
Terms containing lost | all forms | exact matches only
gen.A tourist can get very, very lost in Yucatan!旅游观光者在尤卡坦半岛会迷路迷得云里雾里!
fisheryabandoned, lost or otherwise discarded fishing gear遗弃、丢失或以其他方式抛弃的渔具
tech.accounting for lost unit损失产品会计处理
gen.afraid I've lost my way. Where can I take a bus if I want to go back to the downtown?我恐怕迷路了。如果我想回市中心,我在哪可以坐公共汽车?
econ.All she possessed was lost in the collapse of her company公司破产后,她失去了所有财产
tech.allowance for lost time时间损失津贴
footb.allowance for time lost允许补足的时间
footb.allowance for time lost扣除损失时间
econ.allowances for lost time时间损失津贴
tech.amount of lost circulation material堵漏料用量
China, lawamount of the lost value减少的价值
expl.As the expanding gases compress such material, energy is lost rapidly and pressure and temperature drop sharply in the reaction products. These losses are communicated to the interior of the reaction zone as a rarefaction wave, lowering the pressure and reaction rate, and ultimately removing support far the propagation of the detonation front由于膨胀气体挤压这种物质、致使能量损失速度快、爆后产物的压力和温度迅速下降。这些损失作为膨胀波传到反应区之内、因而降低了压力和反应速率、且最终消除了对爆震波面传播的能量支持
golf.ball lost遗失球
gen.be lost迷路
gen.be lost in埋头〔专心〕于
gen.be lost in a fog茫然
gen.be lost in a fog迷茫
gen.be lost in a fog如堕五里雾中
gen.be lost in admiration令人惊叹
gen.be lost in admiration赞叹不已
gen.be lost in reverie发呆
gen.be lost on…对…不起作用〔没有影响〕
gen.be lost to耗费在…上
gen.be lost to感觉不到…
gen.be lost to…不再受…影响
gen.be lost to all feeling全无心肝
gen.be lost to all feeling麻木不仁
gen.be lost to sight消失了
gen.be lost to sight再也看不见了
gen.be lost upon…对…不起作用〔没有影响〕
gen.be lost without resource无可挽回地失败〔完蛋〕了
sport., med.blood lost in enteron消化道出血
tech.cable lost掉电缆
tech.call lost system明显损失制
interntl.trade.cancellation of a lost instrument注销遗失的票据
busin.cancellation of a lost instrument注销遗失票据
busin.cancellation of a lost instrument遗失票据作废注销
busin.cancellation of lost instruments注销遗失票据
tech.car rolling resistance lost车辆基本阻力能损失
dril.cement slurry lost-circulation retarder水泥浆防漏剂
tech.cheque lost支票挂失
tech.chequered lost head nail棋盘格的切头桩
tech.coefficient of time lost时间损失系数
dril.combat lost circulation堵漏
China, lawcompensate for lost function补偿功能
mil., air.def.contact lost目标丢失
avia.contact lost目标消失
tech.contact lost目标失踪
avia.contact lost轨迹消失
tech.contents lost内容丢失
econ.convalidation of lost certificates共同证明遗失证书的有效性
gen.Could you describe your lost handbag and give me a number where we can reach you? Lost and found will call you if it's recovered您可以描述一下丢失的手提包,并留下联系方式吗?如果找到了,失物招领处会打电话通知您
busin.days lost工作日损失
econ.deduction for time lost作业损失时间的扣除
econ.destroyed or lost bond损毁或遗失的债券
busin.destroyed or lost bond毁损或遗失的证券
fin.discount lost折扣损失
econ.discount lost折扣失效
interntl.trade.discount lost折价权之丧失
econ.discount lost折扣丧失
busin.discount lost折价权丧失
interntl.trade.discount lost折扣丧
busin.discount lost折扣丧失如未及时付款,则不能享有购货折扣
busin.discount lost lapsed折价权丧失
busin.disposal of claim for consignments lost or damage货物灭失或残损的索赔处理
econ.disposal of claim for consignments lost or damaged丢失或残损货物托付信用
tech.drag piece lost掉刮刀片
