
Terms for subject Electronics containing low cost | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
fiber-optic low cost system低成本光纤系统
global low cost relay全球低成本中继
high reliability low cost integrated circuit高可靠低成本集成电路
low cost廉价的
low cost anti-armor submunition低成本反装甲子母弹
low cost competent munition program低成本长期军火供应计划
low cost electronic warfare suite低成本电子战套件
low cost fiber低成本光纤
low cost graphics terminal低成本图形终端
low cost integrated navigation system低成本综合导航系统
low cost interconnection低成本互连
low cost missile system低成本导弹系统
low cost module廉价组件
low cost module低成本模块
low cost printer廉价打印机
low cost printer低成本打印机
low cost seeker低成本自动导引头
low cost solid logic technology低成本固态逻辑技术
low cost terminal低成本终端
low cost uncooled sensor prototype低成本非致冷传感器样机
low-cost arrays for the detection of infrared低成本红外探测阵列
low-cost compact tester低成本小型测试仪
low-cost multichip module低成本多芯片组件
low-cost optimized optical passive components低成本最佳无源光学元件
low-cost packet radio network低成本分组无线网
Low-Cost Silicon Solar Array Project低成本硅太阳能电池阵列计划
low-cost solar array低成本太阳能电池阵列
low-cost vision system低成本视觉系统
low-cost weapon delivery system低成本武器投射系统
lowest cost routing最低成本路由选择
powered low cost autonomous attack system带动力装置的低成本自主攻击系统
small low-cost interceptor device小型低成本截击设备