
Terms containing look | all forms | exact matches only
sport.A blind pass is the baton pass in a relay race in which the receiving runner does not look back at the passer盲接法是接力赛跑时接棒人不向后看传棒人的一种接棒方法
expl.A bound collection of theses looks nicer than an un bound one装订好的论文集比不装订要好看些
expl.a seemingly insensitive look感觉似乎迟钝的面孔
gen.A shop that sells western style trousers just opened on the street corner. How about taking a look?街口拐角处新开了一家专卖西裤的商店,去看一看怎么样?
gen.appearance or a look模样
agric.before and after look前后检査
avia.big look improvement program大型检査改进程序
gen.Blue looks good on you你穿蓝色好看
agric.carry look ahead先行进位
tech.carry look ahead adder超前进位加法器
tech.carry look ahead adder先行进位加法器
gen.change M to such a tune as to make it look entirely different使 M 彻底改变面目
gen.close-look satellite近距离观察〔侦察〕卫星
multimed.color look-up table颜色查找表
multimed.color look-up table浏览器颜色査找表
adv.Crest toothpaste, "Look, Ma! No cavities!"佳洁士牙膏、"妈妈、看、没有蛀牙!" Benton & Bowles 广告公司、1958 (Benton & Bowles)
tech.crochet-look fabric仿钩编织物
avia.Down-look radar下视雷达
avia.Down-look radar俯视雷达
China, polit.draw lessons from history and look to the future以史为鉴,面向未来
avia.elevation look垂直投影
avia.elevation look正视图
agric.farm science looks ahead农业科学展望
tech.fast-carry look-ahead arithmetic快速超前进位算术运算
avia.first-look, first-kill opportunity"先敌发现"机会 (尤指机载雷达设备能在敌人发现我机之前先发现敌人的能力)
tech.full look ahead carry全先行进位
adv.Gillette, "Look sharp, feel sharp"吉列剃须刀、"看上去锋利无比、摸上去锋利无比、它确实锋利无比"、麦肯广告公司、20世纪40年代 (McCann-Erickson)
securit.give me a look at询价询量经纪人询价用语
gen.have a gallows look看上去像被宣判绞刑似的
gen.have a gallows look有被绞死的面相
expl.He always looks charged with weighty matters他看上去总是心事重重
gen.Here are your invoices. Do you need a minute to look over them?这是您的发票,您要不要花点时间把它过一遍?
tech.high-speed look ahead carry generator高速先行进位发生器
sport.hit the front and never look back一路领先
mil., air.def.hunt and look-on system搜索和锁定系统
gen.I am afraid that you have dialed the wrong number. Please look up the correct number in the telephone directory恐怕你打错电话了。请到电话簿里去查询正确的电话号码吧
gen.I sprained my ankle. It looks swollen我扭伤了脚踝。看起来肿了
gen.I think the leopard print one looks nice我想那个豹纹的看起来很不错
gen.If you can't lay your hand on a suite of diamonds, then look for exciting costume jewelry如果你买不起钻石,就试试漂亮的人造珠宝吧
econ.If you have a look at the price list you will find that its price has appreciated如果你看一下价格单,你会发现它的价格已经上涨了
mil.instruction look ahead指令超前
gen.it looks看起来
gen.it looks as if似乎
econ.It looks as if the shipment will not arrive on April 20th看来货物不能在4月20日到达了
gen.It looks like a greasy spoon, but the laver bread is great and cheap虽然那看上去不过是个小饭馆,但是那里的海藻面包超好吃,又便宜
gen.It looks like toast and tastes kind of like a croissant with ham and cheese它看起来像吐司,吃起来像加了火腿跟奶酪的羊角面包
gen.It looks like you are the victim of a break-in看起来,你是入室盗窃的受害者
gen.It's so tempting to order everything on the menu. It all looks so appetizing!菜单上的菜很吸引人,看起来都很有食欲
gen.Let me have a look. Your tooth has an abscess让我瞧瞧。你的牙化脓了
gen.let us take a more detailed look at these examples让我们来更详细地看看这些例子
gen.Look, a female lion claims her spot in a tree near the Zambezi River in Zambia一只母狮子在赞比亚赞比西河旁的一棵树上宣示它的主权
gen.look about四顾