gen.Excuse me, could you please tell me the way to the Sofitel Hotel? I kind of get lost打扰一下,你能告诉我去索菲特酒店的路吗?我好像迷路了
gen.Excuse me. Could you tell me how to return to the Radisson Hotel? I am afraid I lost my way对不起,请你告诉我怎样回雷迪森饭店好吗?我恐怕迷路了
China, lawextent of labor capacity lost丧失劳动能力的程度
tech.full premium if lost全损时补缴全部保险费
econ.full premium if lost全损全费
busin.full premium if lost定期船舶保险条件之一全损时补缴全部保险费
interntl.trade.full premium if lost告失后补缴全部保险费
econ.full premium if lost全损时付还保险费
tech.full premium if lost遗失后补缴全部保险费
busin.full premium of lost全损保费
sport, bask.game lost by default比赛因缺少队员而告负
sport, bask.game lost by forfeit比赛因弃权而告负
sport.games lost败场数
tech.gear lost掉牙轮
gen.goals lost失分数
sport.ground lost失去的地段
China, lawhave the right to recover a lost-and-found thing有权追回遗失物
econ.He has lost contact with us他已和我们失去了联系
gen.I have lost my child somewhere around the washroom我的孩子在洗手间周围不见了
gen.I lost my hand bag. There are a digital camera, a wrist watch, a passport, some travelers cheques and also a credit card in it我把手提包弄丢了。里面有一部数码相机、一块腕表、护照,还有几张旅行支票和一张信用卡
gen.I lost my passport. Can I have them reissued?我护照丢失啦,能补发一个吗?
gen.I think I'm lost! Could you tell me how to get to Trafalgar Square?我想我迷路了!你们可以告诉我怎样才能到达特拉法加广场吗?
gen.I want to file a lost baggage claim我要申报行李遗失
sport.In running races, a difference in speed of reaction to the pistol shot can result in several meters gained or lost赛跑比赛中、对枪声反应的快慢可能造成好几米的得失
commer.In the case of an actual total loss, the subject matter is so completely and irretrievably lost that the only course open to the insured is to recover the loss from the insurer在实际全损的情况下,保险标的物已无可挽救地完全丧失,被保险人惟一可采取的办法就是向保险人要求赔偿
China, lawincome lost by missing work因误工减少的收入
telecom.intensity of traffic lost损失的话务量
econ.invisible lost time无形损失时间
gen.I've lost my traveler's checks我的旅行支票丢了
fin.Japan's lost decades日本"失去的几十年"
busin.labor lost徒劳
anim.husb.lambed and lost泌乳空怀绵羊
tech.lock full lost闸门灌水损失
interntl.trade.loss or not lost clause减失或不减失条款
nautic., tech.lost AIS target失踪的 AIS 目标
libr.lost ancient book逸【遗、佚】书
manag.lost and found office失物招领处
busin.lost and profit accounting损益核算
busin.lost and profit accounting system损益核算制
China, lawlost-and-found objects拾得遗失物
China, lawlost-and-found thing遗失物
tech.lost area损失面积
tech.lost area无功面积
tech.lost argon氩丢失量
busin.lost articles遗失的物件
tech.lost articles accompanying passengers旅客遗失物品
gen.lost baggage report丢失行李登记单
golf.lost ball遗失的球
golf.lost ball丢球
golf.lost ball遗失球
sport.lost ballpaddleball 打飞失踪球
dril.lost bearing掉轴承
textilelost bill遗失票据
interntl.trade.lost bill of exchange遗失的汇票
commer.lost bill of exchange挂失汇票
busin.lost bill of exchange遗失汇票
securit.lost bill of exchange reported挂失汇票
busin.lost bills遗失票据
busin.lost bills of exchange遗失的汇票
securit.lost bond遗失的债券
nautic., tech.lost buoyancy损失浮力
tech.lost buoyancy method损失浮力法
telecom.lost call未接通的呼叫
telecom.lost call呼损
telecom.lost call损失的呼叫
telecom.lost call attempt损失的试呼
telecom.lost call attempt损失呼叫尝试
telecom.lost call system呼损制如未能接通,立即拒绝
gen.a lost cause没希望的事
gen.a lost cause已注定的败局
interntl.trade.lost certificate遗失的证券
