
Terms for subject Sports containing lost | all forms | exact matches only
blood lost in enteron消化道出血
games lost败场数
ground lost失去的地段
In running races, a difference in speed of reaction to the pistol shot can result in several meters gained or lost赛跑比赛中、对枪声反应的快慢可能造成好几米的得失
judge sb to lose the game判定…失败
lose a good chance错过良机
lose an election落选
lose body heat失体温
lose by a margin差点胜
lose by a neck差点胜
lose consciousness失去知觉
lose heart垂头丧气
lose narrowly以微小比分输掉
lose off one's form竞技状态失常
lose on purpose故意输掉
lose one's breath喘不过气来
lose one's composure沉不住气
lose one's edge失去锐气
lose one's form竞技状态不好
lose points on purpose故意失分
lose the game输掉比赛
lose the match to败给
lose the match to负于
lose usual form打法失常
lose weight减轻体重
lose weight体重减轻
lost ballpaddleball 打飞失踪球
lost edge失去的锐气
lost the lead失去领先地位
lost time延误比赛的时间
regain one's lost glory重振雄风
restore one's lost glory重振雄风
set lost负局
The runner lost his breath in running这位运动员跑得喘不过气来
won-lost percentage胜负比例