
Terms for subject General containing lost | all forms | exact matches only
A tourist can get very, very lost in Yucatan!旅游观光者在尤卡坦半岛会迷路迷得云里雾里!
afraid I've lost my way. Where can I take a bus if I want to go back to the downtown?我恐怕迷路了。如果我想回市中心,我在哪可以坐公共汽车?
be lost迷路
be lost in埋头〔专心〕于
be lost in a fog茫然
be lost in a fog迷茫
be lost in a fog如堕五里雾中
be lost in admiration令人惊叹
be lost in admiration赞叹不已
be lost in reverie发呆
be lost on…对…不起作用〔没有影响〕
be lost to耗费在…上
be lost to感觉不到…
be lost to…不再受…影响
be lost to all feeling全无心肝
be lost to all feeling麻木不仁
be lost to sight消失了
be lost to sight再也看不见了
be lost upon…对…不起作用〔没有影响〕
be lost without resource无可挽回地失败〔完蛋〕了
Could you describe your lost handbag and give me a number where we can reach you? Lost and found will call you if it's recovered您可以描述一下丢失的手提包,并留下联系方式吗?如果找到了,失物招领处会打电话通知您
either win the saddle or lose the horse要么完全失败
either win the saddle or lose the horse孤注一掷
either win the saddle or lose the horse要么完全成功
Excuse me, could you please tell me the way to the Sofitel Hotel? I kind of get lost打扰一下,你能告诉我去索菲特酒店的路吗?我好像迷路了
Excuse me. Could you tell me how to return to the Radisson Hotel? I am afraid I lost my way对不起,请你告诉我怎样回雷迪森饭店好吗?我恐怕迷路了
goals lost失分数
have nothing to lose but everything to gain有百利而无一弊
Hmm...Thin, I guess I'm trying to lose weight嗯……我想薄的好,我正在减肥
I have lost my child somewhere around the washroom我的孩子在洗手间周围不见了
I lost my hand bag. There are a digital camera, a wrist watch, a passport, some travelers cheques and also a credit card in it我把手提包弄丢了。里面有一部数码相机、一块腕表、护照,还有几张旅行支票和一张信用卡
I lost my passport. Can I have them reissued?我护照丢失啦,能补发一个吗?
I think I'm lost! Could you tell me how to get to Trafalgar Square?我想我迷路了!你们可以告诉我怎样才能到达特拉法加广场吗?
I want to file a lost baggage claim我要申报行李遗失
I've lost my traveler's checks我的旅行支票丢了
lose a bet赌输〔贏〕了
lose an opportunity错过机会
lose one's bearings迷失方向
lose one's breath喘不过气来
lose one's breath喘气
lose one's composure沉住〔沉不住〕气
lose one's consciousness失去知觉
lose count of不知有多少
lose count of忘记数到哪儿了
lose count of数不过来
lose courage丧失勇气
lose credit with sb.在某人眼中失去威信
lose credit with sb.失去某人的信任
lose one's face失面子
lose one's face丢脸
lose faith in对…失去信任
lose flesh消瘦
lose flesh变瘦
lose one's footing丧失立场
lose one's footing跌跤
lose one's footing失足
lose one's grip松开
lose one's grip再也抓不住
lose one's grip再也抓不住
lose ground失利
lose ground让步
lose ground
lose ground退却
lose one's head失去理智
lose one's head热中
lose one's head慌张
lose heart灰心
lose heart失去勇气
lose one's heart to变得喜爱
lose one's heart to倾心于
lose hold of失把柄
lose hold of松手
lose M in the shuffle在混乱中把M漏掉
lose one's labour白化〔浪费〕劳动力
lose no time不失时机
lose no time抓紧时间
lose no time及时
lose no time in + ing不失时机
lose no time in + ing赶紧立刻,不失时机地
lose no time in + ing抓紧时间
lose no time in + ing及时
lose one's bearings晕头转向
lose one's head冲动
lose one's way迷路
lose oneself消失
lose oneself迷路
lose oneself in埋头〔专心〕于
lose oneself in verbiage废话连篇
lose out
lose out失败
lose piece失子
lose plant
lose one's reckoning因失算而达不到目的 (of)
lose one's reckoning船长等因误算经纬度而误航 (of)
lose one's sight成瞎子
lose one's sight失明
