
Terms for subject China containing look | all forms | exact matches only
draw lessons from history and look to the future以史为鉴,面向未来
look after oneself自理
look after the interests of different sectors of the community兼顾社会各阶层利益
look ahead展望未来
look at the overall situation通观全局
look back on our practical experience总结我们的实践经验
look back upon history回顾历史
look forward to the future展望未来
look into the questions raised by the Presidium and the Standing Committee of the NPC调查全国人民代表大会主席团和常务委员会交付的质询案
look up relevant material查阅有关资料
the nation and society took on an entirely new look国家和社会的面貌焕然一新
unable to look after oneself不能自理
unable to look after oneself in everyday life生活不能自理