
Terms for subject General containing little | all forms | exact matches only
a little before ten十点钟不到一点儿 (o'clock)
a little better than比…稍微要好一点儿
a little bit有点儿
a little bit少许
a little later稍后
a little later过一会儿
a little less少一点儿
... a little longer稍长一点儿时间
... a little longer稍久〔迟〕
... a little longer再会儿
a little month to wait等待短短的一个月
a little more再…一皆
a little way不远 (off)
a very simple device with little to go wrong一台非常简单但不太会出毛病的装置
after a little过了一会儿
after a little经过一段时间〔距离〕
amount to little有限得很
amount to little没多大道理
amount to little没有什么了不起
an unjust cause finds little support失道寡助
as little as仅仅
as little as只不过
as little as少至
as little as只有
as little as和…同样少的
as little as 30 years ago仅仅三十年以前
be a little cautious当心〔谨慎〕点
be little accounted of被重〔轻〕视
be little read in精〔略〕通
be of little amount无价值
be of little amount不重要
be worth little价值很大〔小〕
but little没有什么
but little稍加
but little少许
but little几乎没有
by little and little_点_点地
by little and little慢慢地
by little and little逐渐地
check every little thing检査每一个细节
come to little很有 〔无甚,毫无〕作为
come to little很有〔无甚,毫无〕结果
Could you help me with the bathwater, please? I'm a little tired请您帮我放一下洗澡水好吗?我有点累
Could you hold on a little longer?你能再等一会吗?
Could you please be a little bit quicker? I'm in a hurry你能快一点吗?我赶时间
count for little无关紧要
count for little无足轻重
count for little无足轻
count for little算不了什么
every little makes a muckle积腋成裘
every little makes a muckle积少成多
for a little经过一段时间距离
for a little暂时
for a little不久
for a little短距离
for a little一会儿
for a little while一会儿
go a little way不大有作
go a little way走一点点路
go for littleюр.,АУС 几乎无效
go for littleюр.,АУС 没有多少用处
have little mind to一点儿也不想 (+ inf.)
have little vocation for + ing不大适于
I don't feel very well. I think I am a little bit airsick我有点难受,可能是有些晕机
I'll have to weigh it first. It's a little overweight. You'll have to pay extra我要先称一下。行李有些超重,您必须付超重费用
in a little while不久
in a little while没多久
in a little while一会儿
in little小规模的 (地)
in little缩小的
in little小型的
it matters little toM 这对M无所谓〔关系最小,有重大关系,很要紧,没关系〕
it matters little to对…没有多大关系
It's a little expensive, but it is worth it有点贵,但是值得
It's a little overpriced这标价有点儿贵
Just a minute, please. Your baggage is a little bit overweight. It's two kilos请稍等。您的行李超重了一点,超了两公斤
know precious little aboutM 对 M 知道得非常少
little after不久
little better than与…几乎没有差别
little better than几乎和样
little M but除N以外几乎没有M (N)
little by little慢慢地
little by little一点一点地
little doubt几乎无疑
little if anything几乎〔简直,实际上等于〕没有
little know一点儿也不知道比较 (know a little 稍懂一点儿,少许知道一点儿)
little less than大致…与相等
little less than不下于
little less than大致与…相等
little less than几乎不下于
little less than几乎不下于
little major system小高花叫牌法
little makes a muckle积腋成裘
little makes a muckle积少成多
little more than与…几乎没有差别
little more than几乎等于
little more than几乎不多于
little more than仅仅
little more than比…只多一点
little more than只不过是
little more than只是
little more than只不过是…多一点儿
little or no几乎〔简直,实际上等于〕没有
little or nothing几乎〔简直,实际上等于〕没有
little Roman club system小罗马梅花叫牌法
be little short of近于
be little short of简直是
be little short of几乎是
little short of几乎近于
little slam小满贯
little sought after不大需要
informal little treasured one宝贝
little wonder…不足为奇
little wonder that...难怪…
make little difference对…没有没有什么差别影响,关系 (to)
make little of轻视
make little of难了解
make little of不以…为意
make little of不领会
make little of认为…不很重要〔价值不大〕
much cry and little wool雷声大雨点小
My brakes feel a little soft我的刹车好像有点松了
Never sip or slurp your tea or soup loudly. Take small, quiet little mouthfuls一定不要大声地喝汤或嗫汤。喝汤的时候要小口地、安静地进行
no little很多
no little不少
not a little非常
not a little很多
not a little不少
of little account没有多少有些,没有价值
of little account不大有点儿,不重要
of little avail不大有用〔效〕
be of little consequence无足轻重
be of little consequence意义不大
be of little moment无足轻重
be of little significance无关紧要
be of little significance不重要
of little substance内容贫乏的
Please convey my greetings to little Rose请向小罗斯转达我的问候
put little stock in不信任
quite a little许多
quite a little不少
quite a little相当多
set little by轻视
set little price on不够,不重视
signify little对M 没有什么关系有重大关系 (to M)
signify little对 M 不大重要很重要 (to M)
some little一点
some little几个
some little少数
some little少许
Sparkling tiaras are entirely too little girlish for women闪闪发光的小皇冠太女孩子气了,不适合妇女
Sure, but it takes a little bit time好的,不过要等一等
take up little room占地很少
The dimension of the bed sheets you buy should be a little bit larger than the actual dimension of the bed您购买的床单尺寸最好比床的实际尺寸稍微大一些
the little仅有的一点儿
The little beach hotel has a pleasant ambiance这家海滨小旅馆的环境幽雅宜人
the little ones孩子们
the little people小人物
the little people小孩
the little people小精灵
The medicine may make you a little drowsy这个药会让您犯困
The most famous clothing design of Chanel is little black dress香奈尔最风行的服装设计非小黑裙莫属
There are lots of little traditions like this, from decorating the Christmas tree to kissing under the mistletoe, to exchanging gifts. That is a lot of fun有很多类似不起眼的传统,从装饰圣诞树到槲寄生树下亲吻,然后交换礼物,这一切都是如此有趣
there is a little more oil left此外还剩得有一些少许,许多,没剩下
there is little, if any有也不多
there is little probability ofthat…很少,不大像会
there is little to between the two两者之间没有什么〔多少〕可选择的余地
there is little to between the two两者不相上下
these data will be of little value to us这些资料对我们很有〔很少有,有一些,没有,特别有,有直接的〕价值
think little of不以…为意
think little of轻视
think little of难了解
think little of不领会
think little ofM 认为M不很重要〔价值不大〕
think little ofM 轻视
think little of认为…不很重要〔价值不大〕
to little avail不大有用〔效〕
to little purpose有很少〔有一些〕结果〔效果,意义〕
too little不够
transform wastes of little worth into industrial products把没有什么价值的废物变成工业品
Where did you get this chic little hat? It looks so lovely!你这别致的小帽子在哪儿买的?真漂亮啊!
with a little practice稍微实践〔练习,实地应用〕一下
with a little practice稍经一试
with little effort不难
with little effort不费力地
Would you speak a little louder?请你说大声一点好吗?
You can enjoy it with little money here在这里您只需花很少的钱就能享受这辆车