
Terms containing look you | all forms | in specified order only
light.Before installing the light bulb, you should look at the tag in the fixture socket and make sure the maximum wattage for the bulb安装灯泡前,应先看灯具底座上的标签,从而确定此灯具所允许的最大功率
gen.Blue looks good on you你穿蓝色好看
gen.Here are your invoices. Do you need a minute to look over them?这是您的发票,您要不要花点时间把它过一遍?
gen.I am afraid that you have dialed the wrong number. Please look up the correct number in the telephone directory恐怕你打错电话了。请到电话簿里去查询正确的电话号码吧
cosmet.I want to consider your eye shadow. Do you have a color chart I can have a look at?我想看看你们的眼影。你们有颜色表让我参考吗?
gen.If you can't lay your hand on a suite of diamonds, then look for exciting costume jewelry如果你买不起钻石,就试试漂亮的人造珠宝吧
econ.If you have a look at the price list you will find that its price has appreciated如果你看一下价格单,你会发现它的价格已经上涨了
proj.manag.If you watch your video recording with these tips in mind, you'll see that you dont look as nervous as you feel. Enjoy the confidence boost!如果你带着这些建议再去看你的录像、你会发现你不像你感觉到的那么紧张了。好好享受你暴涨的自信心吧!
gen.It looks like you are the victim of a break-in看起来,你是入室盗窃的受害者
dentist.Let's look in the mirror and see if you have removed all the red stains from your teeth让我们从镜子里看看是否您牙上的所有红染斑块已被去除
proverblook before you leap深思熟虑而后行
gen.look you!注意
cosmet.Please forgive me just being frankly, madam. You don't need whitening products because you look pretty white But you have freckles on your face夫人,请恕我直言,您的皮肤看上去已经很白了,不需要美白产品,但您的脸上有雀斑
gen.suppose you could look at just one atom假定你能看到仅仅只是一个原子
gen.Thank you for your calling, and we look forward to serving you感谢来电,期待为您服务
gen.The cloche looks very becoming on you你戴这顶钟形帽特别合适
gen.The Great Ocean Road, which locates in Melbourne, is a so incredible site you should have a look大洋路坐落在墨尔本,这是一个你需要去见识一下的令人难以置信的地方
econ.The insurance arrangements are done by you, but they look forward to the articles covered against all risks保险事宜由你方办理,但他们希望这些物品保综合险
light.The lumen is the real measurement of brightness of a light bulb, and is the number you should look for when shopping for LEDs光通量才是衡量灯泡亮度的真正标准,也是我们买 LED 灯时需要关注的数字
econ.We look to you to safeguard the interest of our shareholders我们指望你方能维护我们股东利益
arts.We've got some fine workmanship here Just look at the 3D souvenir padauk. It looks both noble and magnificent. I m sure you'll be very proud to have them这里有一些做工精致的产品。看看这个3D紫檀木制纪念品,既高贵又豪华。相信您会以拥有我们的产品为傲
gen.Where did you get this chic little hat? It looks so lovely!你这别致的小帽子在哪儿买的?真漂亮啊!
gen.Would you please let me have a look at the remarks on the receipt?请让我看一眼收据上的记录好吗?
econ.You are expected to look into the cause of the breakdown of the machine希望贵方调査机器故障原因
gen.You don't look very well today. What seems to be wrong?您看上去有些不舒服,还好吗?
gen.You look pale. Are you seasick?你脸色不太好,是不是晕船?
gen.You look really smart wearing it. The square goes well with your face您戴着看起来真好看。这种方形与您的脸型很相配
gen.You look skinny, Jesus! What happened to you?你看起来已经皮包骨了,到底发生了什么事?
watchm.You never actually own a Patek Philippe; you merely look after it for the next generation没人能拥有百达翡丽,只不过是为下一代保管而已