
Terms containing little | all forms | exact matches only
gen.a little before ten十点钟不到一点儿 (o'clock)
gen.a little better than比…稍微要好一点儿
gen.a little bit有点儿
gen.a little bit少许
tech.a little fissures有少量裂缝
gen.a little later稍后
gen.a little later过一会儿
gen.a little less少一点儿
gen.... a little longer稍长一点儿时间
gen.... a little longer稍久〔迟〕
gen.... a little longer再会儿
gen.a little month to wait等待短短的一个月
gen.a little more再…一皆
gen.a little way不远 (off)
gen.a very simple device with little to go wrong一台非常简单但不太会出毛病的装置
gen.after a little过了一会儿
gen.after a little经过一段时间〔距离〕
gen.amount to little有限得很
gen.amount to little没多大道理
gen.amount to little没有什么了不起
gen.an unjust cause finds little support失道寡助
econ.As for the date of delivery, there is little disparity between our ideas至于交货期,我们双方的意见很接近
gen.as little as仅仅
gen.as little as只不过
gen.as little as少至
gen.as little as只有
gen.as little as和…同样少的
gen.as little as 30 years ago仅仅三十年以前
econ.As they prefer to wait and see, there is little business activity at present由于他们宁可暂时观望,目前业务活动甚少
adv.Associated of Little Presses〔英〕小型出版社协会
desert.Australian little bittern澳大利亚小苇开鸟
nautic., tech.auxiliary machinery spaces having little or no fire risk无失火危险或失火危险较小的辅机处所
gen.be a little cautious当心〔谨慎〕点
gen.be little accounted of被重〔轻〕视
gen.be little read in精〔略〕通
gen.be of little amount无价值
gen.be of little amount不重要
gen.be worth little价值很大〔小〕
anim.husb.black little bee黑小蜜蜂 (Apis andreni formis Smith)
adv.Brylcreem, "A little dab'll do ya"布莱尔克里姆发胶、"每次只用一点点"、Kenyon & Eckhardt 广告公司、20世纪50年代 (Kenyon & Eckhardt)
gen.but little没有什么
gen.but little稍加
gen.but little少许
gen.but little几乎没有
gen.by little and little_点_点地
gen.by little and little慢慢地
gen.by little and little逐渐地
gen.check every little thing检査每一个细节
gen.come to little很有 〔无甚,毫无〕作为
gen.come to little很有〔无甚,毫无〕结果
gen.Could you help me with the bathwater, please? I'm a little tired请您帮我放一下洗澡水好吗?我有点累
gen.Could you hold on a little longer?你能再等一会吗?
gen.Could you please be a little bit quicker? I'm in a hurry你能快一点吗?我赶时间
gen.count for little无关紧要
gen.count for little无足轻重
gen.count for little无足轻
gen.count for little算不了什么
shipb.Don't you think a two percent discount is too little?2% 的折扣是不是少了一点儿?
met.Esso-Little process埃索-利特尔沸腾层海绵铁制取法
proverbevery little makes a mickle集腋成裘
proverbevery little makes a mickle积少成多
gen.every little makes a muckle积腋成裘
gen.every little makes a muckle积少成多
auto.excellent little truck超优小型货车
auto.excellent little truck优良的小型货车
anim.husb.feeding a little at a time and often少喂多餐
anim.husb.feeding a little at a time and often少添勤喂
gen.for a little经过一段时间距离
gen.for a little暂时
gen.for a little不久
gen.for a little短距离
gen.for a little一会儿
gen.for a little while一会儿
cosmet.For women under 30, a little mascara and lip gloss; over 30, add a touch of concealer30岁以下的,只需一点睫毛膏和唇膏就足够了。30岁以上的,再搽点遮瑕膏
anim.husb.genus little hares地兔属 (Alactagulus)
gen.go a little way不大有作
gen.go a little way走一点点路
gen.go for littleюр.,АУС 几乎无效
gen.go for littleюр.,АУС 没有多少用处
commer.have little bargaining leverage几乎没有什么讨价还价的力量
gen.have little mind to一点儿也不想 (+ inf.)