busin.lost certificate挂失证件
busin.lost certificates遗失的证券
textilelost check挂失支票
fin.lost check遗失支票
tech.lost check遗失的支票
busin.lost checks遗失的支票
dril.lost circulating zone漏失层段
tech.lost circulation全漏失
earth.sc.lost circulation洗井液漏失
dril.lost circulation循环漏失
dril.lost circulation井漏
tech.lost circulation泥浆漏失
dril.lost circulation alarm井漏警报
earth.sc.lost circulation gum洗井液漏失胶质
tech.lost circulation interval漏水段
dril.lost circulation material液柱压力计
earth.sc.lost circulation materials堵漏材料
earth.sc.lost circulation materials〔冲洗液〕防漏添加剂
tech.lost circulation of drill hole钻孔漏失
dril.lost circulation plug堵漏水泥塞
tech.lost circulation pressure漏失压力
dril.lost circulation test facility井漏试验装置
dril.lost circulation zone漏失层段
dril.lost circulation zone漏失层
dril.lost-circulation zone漏失层【带】
tech.lost clause灭失条款
telecom.lost cluster丢失的簇
tech.lost-color process落色工艺
tech.lost-colour process落色工艺
auto.lost communication失去通信
tech.lost condition丢失状态
tech.lost condition迷失状态
dril.lost cone掉牙轮
dril.lost cone钻头掉牙轮
tech.lost core孔内残留岩芯
auto.lost-core method失芯法
auto.lost-core principle失芯法
auto.lost-core techniquetechnology失芯技术工艺
tech.lost cores during lifting提升时损失岩芯
tech.lost cores during lifting提升时丢失岩芯
tech.lost cores during lifting提升时脱离岩芯
econ.lost cost损失的成本
busin.lost cost损失成本
busin.lost cost虚耗成本
textilelost costs损失成本
textilelost costs无效费用
fin.lost costs白费的成本
fin.lost costs损失的成本
gen.lost count漏计数
tech.lost count漏失计数
gen.lost count略去的读数
tech.lost count漏读数
gen.lost count漏〔略去的〕读数
tech.lost data损失数据
busin.lost days停工时间
busin.lost days浪费时间
fin.lost discount折价权之丧失
fin.lost discount丧失折价权
busin.lost discount丧失折扣权
tech.lost drill pipe磨损的钻杆
sport.lost edge失去的锐气
tech.lost energy能量损失
auto.lost-foam casting process去泡沫铸造工艺采用泡沫塑料型芯的铸造方法
telecom.lost frame丢失帧
interntl.trade.lost goods遗失货物
busin.lost goods遗失的货物
tech.lost ground漏失的 (材料)
tech.lost ground落后的
tech.lost ground残留岩芯
tech.lost ground处于劣势
tech.lost ground失败的
tech.lost ground失利的
met.lost head冒口部分
met.lost head切头
tech.lost head落差水头损失
tech.lost head损头
tech.lost head废品
tech.lost head水头损失
tech.lost head压头损失
construct.lost head nail大头钉
tech.lost-head nail埋头钉
tech.lost-head nail小头钉
met.lost heat热量损失
met.lost heat热损失
met.lost heat不合格熔炼
tech.lost heat损失热 (量)
polo.lost helmet掉失的头盔
tech.lost hill孤立残山
desert.lost hill孤立残丘
expl.lost hole报废炮孔
golf.lost hole输掉的洞
dril.lost hole因井下落物或井壁坍塌不能钻进的井
golf.lost hole输掉的穴
multimed.lost in hyperspace迷失在超空间
gen.be lost in reverie陷人幻想中
gen.lost in the mists of time时间久了渐被遗忘
dril.lost-in-hole price花费在井内的费用
securit.lost instrument遗失票据
libr.lost item遗失图书
interntl.trade.lost labor虚耗人工
econ.lost labour虚耗人工
econ.lost labour浪费人工
gen.lost labour徒劳
environ., Canada, amer.lost line fire失去的火线
polo.lost mallet掉失的马球棍
tech.lost material损耗的材料
tech.lost material磨损材料
tech.lost material消耗的材料
met.lost metal金属损耗 (喷溅、烧损等造成的)
tech.lost money in business亏蚀
tech.lost motion滞后运动
life.sc.lost motion空转〔动〕
life.sc.lost motion无效〔无载,空载〕行程
tech.lost motion空载行程
tech.lost motion无效运转
auto.lost motion无效花费
auto.lost motion空动从动件运动由于屈服或松弛相对于驱动件运动的滞后
tech.lost motion废料
tech.lost motion空运转
