
Terms containing loss of time | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
sport.loss of time时间拖延
agric.loss of time时间浪费
interntl.trade.loss of time时间损失
chess.term.loss of time时间落后
agric.loss of time时间消失
sport.loss of time损失时间
busin.loss of time marine clause海运滞期条款
textileloss of working time工时损失
textileloss of working time误工
busin.loss-of-time insurance丧失就业能力补偿保险
China, lawsubsidize for the loss of work time误工补贴
proj.manag.The measure is now down 0.4% for the early going of 2010, the first time it has ended with a year-to-date loss今年截至目前、该指数已下跌了 0.4%、为首次跌至2010年年初水平以下
el.time variation of loss损耗的时间变差
gen.without any loss of time马上
gen.without any loss of time毫不迟延地
gen.without any loss of time即刻