
Terms containing loss-of-power | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
el.loss of all power失去所有电源
el.loss of auxiliary power失去所有辅助电源
el.loss of circulator driving power循环水泵失去动力
el.loss of external power supply失去厂外电源
el.loss of external power supply电网断电事故
spaceloss of grasping power握力丧失
fin.loss of political power失去政治权力
busin.loss of power功率损耗
wind.loss of power功率损失
wind.loss of power动力损失
el.loss of power供电损失
nucl.pow.loss of power失去电源
el.loss of power电量损失
tech.loss of power电源损耗
hydroel.st.loss of power outage per kWh每千瓦时停电损失
securit.loss of purchasing power购买力损失
el.loss-of-pump-power accident泵失去动力事故
el.loss-of-pump-power accident泵断电事故
tech.power loss of electric current电流功耗
tech.power loss of electrical current电流功耗
oilpower loss of pump泵内功率损失
avia.serious loss of power or thrust严重丧失功率或推力
el.total loss of power失去所有电源
el.total loss of power全厂断电
mil., air.def.transmitted power loss of a radome天线罩传输损耗