agric.lost motion无载荷运转
wind.lost motion空转
tech.lost motion空转 (动)
tech.lost motion隙动差
tech.lost motion滞差运动
tech.lost motion of micrometer测微器隙动差
tech.lost motion of screw齿隙差
tech.lost mountain立残
tech.lost mountain孤立残丘
desert.lost mountain孤山
busin.lost negotiable instrument遗失的流通证券
fin.lost negotiable instruments遗失流通证券
textilelost note挂失票据
textilelost note遗失票据
fin.lost note遗失纸币票据
busin.lost notes遗失的票据
tech.lost of gloss失光
tech.lost of not lost clause灭失或不灭失条款
tech.lost-oil lubrication无效油润滑
avia.lost on assembly装配成本
tech.lost or not lost clause不管损失已否发生的条款
interntl.trade.lost or not lost clause不论已否发生损失条款
interntl.trade.lost or not lost clause不论灭失与否条款
commer.lost or not lost clause不论损失与否条款
busin.lost or not lost clause不论灭失与否条款系海运提单和海运保险单上条款
busin.lost or not lost clause灭失或不灭失条款
tech.lost or not lost clause货物损失运费照付条款
met.lost pass【压】 空轧道次
met.lost pass空轧道次
met.lost pattern一次模型
tech.lost pattern casting失模铸造
tech.lost policy holder失踪被保险人
busin.lost policy holder遗失保险单的保单持有人
interntl.trade.lost policy holder遗失保险单的保险单持有人
tech.lost policy holder投保人失踪
econ.lost production time生产时间的损失
busin.lost production time无效生产时间
gen.lost property form失物单
mil., air.def.lost pulse脉冲
dril.lost rate of circulation井漏速率
dril.lost record层序间断
dril.lost record地层缺失
dril.lost return泥浆进多返出少的井漏
dril.lost return zone漏失层段
dril.lost returns返出钻井液漏失
dril.lost returns material堵漏材料
tech.lost river潜人河
agric.lost river隐人河
desert.lost river隐入河
dril.lost roller掉滚柱
dril.lost roller掉牙轮
tech.lost round失效炮孔组
auto.lost sale缺货
securit.lost sale失去销路
securit.lost sale滞销
plann.lost sales销售损失
tech.lost sales丧失销售
fin.lost sales cost销售损失成本
fin.lost share遗失的股份
busin.lost share遗失股票
securit.lost share certificate遗失股票证
tech.lost ship失踪船舶
busin.lost space损失舱位指般内货物未装满的空隙造成的损失,意即空隙也算舱位费
fin.lost stock certificate遗失的股票
busin.lost stock certificate遗失股票
dril.lost strata层序间断
dril.lost strata地层缺失
tech.lost stream潜入河
tech.lost stream干河
tech.lost stream隐入河
construct.lost surface磨掉的面层
tech.lost surface磨损的面层
tech.lost surfacing磨耗的面层
tech.lost surfacing磨损面层
telecom.lost synchronization coefficient失步系数
nautic., tech.lost target失踪目标
dril.lost teeth掉齿
dril.lost teeth钻头掉齿
China, lawlost the course迷失航向
sport.lost the lead失去领先地位
gen.lost the saddle从马上掉下来
China, lawlost thing遗失物
commer.lost time消耗的时间
sport.lost time延误比赛的时间
tech.lost time消耗工时
met.lost time无效时间
met.lost time【铁】休风时间
met.lost time损失时间
auto.lost time停歇
telecom.lost time损失时间传真的死角区扫描时间
interntl.trade.lost time虚耗时间
auto.lost time停歇止,顿时间
econ.lost time停工时间
cast.iron.lost time休风时间
busin.lost time accountable to the workers工人责任造成的损失时间
fin.lost time book耗时间簿
econ.lost-time injury frequency停工时间伤害事故频率
gen.lost to view再也看不见了
dril.lost tool落井工具
dril.lost torq扭矩消失
nautic., tech.lost tracked target失踪的被跟踪的目标
telecom.lost traffic损失话务
telecom.lost traffic放弃的话务
telecom.lost traffic损失业务量
telecom.lost traffic放弃的业务
telecom.lost traffic损失业务
econ.lost transaction失去销路
econ.lost transaction滞销
busin.lost unit损耗产品
econ.lost units损耗产品
econ.lost units损失产量
tech.lost update丢失修改
econ.lost usefulness用途消失
tech.lost usefulness效用消失
tech.lost water水损耗