gen.look about警戒
gen.look about四处寻找
gen.look about査看情况
gen.look about看望
gen.look about考虑
gen.look about东张西望
gen.look after寻求
gen.look after目送
gen.look after关心
gen.look after照顾〔应,料〕
gen.look after监督
gen.look after注意
gen.look after照看
amer.look after one's fences提高自己的声望
amer.look after one's fences加强与他人的关系
China, lawlook after oneself自理
China, polit.look after the interests of different sectors of the community兼顾社会各阶层利益
tech.look ahead向前看
agric.look ahead预先估计
AI.look ahead预测先行
China, polit.look ahead展望未来
agric.look ahead预测
agric.look ahead先行
tech.look ahead超前
tech.look ahead超前屏蔽
tech.look ahead预取
gen.look ahead提前
securit.look ahead前瞻
securit.look ahead前视
gen.look ahead考虑未来
gen.look ahead预作准备
gen.look ahead考虑未来的需要
construct.look-ahead adder前视〔监前〕加法器
tech.look ahead adder先行加法器
agric.look ahead analysis预测分析
agric.look ahead analysis先行分析
securit.look ahead bias前瞻性偏差
securit.look ahead bias前视偏差
tech.look ahead carry generator超前进位产生器
tech.look ahead carry generator先行进位发生器
tech.look ahead carry output先行进位输出
math.look ahead control先行控制
construct.look ahead control先行 〔超前〕控制
tech.look-ahead control超前控制
tech.look-ahead facility先行装置
gen.look ahead for为…预作准备
gen.look ahead for预见到
gen.look ahead for盼望
gen.look ahead for预期
gen.look ahead for为…预先作准备
AI.look ahead power前瞻能力
avia.look-ahead strategy先行策略
tech.look ahead system超前式
gen.look ahead to预期
gen.look ahead to预见到
gen.look ahead to为…预作准备
gen.look ahead to盼望
gen.look ahead to为…预先作准备
math.look ahead unit先行控制部件
mil., air.def.look-alike雷同假目标
gen.look alive快点
gen.look alive赶快
gen.look alive注意
gen.look around似乎
gen.look around仿佛
gen.look around看起来像
gen.look as仿佛
gen.look as似乎
gen.look as看起来像
agric.look-aside buffer旁视缓冲器
tech.look aside buffer监视缓冲器
tech.look aside buffer后备缓冲器
construct.look-aside memory后备存储器
tech.look aside memory后备存储器
gen.look askance atM 带着怀疑的目光看M
gen.look at考察
agric.look at拒绝
gen.look at
gen.look at注视
gen.look at检查
gen.look at着眼于
gen.look at审阅
gen.look at考虑
gen.look at
AI.look at extreme极端观察法
China, polit.look at the overall situation通观全局
gen.look at the signal lamp看信号灯
gen.Look at the soup. There is a fly floating over it看这汤,上面漂着一只苍蝇
gen.Look at the steak. Don't overcook it看看你的牛排,别烤得太焦
gen.look at the surface only只看外表
gen.look attentively at注视
gen.look back畏缩
gen.look back回头看
securit.look back银行对以往贷款的审查
securit.look back查对
gen.look back往后看
gen.look back追溯
gen.look back停止不前
gen.look back回顾
securit.look back call回顾性认购期权
securit.look-back currency options回溯货币期权
China, polit.look back on our practical experience总结我们的实践经验
securit.look back options回顾性期权
securit.look back options回溯期权
securit.look back options倒算期权
securit.look back put回顾性认沽期权
securit.look-back stock options回溯股票期权
tech.look-back test回送检查
China, polit.look back upon history回顾历史
mil., air.def.look-before transmit发射前观察
proverblook before you leap深思熟虑而后行
gen.look below the surface of things看到事物的里面〔本质〕
gen.look beneath the surface of things看到事物的里面〔本质〕
gen.look one's best表现出最好的状态或品质
gen.look black怒视
gen.look blank前途等暗淡
gen.look blank作困惑状
gen.look blue脸色发青
gen.look blue神色沮丧
tech.look box观察检验孔
tech.look box观察孔
gen.look check回送校验
gen.look daggers对某人怒目而视 (at sb.)
