
Terms for subject Business containing loading | all forms | exact matches only
accidents in loading装货时意外事故
actual loading test实载试验
artificial loading人工装载
bootstrap loading routine引导装配程序
bulk and general cargo loading散装货物装载
bulk loading散货装载
capacity for loading and unloading装卸能力
capacity loading and schedule system设备能力负荷与日程安排系统
car loading货车积载量
coefficient of automation of loading and unloading装卸自动化系数
coefficient of loading载货容积系数
coefficient of loading and unloading装卸系数
coefficient of loading and unloading operation装卸作业系数
completed loading装卸完毕
container loading list集装箱装运清单
cost of loading and unloading装卸费
cutting and loading machine采矿康拜因
date of loading装载日期
diagram of loading / discharge progress装卸进度表
direct loading直接装运
direct loading直接装运即托运人自行将货物运上货船
discount loading"折扣加荷"零售
dispatch loading only只限装货速遣费
dispatch loading only只送急运载荷
dispatch loading only只限装货的速遗费
drive-on / drive-off loading开上开下船舱装货
dynamical program loading动态程序装入
eccentric loading偏心荷载
economic loading of equipment设备经济负荷量
efficiency in loading and unloading装卸效率
estimated time of completion of loading预定完成装货时间
excess loading超载
excess loading超负荷
exclusive of loading and unloading装卸费除外
expected time of finishing loading估计装完时间
factor loading因子负荷
factor loading matrix要素负荷量矩阵
fixed loading固定载重
front loading plan前期负担费用的投资计划即投资者采用分期付款方式投资,期末获得固定利率的收益,但前期须负担开办费、服务费等费用
front-loading project前期投资计划
full loading全负载
full loading满负荷
half loading section半负载段
handing over as per loading船载散装货按船吃水线交接即不过秤
horizontal job loading横向职务负荷量
ice preventing loading or discharge冰阻装卸
including all risks of crafts while loading包括装船时驳运一切险
initial microprogram loading起始微程序调入
initial program loading初始程序调入
inspection of loading荷载检验
joint loading联合装载
large loading大宗货
Lloyd's Loading List劳氏船舶停港及装货周报
loading and discharging装货和卸货
loading and discharging装货与卸货
loading and discharging ports装卸港口
loading and unloading cost装卸成本
loading and unloading expenses装卸费用
loading appliance装载工具
loading boom装船臂
loading broker装货代理
loading by gravity重力装车法
loading by keeping gaps空隙装载法
loading charges装货费用
loading days装货夭数
loading factor积载系数
loading factor负荷因素
loading hire装货费
loading hire装货工钱
loading list配载通知单
loading manifest装货清单
Loading Officer装船指挥官
loading or unloading operation amount装卸作业量
loading order输入指令
loading port and destination装货港及目的港
loading program输入程序
loading turn装载顺序
loading-unloading operation装卸作业
loss during loading装货损失
loss substained during loading and unloading装卸期间损失
low loading低负载
lumber winter loading冬季木材载重线
machine loading机器装卸
machine loading and scheduling机器负荷与日程安排
machine loading diagram机器负荷图
man hour for loading-discharging装卸作业工时
man-hour for loading and discharging装卸作业工时
manpower loading curve人力负荷曲线
mechanization of loading and unloading operation装卸作业机械化
office of loading装运地办事处
payment of the freight at loading port装运港付运费
period of loading负载期
place of loading装运地点
port of loading装运港
program loading程序调入
prompt loading立即装运
prompt loading即期装载受载
railway car-loading铁路装货地磅过秤
random loading任意装载
rate of loading货物装载率
specific loading conditions指定负载条件
speed of loading载重速率
static loading静荷载
tank car loading rack油罐车装油栈桥
Tropical Fresh Water Loading热带淡水载重线
velocity of loading装载速度