nautic., tech.lost waterplane area损失水线面的面积
met.lost wax失蜡精密铸造 (process)
busin.lost-wax casting蜡模铸造
tech.lost wax casting熔模铸造
auto.lost-wax castingprocess失蜡精密,熔模铸造
tech.lost wax casting蜡模铸造法
avia.lost wax casting process失蜡铸造法
met.lost-wax investment casting熔模铸造
met.lost-wax investment casting失蜡铸造
avia.lost-wax molding熔模法造型
met.lost-wax mould熔模造型
met.lost-wax mould失蜡造型
met.lost-wax moulding熔模造型
met.lost-wax investment moulding失蜡造型
met.lost-wax investment moulding熔模造型
met.lost-wax moulding失蜡造型
manag.lost wax process脱腊法
compr.lost-wax process失蜡浇铸
compr.lost-wax process熔模浇铸
steel.lost wax process蜡模铸造法
tech.lost wax process熔模铸造法
met.lost-wax process熔模铸造法
met.lost-wax process蜡模铸造法
met.lost-wax process失蜡铸造法
tech.lost wax process熔模铸过程
chem.lost wax process wax emulsion蜡模铸造法
chem.lost work损失功
econ.lost-workday injury frequency损失工作日的伤害事故频率
tech.lost working hours unaccountable to workers非工人责任造成的损失时间
libr.lost works reconstructed辑佚书
polym.low lost plasticizer低耗增塑剂
securit.matched and lost匹配和损失
securit.matched and lost竞投证券时掷币决定方法
econ.My customs papers have been lost我的海关票证遗失了
gen.My driver's license, some credit cards, and more than $200 in cash are all lost我的驾照、信用卡和两百多美元现金,都丢了
gen.My handbag was lost. Could I have it registered?我的手提包丢了,我可以做一个登记吗?
telecom.no lost time无耗时间
econ.no time lost不失时机
busin.no time lost勿失时机
interntl.trade.not responsible for anything lost失物自理
UN, tech.operational stocks up to 10 per cent of authorized quantity designed as immediate replacement for vehicles lost or damaged beyond in-theatre repair capability特遣队可保持有限的作业储备不超过批准数量的10%,以用于迅速替换业已损失的或在战区无法进行保养的损坏车辆
tech.ore lost in this year本年度损失矿量
tech.oval lost head nail椭圆形埋头钉
tech.oval lost head nail椭圆形地板钉
econ.owner of lost property失主
busin.owner of lost property财产失主
telecom.percent of call lost电话呼损率
China, lawperson in danger of being lost at sea海上人命
busin.pieces lost损失工件
manag.pieces lost at machine在机器上损失的工件
busin.pieces lost at machine机器上损失的工件
gen.Please explain in detail when and where and how you lost your purse请详细介绍你何时何地钱包丢失的
tech.position of lost circulation zone漏层井深
gen.property lost遗失物品
telecom.proportion of lost calls呼损率
China, lawpublish a notice of the finding of the lost thing发布招领公告
econ.purchase discount lost购货折扣损失
avia.radar contact lost失去雷达接触 (①这个术语用于空中交通管制中,告知飞行员用来确定飞机位置的雷达数据不再提供。这种丢失可以归咎于几个因素,包括飞机的信号与气象或地杂波混合,飞机在雷达视线覆盖以下飞行,飞机进人弱雷达反射信号区域,飞机的应答机失灵,或者地面雷达设备失灵。②用于截击机,表示目标飞机不再在雷达屏幕上。这可能是因为目标飞机已离开拦截雷达视场范围或离开雷达探测距离范围,或者是其他原因)
telecom.rate of lost call呼损率
tech.rate of lost circulation漏失速度
libr.reconstruct lost works辑佚
China, lawrecover a lost-and-found thing追回遗失物
sport.regain one's lost glory重振雄风
interntl.trade.reporting lost挂失
sport.restore one's lost glory重振雄风
dril.restoring lost circulation恢复循环
tech.restoring lost circulation恢复冲洗液循环
tech.restriction lost circulation恢复循环
econ.revenue lost流失的财政收入
tech.round lost head nail土钉
tech.round lost head nail角钉
tech.round lost head nail圆形无头钉
tech.round lost head nail曲头钉
econ.search the lost item寻找丢失件
busin.seek for something lost寻找失物
sport.set lost负局
