
Terms for subject Business containing lost | all forms | exact matches only
cancellation of a lost instrument注销遗失票据
cancellation of a lost instrument遗失票据作废注销
cancellation of lost instruments注销遗失票据
days lost工作日损失
destroyed or lost bond毁损或遗失的证券
discount lost折价权丧失
discount lost折扣丧失如未及时付款,则不能享有购货折扣
discount lost lapsed折价权丧失
disposal of claim for consignments lost or damage货物灭失或残损的索赔处理
full premium if lost定期船舶保险条件之一全损时补缴全部保险费
full premium of lost全损保费
identifying the win-lose complex辨识得失的复杂性
labor lost徒劳
lose a train误车
lose ability丧失能力
lose ability of business丧失业务能力
lose ability of control丧失控制能力
lose ability of living丧失生活能力
lose ability of management丧失管理能力
lose ability of payment丧失支付能力
lose ability to control the market丧失控制市场的能力
lose one's capital亏本
lose credit失去信用
lose custom丧失生意
lose effectiveness失效
lose efficacy失效
lose in transit途中丢失
lose one's market失去销路市场
lose money in a business生意亏本
lose money in business亏本
lose one's ability of activity丧失活动能力
lose one's ability to live丧失生活能力
lose one's ability to work丧失工作能力
lose one's capital亏本
lose one's reputation丧失信誉
lose out on company merger公司合并失败
lose one's reputation失去信誉
lose one's right of recourse丧失追索权
lost and profit accounting损益核算
lost and profit accounting system损益核算制
lost articles遗失的物件
lost bill of exchange遗失汇票
lost bills遗失票据
lost bills of exchange遗失的汇票
lost certificate挂失证件
lost certificates遗失的证券
lost checks遗失的支票
lost cost损失成本
lost cost虚耗成本
lost days停工时间
lost days浪费时间
lost discount丧失折扣权
lost goods遗失的货物
lost negotiable instrument遗失的流通证券
lost notes遗失的票据
lost or not lost clause不论灭失与否条款系海运提单和海运保险单上条款
lost or not lost clause灭失或不灭失条款
lost policy holder遗失保险单的保单持有人
lost production time无效生产时间
lost share遗失股票
lost space损失舱位指般内货物未装满的空隙造成的损失,意即空隙也算舱位费
lost stock certificate遗失股票
lost time accountable to the workers工人责任造成的损失时间
lost unit损耗产品
lost-wax casting蜡模铸造
no time lost勿失时机
owner of lost property财产失主
pieces lost损失工件
pieces lost at machine机器上损失的工件
seek for something lost寻找失物
units lost in production损失产量
working days lost through the stoppage因罢工而损失的工作日数