tech.look direction观测方向
gen.look down俯视
gen.look down on瞧不起
gen.look down on轻〔蔑〕视
mil., air.def.look-down radar俯视雷达
gen.look down upon瞧不起
gen.look down upon轻〔蔑〕视
avia.look down/shoot down下视/下射
agric.look facility检査设施
agric.look facility查看功能
gen.look for査看
econ.look for寻求
gen.look for期望〔待〕
gen.look for寻找
gen.look for a needle in a bundle of hay大海捞针
expl.look for coal找煤为寻找煤炭资源,并对工作地区有无进一步工作价值作出评价所进行的地质调查工作
tech.look for coal找煤
gen.look for credit力求出人头地
busin.look for extrinsic aid寻找外来援助
gen.Look for fun condiment squeeze bottles and let the kids squeeze out their own ketchup找些好玩的调料挤压瓶,让孩子自己挤出番茄酱
busin.look for good person网罗人才
busin.look for troubles事故查看
gen.look forward
gen.look forward考虑将来
gen.look forward向前看
securit.look forward options前瞻性期权
shipb.look forward to盼望
gen.look forward to展望
gen.look forward to盼〔指〕望
gen.look forward to期待
gen.look forward to向往
China, polit.look forward to the future展望未来
gen.look glad aboutat, of, that,to + inf.对…感到高兴
gen.look if it is right查査对不对
gen.look in往里看
gen.look in随便看看
gen.look in顺便看望
gen.look sb. in the eye正面瞧某人
gen.look sb. in the eye正视
gen.look sth. in the face勇敢地面对某事物
gen.look sb. in the face正面瞧某人
gen.look sb. in the face正视
econ.look into调查研究
gen.look into追究
gen.look into浏览
gen.look into调查
gen.look into观察
gen.look into往里窥视
gen.look into查看
econ.look into a problem调查研究问题
China, polit.look into the questions raised by the Presidium and the Standing Committee of the NPC调查全国人民代表大会主席团和常务委员会交付的质询案
mil., air.def.look-jam deception边观察边干扰欺骗
gen.look like好像
gen.look like看来像
gen.look like好像是〔要〕
gen.look like看来
gen.look like好象
sport.look like climbing back into the game有起色
gen.look on注意
gen.look on面向〔朝〕
gen.look on观望
gen.look on旁观
gen.look on把…看作as
gen.look on M as这些动词搭配都表示把M看做N (N)
tech.look on net侦察鱼群的网
gen.look on the dark side of things孢悲观的态度
gen.look on the dark side of things看事物的阴暗面
gen.look out照料〔看〕
gen.look out往外看
agric.look out瞭望
gen.look out提防
gen.look out注意
agric.look out警戒
agric.look out挑选
gen.look out当心
expl.look-out angle探出角与巷道方向相同的等高孔的向外敞开角,目的是为下一轮开拓提供工作空间
gen.look out for找〔挑〕出
shipb.look out for data注意收集资料
gen.look out for squalls防备困难
gen.look out for squalls提防危险
agric.look-out observatory瞭望台
mil.look-out station观察〔监视〕 哨
mil., air.def.look-out station观测站
nautic.look-out station观察部位
gen.look over检査
gen.look over忽略
gen.look over逐步査阅
gen.look over从…上面看过去
gen.look over大致看看
econ.look over审査 (the vouchers, 单据)
gen.look over过目
agric.look over检验
tech.look over翻阅
gen.look over检查
commer.look over the bills检查票据
busin.look over the vouchers审核单据
avia.look per minute每分钟监视次数
gen.look round仿佛
gen.look round到处寻找 (for)
gen.look round游览
gen.look round察看
gen.look round事前仔细考虑
gen.look round环顾
gen.look round似乎
gen.look round看起来像
tech.look see一般检查
gen.look sharp赶快
gen.look sharp非常留心
gen.look shy atM 怀疑 M
gen.look shy onM 怀疑 M
gen.look slippy赶快
gen.look somebody up and down打量
gen.look to it that当心
gen.look to it that注意
gen.Look, the seals are flipping along the beach看,海豹沿着海滩啪嗒啪嗒地翻动着
gen.Look! The ship is lifting anchor瞧,船起锚了
gen.Look, the sign in that girl's hands read Molly and Melody. She is meeting us看,你那个女孩手里的牌子上写着“茉莉和麦乐迪”,她是来接我们的
gen.Look, this is my photo album看,这是我的影集
gen.look through由…看出
gen.look through审核
agric.look through连续检査
agric.look through通阅
busin.look through彻底审查
gen.look through看穿
gen.look through通读一遍
gen.look through仔细检阅
gen.look through彻底调査
gen.look through浏览
gen.look through透过… 观察
mil., air.def.look-through ECCM间断观察反干扰法
commer.look through the vouchers审核凭单
gen.look to指望
gen.look to朝向
gen.look to照应
gen.look to注意
gen.look to往…看去
gen.look to... as...把…看
gen.look to... for...指望〔依赖〕…得到
gen.look to see査看一下
