el.low-cost weapon delivery system低成本武器投射系统
econ.lowest average cost最低平均成本
el.lowest cost routing最低成本路由选择
spacelowest life cycle cost最低全寿命周期成本
textilelowest possible cost最低可能成本
textilelowest possible cost最低成本
econ.lowest production cost最低生产成本
spacelowest total overall cost最低总费用[成本]
econ.lowest total overall cost最低总成本
econ.monopolistic competition failure to attain lowest average cost独占性竞争未能做到最低平均成本
econ.necessity for operation at point of lowest average cost, for optimum economic welfare为求最佳经济福利,必须在最低平均成本点上生产
el.powered low cost autonomous attack system带动力装置的低成本自主攻击系统
busin.principle of high demand and the lowest production cost高需求与最低生产成本原理
busin.principle of high demand and the lowest production cost高需求与低生产成本原理
econ.principle of high demand & the lowest production cost高需求与最低生产成本的原理
interntl.trade.procuring equipment at lowest practicable cost最低价格购得设备
busin.procuring equipment at lowest practicable cost按最低价购置设备
econ.produce with low cost廉价生产
busin.produce with low cost廉价产品
UN, polit.Seminar on Road Traffic Accident Recording, Analysis and Low-cost Remedial Measures公路交通事故记录, 分析和低成本补救措施讨论会
footwearShort period, high quality and low cost of dies are premier conditions on which enterprises participate in market competition模具的短周期、高质量和低成本是企业参与市场竞争的先决条件
el.small low-cost interceptor device小型低成本截击设备
avia.very low cost harassment vehicle极低成本空中骚扰飞行器
avia.very low cost harassment vehicle极廉价空中骚扰飞行器