fin.have little room left for further demand stimulus没有余力再出台刺激需求的举措
gen.have little vocation for + ing不大适于
gen.I don't feel very well. I think I am a little bit airsick我有点难受,可能是有些晕机
cosmet.I just threw in a pinch of this, some of that, a little bit of that over there and voila, I ended up with the perfume我只放了一小撮这个,一些那个东西,那边的一点点东西,就做成了香水
adv.IBM, Chaplin's Little Tramp characterIBM,卓别林的卑微的流浪汉角色、Lord、 Geller、 Federico、 Einstein 广告公司、1982 (Lord, Geller, Federico, Einstein)
busin.If you can go a little lower, I'd be able to give you an order on the spot如果您的价格再便宜些,我们马上下单
cosmet.If you ever wake up feeling like your face is a little puffy, this toner is your best bet for calming and tightening your skin如果你醒来觉得脸有点肿胀,这种爽肤水是你最好的选择。它可以镇静和收紧你的皮肤
gen.I'll have to weigh it first. It's a little overweight. You'll have to pay extra我要先称一下。行李有些超重,您必须付超重费用
gen.in a little while不久
gen.in a little while没多久
gen.in a little while一会儿
gen.in little小规模的 (地)
gen.in little缩小的
gen.in little小型的
econ.Indirect exporting can be done with little investment只需少许投资就可以从事间接出口
gen.it matters little toM 这对M无所谓〔关系最小,有重大关系,很要紧,没关系〕
gen.it matters little to对…没有多大关系
gen.It's a little expensive, but it is worth it有点贵,但是值得
gen.It's a little overpriced这标价有点儿贵
gen.Just a minute, please. Your baggage is a little bit overweight. It's two kilos请稍等。您的行李超重了一点,超了两公斤
gen.know precious little aboutM 对 M 知道得非常少
sport.Last week I shared these best bodyweight exercises, which are especially good for runners who don't belong to a gym and have very little fitness equipment at home上周,我分享了这些以自身体重为阻力的锻炼方法,特别适合那些不去健身房而且家里也几乎没有健身器材的跑步者
anim.husb.legume little leaf virus豆类小叶病毒
gen.little after不久
adv.little American method由全国性转向区域性媒体投放的方法
nurs.Little area利特尔区
anim.husb.little -awn needlegrass小芒针茅 (Stipa lobata)
biol.little-awn needlegrass小芒针茅 (Stipa lobata,禾本科)
anim.husb.little barley小大麦 (Hordeum pusilium)
biol.little barley矮大麦 (Hordeum pusillum,禾本科)
met.little beak iron台砧
archit.little beakiron台砧
archit.little beak-iron台砧
tech.little beakiron小台钻
namesLittle Bear小熊
anim.husb.little bee小蜜蜂 (Apis florea)
biol.little bee小蜜蜂 (Apis florea,蜜蜂科)
desert.little bee-eater小蜂虎
tech.little Bessemer steel小型酸性转炉钢
gen.little better than与…几乎没有差别
gen.little better than几乎和样
desert.little bittern小苇开鸟
biol.little black ant小黑蚁 (Monomorium minimum Buckl.,蚁科)
desert.little black cormorant小黑鸬鹚
textilelittle black dress朴素的黑色服装 (L.B.D)
textilelittle black dress基型黑色裙装 (L.B.D)
textilelittle black dress色裙装
biol.little blue cattle louse水牛盲虱 (Solenopotes capillatus Enderlein)
anim.husb.little blue heron小蓝鹭
desert.little blue heron小蓝鹭 (南非、美洲沙漠)
desert.little bluestem小须芒草 (北美和墨西哥固沙植物)
desert.little bluestem北美小须芒草
anim.husb.little bluestem小须芒草多年生禾本科草,较大须芒草 (big bluestem)矮小,更耐旱 (Andropogon scoparius)
biol.little bluestem小蓝秆草 (Andropogon scoparius L.,禾本科)
