
Terms for subject General containing look on | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
A shop that sells western style trousers just opened on the street corner. How about taking a look?街口拐角处新开了一家专卖西裤的商店,去看一看怎么样?
Blue looks good on you你穿蓝色好看
If you can't lay your hand on a suite of diamonds, then look for exciting costume jewelry如果你买不起钻石,就试试漂亮的人造珠宝吧
It's so tempting to order everything on the menu. It all looks so appetizing!菜单上的菜很吸引人,看起来都很有食欲
look down on瞧不起
look down on轻〔蔑〕视
look on注意
look on观望
look on面向〔朝〕
look on旁观
look on把…看作as
look on M as这些动词搭配都表示把M看做N (N)
look on the dark side of things孢悲观的态度
look on the dark side of things看事物的阴暗面
look shy onM 怀疑 M
look up on注意
look with favour on赞成
OK, we'll look for it. Hold on, please好的,我们给您找找,请稍等
The cloche looks very becoming on you你戴这顶钟形帽特别合适
the window looks on the street窗户朝着街道
Whether one looks at films, videos or books, the genre is clearly on the rise无论是电影、视频还是书籍,这类题材的作品无疑是在增长中
Which one looks better on me?我穿哪个更好看?
Would you please let me have a look at the remarks on the receipt?请让我看一眼收据上的记录好吗?