gen.look to... to + inf.指望依赖
gen.look toward期待
gen.look toward为…做好准备
gen.look toward往…看去
gen.look toward预计到
gen.look toward指〔倾,趋,朝〕向
gen.look towards往…看去
gen.look towards预计到
gen.look towards为…做好准备
gen.look towards期待
gen.look towards指〔倾,趋,朝〕向
mil., air.def.look-transmit-listen观察发射监听法
gen.look up检査
gen.look up
agric.look up查表
golf.look up抬头动作
agric.look up查出
busin.look up市场繁荣
busin.look up活跃
busin.look up好转
agric.look up检查
econ.look up市面好转
econ.look up市场活跃
securit.look up市场看好
securit.look up兴旺
securit.look up査阅
securit.look up交易频繁
gen.look up上涨
gen.look up查寻
gen.look up仰视
gen.look up看望
gen.look up探求
gen.look up查找
tech.look-up command査找指令
tech.look-up instruction探查指令
tech.look-up instruction查表指令
gen.look up on注意
China, lawlook up relevant material查阅有关资料
tech.look-up table查表法
busin.look-up table査表
agric.look up table查找表
earth.sc.look-up table查阅表
tech.look-up table
agric.look up technique查找技术
agric.look up technique查找方法
tech.look-up technique查表技术
securit.look up the minutes of shareholders' meeting查阅股东会议记录
gen.look upon M as这些动词搭配都表示把M看做N (N)
gen.look upon with another eye对…孢有不同看法
gen.look upon... with disfavor对…表示不赞成
gen.look with another eye upon对…孢有不同看法
gen.look with favour on赞成
gen.look you!注意
avia.looks aback upon回顾
gen.May I have a look at that set of hairpins, please?让我看一下那套发卡好吗?
busin.May I have a look at your catalogue?能看一下产品目录吗?
wushu.murderous look杀气
tech.natural look自然外观
tech.new look最新样式
gen.Oh, it looks comfortable and cozy. We like it very much看起来很舒适。我们很喜欢
gen.OK. I'll look after it好的,我会替您照看行李
gen.OK, we'll look for it. Hold on, please好的,我们给您找找,请稍等
econ.On looking at your order again we see that what looks like an "o" is indeed "e"经再次査阅你方定单,发现那些看上去像"o"的字母实际上是"e"
tech.optic look-on光学跟踪
tech.optical look-on光学跟踪
tech.overall look全景
tech.overall look全貌
tech.page table look-up查页表
gen.pause to look round停下来看看四周
gen.Pizza is patriotic because it looks like the Italian flag比萨是爱国的象征,它看起来像意大利国旗
mil., air.def.quick look快看
avia.quick look快速查看
avia.quick look快速查阅
avia.quick look analysis program快速查分析程序
earth.sc.quick-look/data display subsystem快视/数据显示子系统
avia.quick look data station快速查阅资料数据
earth.sc.quick-look film recorder快视胶片记录器
avia.quick look guide速查指南
earth.sc.quick-look image generation subsystem快视图像产生子系统
avia.quick look image generation subsystem快速图像产生子系统
avia.quick look image recording system快视图像记录系统
avia.quick look measurement list速査测量清册
commer.quick look method快速解析法
tech.quick-look method快速解析法
earth.sc.Quick-Look Photographic Laboratory快视摄影实验室
earth.sc.quick-look processing system快视处理系统
earth.sc.quick-look processor快视处理机
earth.sc.quick-look programmable processor快视可编程序处理机
tech.quick-look recording速视记录
earth.sc.quick-look subsystem快视分系统
tech.quick-look system速视系统
earth.sc.quick-look work order tape快视工作指令磁带
avia.radar look-direction雷达视向
earth.sc.radiometric look-up table辐射测量查表
earth.sc.radiometric look-up table generation辐射测量查阅表制备
tech.rapid look technique快速检视
econ.second look再研究
mil., air.def.short look problem in frequency stability measurement频率稳定性测量中的短期问题
mil., air.def.short look transmission短时观察发射
tech.single look direction单觇标方向
gen.So far it looks like we will be leaving two hours late, but keep checking the departing flights status board just in case目前看来会延误两小时,不过,请多查看飞离航班信息牌,以防万一
gen.suppose you could look at just one atom假定你能看到仅仅只是一个原子
avia.surface look alike mine system地面仿真地雷系统
tech.table for look-up method查表法
tech.table for look-up procedure查表法
tech.table look-at查表
tech.table look-at直接查表
earth.sc.table look up查表
busin.table look-up techniques查表技术
gen.Thank you for your calling, and we look forward to serving you感谢来电,期待为您服务