securit.little board小盘美国股票交易所的昵称,是美国第二大股票交易所,纽约交易所为 big board
busin.little board小公告牌
securit.little board小交易所
textileLITTLE BOBDO巴布豆
textilelittle-boy legline"小孩"装裤腿线
textilelittle boy shorts翻贴边短裤
textilelittle boy shorts男童短裤
textilelittle boy's and girl's clothes小儿服
med.little brain小脑
desert.little bronze cuckoo棕胸金鹃 (澳大利亚沙漠)
entomol.little brown click beetle小褐色棘爪甲虫 Agriotes limosus
anim.husb.little brown crane小褐鹤 (Grus canadensis canadensis)
desert.little brown snake小沙蛇 (澳大利亚沙漠)
desert.little bunting小鹀 (北非沙漠、阿拉伯半岛)
anim.husb.little burclover小苜蓿 (Medicago minima)
telecom.LITTLE busLITTLE 总线
anim.husb.little bustard小鸨 (Otis tetrax)
desert.little bustard小鸨
gen.little M but除N以外几乎没有M (N)
desert.little button-quail小三趾鹑
gen.little by little慢慢地
tech.little by little逐渐地
gen.little by little一点一点地
biol.little-candles黄毛球 (Mammillaria prolifera sp.,仙人掌科)
textilelittle cap无边小帽
biol.little carpenterworm小木蠹蛾 (Prionox— ystus macmurtrei Guerin,木蠹蛾科)
anim.husb.little cattail小香蒲香蒲科香蒲属植物 (Typha minima Funck)
anim.husb.little cattle小牛
avia.little change board小型更改委员会
avia.little change board小更改委员会
anim.husb.little chief hare北美鼠兔
tech.little children's park少年公园以小学生为对象的儿童公园
anim.husb.little civet斑灵猫 (Viverricula indica)
biol.little club moss卷柏 (Selaginella tamariscina Beauv.)
biol.little club moss卷柏属 (Selaginella Beauv.,卷柏科)
anim.husb.little coati小长吻浣熊
desert.little combseed小梳籽草
tech.little consolidation略固结
desert.little corella小凤头鹦鹉 (澳大利亚沙漠)
tech.little covering plate小盖板
desert.little crake姬田鸡
desert.little crow小渡鸦 (澳大利亚沙漠)
desert.little crow贝氏黑鸦
desert.little' curlew小杓鹬 (澳大利亚沙漠)
desert.little curlew小杓鹬
tech.little damage轻微破损
railw.little dense稍密
biol.little dog rose小犬蔷薇 (Rosa cainina var. exilis,蔷薇科)
biol.little doublefile viburnum矮绣球 (Viburnum tomentosum var. parvifolium,忍冬科)
gen.little doubt几乎无疑
textilelittle dress小型连衣裙
tech.little drop technique微滴术
desert.little eagle小雕 (澳大利亚沙漠)
avia.little low earth orbit〔客〕低地球轨道
life.sc.little egret白鹭
desert.little egret小白鹭 (非洲沙漠、澳大利亚沙漠、阿拉伯半岛)
tech.little end小头
refrig.little end连杆小头
tech.little-end bearing小端轴承
multimed.little endian逆序低字节存放内存低位
tech.little-expansive fusion caking微膨胀熔融黏结
desert.little file snake瘰鳞蛇 (澳大利亚沙漠)
anat.little finger小指 (位于手的尺侧,在手指中最细)
textilelittle finger fifth finger小指第五指
textilelittle finger (fifth finger)
sport., med.little finger小指
biol.little fire ant小红蚁小火蚁,Wasmannia auropunctata Roger,蚁科
tech.little fissure少缝隙
textilelittle flared-leg jean微喇牛仔裤
textilelittle flared-leg jean小喇叭脚口牛仔裤
agric.little flask小烧瓶{显技}
anim.husb.little flightless rail鼠秧鸡
biol.little-flower deervetch小花百脉根 (Lotus micranthus,豆科)
desert.little friarbird小吮蜜鸟
agric.little fruit disease小实病
biol.little fruit grape小果野葡萄 (Vitis balanseana Planch.,葡萄科)
construct.little-fuse bolometer保险丝式电阻测辐射热计