lose sight of再也看〔望〕不见
lose sight of忘记
lose sight ofM 看不见 M 了
lose sight ofM 忽略 M
lose sight ofM 忘记 M
lose sight of忽略
lose step失步
lose synchronism失步
lose the bell败北
lose the bell被击战败
lose the day战败
lose the feel of失去对…的了解
lose the feel of不再了解…
lose the field战败
lose the run of同…失去接触
lose the run of不熟悉… 的情况
lose the run of不密切注意…
lose the substance for the shadow舍本逐末
lose the the day战败
lose the way迷路
lose time拖延
lose time钟表
M lose N toM失去N并把N传给P (P)
M lose N toM把N传〔丢〕给P (P)
lose touch withM 和 M 失去联系
lose track ofM 不留意M
lose track ofM 与M失去接触
lose track ofM 失去M的线索
lose track ofM 忘记 M
lose track ofM 未能跟上M的进程〔发展〕
lose track of...不知…之所在〔的情况〕
lose way减低速度
lose weight体重增加〔减少〕
lose weight减肥
lose one's wind喘气
lose one's wits丧失理智
lost baggage report丢失行李登记单
a lost cause没希望的事
a lost cause已注定的败局
lost count漏计数
lost count略去的读数
lost count漏〔略去的〕读数
lost helmet掉失的头盔
be lost in reverie陷人幻想中
lost in the mists of time时间久了渐被遗忘
lost labour徒劳
lost mallet掉失的马球棍
lost property form失物单
lost the saddle从马上掉下来
lost time休风时间
lost to view再也看不见了
My driver's license, some credit cards, and more than $200 in cash are all lost我的驾照、信用卡和两百多美元现金,都丢了
My handbag was lost. Could I have it registered?我的手提包丢了,我可以做一个登记吗?
Please explain in detail when and where and how you lost your purse请详细介绍你何时何地钱包丢失的
property lost遗失物品
Pyramiding Lose-Weight Plan金字塔减肥计划
the machine has lost somewhat of its speed这台机器的速度有点变慢了
the watch is loses这表慢了〔快了,准,不准,走快了,走慢了,停了,从昨天起快了十分钟〕
there is a portion of energy lost有一部分能量丧失了
there is not a moment to lose一分钟也不能浪费
There's always a long queue when I was shopping in Paris. I almost lost my patience我在巴黎购物时总得排老长的队,等得都快没耐心了
this is the very key for that lock, I lost it in this very room这正是那把锁的钥匙,我就是在这房间里把它弄丢的
this wood has lost its tone.这块木材失去了弹性
Under the 1999 Montreal Act, international airlines are required to offer their customers compensation for lost or damaged luggage for up to $3,000依据 1999年《蒙特利尔公约》,国际航空公司须为行李丢失或损坏的顾客支付高达3 000美元的赔偿金
We may have lost some baggage, so like to make a lost baggage report我们可能遗失了几件行李,所以必须填份行李遗失报告
We may have lost some baggage, so we'd like to make a lost baggage report我们的一些行李丢失了,所以想填写一份丢失行李登记单
We may have lost some baggage, so we'd like to make a lost baggage report我们可能遗失了几件行李,所以必须填份行李遗失报告
We're lost in this masquerade我们沉浸于这场假面舞会中
We've checked our Lost and Found list, but your glasses did not appear on it我们已经查过了我们的失物招领单,但上面没有您的眼镜
When you lost your passport, you must go to the police station for a missing certificate and apply again for consulate护照丢失时,应立即到警察局开遗失证明书,再向领事馆申请补发
Where is the Lost and Found Office?失物招领处在哪?
Would you please fill out the lost property form? So we can contact you if it's located您填一下失物单好吗?如果有人发现了,我们可以和您联系
Yesterday afternoon, I arrived at Lyon. Then I called a taxi to the Sheraton Hotel. After that, when I put my luggage in order, I found my handbag missing. I supposed I lost it in the taxi昨天下午到达里昂,然后叫一辆出租车到了喜来登酒店,当我收拾行李时,发现手提包不见了,我估计是丢在出租车上了
You can fill in this lost property report, and I'll keep my eye out for it你来填张失物登记表,我会替你留意的