gen.The appearance of jiaozi looks like the V-shape gold or silver ingot used as money in ancient China饺子的夕卜形就像是V字形的金银元宝,就是中国古代的钱
gen.The cloche looks very becoming on you你戴这顶钟形帽特别合适
econ.The goods we have received do not tally with the sample. Please look into it我们收到的货物与定货样品不符,请调査此事
gen.The Great Ocean Road, which locates in Melbourne, is a so incredible site you should have a look大洋路坐落在墨尔本,这是一个你需要去见识一下的令人难以置信的地方
gen.the house looks to the south这房屋朝南
econ.The insurance arrangements are done by you, but they look forward to the articles covered against all risks保险事宜由你方办理,但他们希望这些物品保综合险
gen.The jacket is the most important piece of new unstructured men's wear. The look and fit are relaxed夹克是简做休闲男装中最重要的一种款式,其外观和穿着都是随意的
gen.The latest from Japanese animation master Hayao Miyazaki looks astonishing, but fails to face up sufficiently to the politics of its subject日本动画大师宫崎骏此次的新作虽令人眼前一亮,但实则缺乏对此类政治题材的深度理解
gen.the moon is much close to us than any other star, that is why it looks so big月亮比其他任何星球离我们都近得多,这就是为什么它看上去那么大
expl.The mother charges her to look after the flower garden at weekends母亲叫她周末看管花园
gen.the window looks on the street窗户朝着街道
gen.There is a range of skin care products. I think the yellow bottle looks nice这里有多款护肤品。我觉得这个黄色瓶子看起来不错
gen.these chemical reactions look as if they were simple这些化学反应看上去仿佛很简单
econ.They look forward to our constant custom他们希望我们经常光顾
econ.They look forward to our continued cooperation他们希望我方的继续合作
gen.This boutique looks terrific!这家精品店看起来很棒!
econ.This convinced me that they are in a position to look after your export business as your agent in the most effective way这使我相信,他们能最有效地担任你方代理商处理你方的出口业务
China, polit.the nation and society took on an entirely new look国家和社会的面貌焕然一新
China, lawunable to look after oneself不能自理
China, lawunable to look after oneself in everyday life生活不能自理
gen.upon the look在找寻看
avia.vertical search look-down垂直搜寻俯视
econ.We look forward to the complete recovery of the money invested我们盼望完全回收投资的款项
commer.We look forward to the rapid development of the business between us我们期待我们之间的生意迅速发展
econ.We look forward to your ability to offer us this article in not too distant future我们盼望你在不久的将来能向我们报此货
commer.We look forward to your continued friendly cooperation我们期待贵方继续友好合作
econ.We look to you to safeguard the interest of our shareholders我们指望你方能维护我们股东利益
commer.We love the brand Cappellini because of its classy style, timelessly modern look, and extravagance我们喜爱坎佩乐尼这一品牌是因为它的高格调和永恒的现代奢华感
econ.We shall look into local customer protection laws first before engaging in our business我们首先应该对当地的消费者保护法律做一番调査研究,然后再开展我们的业务
gen.We'll have a quick look at Buckingham Palace我们抓紧时间看一下白金汉宫
tech.wet look湿视
tech.wet look gloss film湿视有光膜
busin.What about having a look at the sample first?您可以先看一下样品
gen.What does your bag looks like?你的包什么样?
gen.Where did you get this chic little hat? It looks so lovely!你这别致的小帽子在哪儿买的?真漂亮啊!
gen.Whether one looks at films, videos or books, the genre is clearly on the rise无论是电影、视频还是书籍,这类题材的作品无疑是在增长中
gen.Which one looks better on me?我穿哪个更好看?
busin.Would it be possible for me to have a closer look at your samples of the flasher?我能亲眼看一下你们闪光灯的样品吗?
gen.Would you please let me have a look at the remarks on the receipt?请让我看一眼收据上的记录好吗?
econ.You are expected to look into the cause of the breakdown of the machine希望贵方调査机器故障原因
gen.You don't look very well today. What seems to be wrong?您看上去有些不舒服,还好吗?
gen.You look pale. Are you seasick?你脸色不太好,是不是晕船?
gen.You look really smart wearing it. The square goes well with your face您戴着看起来真好看。这种方形与您的脸型很相配
gen.You look skinny, Jesus! What happened to you?你看起来已经皮包骨了,到底发生了什么事?
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