
Terms for subject General containing look you | all forms | in specified order only
Blue looks good on you你穿蓝色好看
Here are your invoices. Do you need a minute to look over them?这是您的发票,您要不要花点时间把它过一遍?
I am afraid that you have dialed the wrong number. Please look up the correct number in the telephone directory恐怕你打错电话了。请到电话簿里去查询正确的电话号码吧
If you can't lay your hand on a suite of diamonds, then look for exciting costume jewelry如果你买不起钻石,就试试漂亮的人造珠宝吧
It looks like you are the victim of a break-in看起来,你是入室盗窃的受害者
look you!注意
suppose you could look at just one atom假定你能看到仅仅只是一个原子
Thank you for your calling, and we look forward to serving you感谢来电,期待为您服务
The cloche looks very becoming on you你戴这顶钟形帽特别合适
The Great Ocean Road, which locates in Melbourne, is a so incredible site you should have a look大洋路坐落在墨尔本,这是一个你需要去见识一下的令人难以置信的地方
Where did you get this chic little hat? It looks so lovely!你这别致的小帽子在哪儿买的?真漂亮啊!
Would you please let me have a look at the remarks on the receipt?请让我看一眼收据上的记录好吗?
You don't look very well today. What seems to be wrong?您看上去有些不舒服,还好吗?
You look pale. Are you seasick?你脸色不太好,是不是晕船?
You look really smart wearing it. The square goes well with your face您戴着看起来真好看。这种方形与您的脸型很相配
You look skinny, Jesus! What happened to you?你看起来已经皮包骨了,到底发生了什么事?