econ.She lost all her money when the bank failed当这家银行倒闭时,她损失了所有的钱
met.shell lost wax process壳型失蜡铸造法
tech.ship lost or not lost不论船舶损失与否
dril.shut off lost circulating zone封堵漏层
tech.silo of concrete blocks acting as lost form work无模板的混凝土块材筒仓
dril.simultaneous kicking and lost circulation边喷边漏
dril.simultaneous lost circulation and blowout边喷边漏
tech.slip teeth lost掉卡瓦牙
manag.spot checks on lost time浪费时间记录
tech.steel ball lost掉弹子
tech.subsidence due to lost ground地层流失导致的沉降
agric.substance lost by leaching物质受淋洗而损失
tech.surface lost coefficient地面损耗系数
tech.take-up the lost motion收紧游隙
tech.target lost目标失踪
gen.the machine has lost somewhat of its speed这台机器的速度有点变慢了
econ.The market has lost it's vitality these days这些天来市场毫无生气
econ.the reporting lost挂失
sport.The runner lost his breath in running这位运动员跑得喘不过气来
gen.there is a portion of energy lost有一部分能量丧失了
gen.There's always a long queue when I was shopping in Paris. I almost lost my patience我在巴黎购物时总得排老长的队,等得都快没耐心了
gen.this is the very key for that lock, I lost it in this very room这正是那把锁的钥匙,我就是在这房间里把它弄丢的
gen.this wood has lost its tone.这块木材失去了弹性
tech.time lost in waiting for等待损失时间
mining.total time lost总时间损失
tech.train recovering time lost列车恢复正点
tech.train running at gaining speed for making up time lost列车赶点运行
China, lawtreat the goods as lost认为货物已经灭失
tech.unavoidable lost-time不可避免的时间损失
gen.Under the 1999 Montreal Act, international airlines are required to offer their customers compensation for lost or damaged luggage for up to $3,000依据 1999年《蒙特利尔公约》,国际航空公司须为行李丢失或损坏的顾客支付高达3 000美元的赔偿金
busin.units lost in production损失产量
energ.ind.value of lost load负荷停电损失值
gen.We may have lost some baggage, so like to make a lost baggage report我们可能遗失了几件行李,所以必须填份行李遗失报告
gen.We may have lost some baggage, so we'd like to make a lost baggage report我们的一些行李丢失了,所以想填写一份丢失行李登记单
gen.We may have lost some baggage, so we'd like to make a lost baggage report我们可能遗失了几件行李,所以必须填份行李遗失报告
gen.We're lost in this masquerade我们沉浸于这场假面舞会中
gen.We've checked our Lost and Found list, but your glasses did not appear on it我们已经查过了我们的失物招领单,但上面没有您的眼镜
gen.When you lost your passport, you must go to the police station for a missing certificate and apply again for consulate护照丢失时,应立即到警察局开遗失证明书,再向领事馆申请补发
gen.Where is the Lost and Found Office?失物招领处在哪?
econ.won-lost percentage胜负比率
sport.won-lost percentage胜负比例
manag.working day lost through the stoppages罢工停工工人日数
busin.working days lost through the stoppage因罢工而损失的工作日数
gen.Would you please fill out the lost property form? So we can contact you if it's located您填一下失物单好吗?如果有人发现了,我们可以和您联系
gen.Yesterday afternoon, I arrived at Lyon. Then I called a taxi to the Sheraton Hotel. After that, when I put my luggage in order, I found my handbag missing. I supposed I lost it in the taxi昨天下午到达里昂,然后叫一辆出租车到了喜来登酒店,当我收拾行李时,发现手提包不见了,我估计是丢在出租车上了
gen.You can fill in this lost property report, and I'll keep my eye out for it你来填张失物登记表,我会替你留意的
comp., net.You have lost你上当了
racingzero-mark lost零次扣分
dril.zone of lost circulation漏失层段
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