
Terms for subject Space containing long-term | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
long term远期的
long term长期的
long term drift长期漂移
long term evolution towards European manned spaceflight欧洲载人航天长远发展研究 (欧洲空间局)
long term memory长期存储器
long term memory长时记忆
long term orbit prediction长期轨道预测[预报]
long term planning长远规划
long term prediction长期预测[预报]
long term preparatory programme长远准备计划 (欧洲空间局)
long term repeatability长期重复性
long term spaceflight effect长期航天效应
long term stability长期稳定性
long term storage test长贮试验
long term toxicity test慢性毒性试验
long term trending长期趋势分析
long-term costing长期预算
long-term effect of nuclear explosion核爆炸长期效应
long-term frequency drift长期频率漂移
long-term management of spacecraft航天器长期管理
long-term meteorological forecast长期气象预报
long-term model长期模型
long-term satellite management software卫星长期管理软件
long-term storage长期贮存
long-term working test长期工作试验
satellite long-term management卫星长期管理
spacecraft long term operation management长期运行管理
spacecraft long-term operation management航天器长期运行管理