
Terms containing local battery telephone | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
telecom.local battery magneto call telephone exchange用手摇发电机呼叫的磁石式电话交换机
el.local battery telephone自供电电话
el.local battery telephone市内电话
telecom.local battery telephone磁石电话机
el.local battery telephone exchange市内电话交换机
gen.local battery telephone exchange磁石式电话交换机
gen.local battery telephone set磁石式电话机
el.local battery telephone switchboard自供电电话交换台
el.local battery telephone switchboard市内电话交换台
gen.local battery telephone switchboard磁石式电话交换机
gen.local battery with buzzer calling telephone exchange用蜂鸣器呼叫的磁石式电话交换机
gen.local battery with magneto and buzzer calling telephone exchange用手摇发电机和蜂鸣器呼叫的磁石式电话交换机