tech.little-fuse bolometer熔断丝式测辐射热计
tech.little gas escape少量气体逸出
tech.little giant小型水枪
desert.little gilia小吉莉草
textilelittle girl collar女式小圆角领
textilelittle girl look幼女款式
textilelittle girl look幼女风貌
anim.husb.little goldpoppy小花花菱草 (Eschscholtzia minutiflora)
biol.little goldpoppy小花花菱草 (Eschscholtzia minutiflora,罂粟科)
desert.little grassbird姬大尾莺
desert.little grebe小䴙䴙 (非洲沙漠、阿拉伯半岛)
desert.little grebe小䴙䴘
textilelittle group winder小批锭络筒机
anim.husb.little gull小鸥 (Larus minutus)
desert.little gull小鸥 (北非沙漠, 阿拉伯半岛、北美洲沙漠)
agric.little gut小肠
tech.little hard water微硬水
biol.little-head razorsedge小头珍珠茅 (Scleria oligantha,莎草科)
tech.little heap小堆
textilelittle hennin小塔形垂纱帽
biol.little-hip hawthorn小果山楂 (Crataegus spathulata,蔷薇科)
entomol.little honey bee小蜜蜂 Apis florea
entomol.little honey bee南亚蜂 Apis florea
biol.little house fly黄腹厕蝇 (Fannia canicularis L.,厕蝇科)
biol.little house fly黄腹厕蝇小家厕蝇,Fannia canicularis Linnaeus,花蝇科
tech.little hydraulic lime低水凝性石灰
earth.sc.little ice age climate小冰河期气候
gen.little if anything几乎〔简直,实际上等于〕没有
tech.little inch小尺寸管子 (指直径24英寸及以下的管子)
agric., busin.little input投人少
securit.little investor小额投资人
textilelittle iron稍烫织物具有免烫的一般性能
textilelittle iron微烫
biol.little ironweed夜香牛假碱虾花,Vernonia cinerea Less.,菊科
tech.little joiner小木块
tech.little joiner小木楔
anim.husb.little king小王鹪鹩 (Nannus troglodytes)
gen.little know一点儿也不知道比较 (know a little 稍懂一点儿,少许知道一点儿)
telecom.LITTLE languageLITTLE 语言
anim.husb.little larkspur二色飞燕草 (Delphinium bicolor)
agric.little leaf小叶病缺锌
agric.little leaf小叶
biol.little-leaf box小叶黄杨 (Buxus sinica var. parvifolia M. Cheng,黄杨科)
desert.little leaf cordia小叶破布木 (索诺拉沙漠、奇瓦瓦沙漠,落叶灌木)
anim.husb.little-leaf disease小叶病植物缺锌症状
agric.little-leaf disease小叶病
tech.little leaf disease小叶病
desert.little-leaf mulberry得克萨斯桑
anim.husb.little-leaf peashrub小叶锦鸡儿豆科锦鸡儿属植物; Caragana microphylla Lam. 或 Caragana altagana
biol.little leaf peashrub小叶锦鸡儿 (Cayagana microphylla Lam.,豆科)
gen.little less than大致…与相等
gen.little less than不下于
gen.little less than大致与…相等
gen.little less than几乎不下于
gen.little less than几乎不下于
anim.husb.little locust bird小蝗鸟
textileLittle Lord Fauntleroy suit小公子套装
textileLittle Lord Fauntleroy suit方特罗贵族小男孩套装
anim.husb.little lovegrass小画眉草禾本科画眉草属植物 (Eragrostis poaeoides Beauv. ex Roem)
textilelittle maid dress娇小少女装
bridge.little major system小高花叫牌法
gen.little makes a muckle积腋成裘
gen.little makes a muckle积少成多
footb.little maneuver小动作
footb.little maneuver小动作犯规
agric.little-man's bread食用菌核
anim.husb.little medic小苜蓿
biol.little medic小苜蓿 (Medicago minima Lamk.,豆科)
tech.little monsoon小季节风
gen.little more than与…几乎没有差别
gen.little more than几乎等于
gen.little more than几乎不多于
gen.little more than仅仅
gen.little more than比…只多一点
gen.little more than只不过是
gen.little more than只是
gen.little more than只不过是…多一点儿
textilelittle nothing dress简便装
tech.little open void ratio小开空隙率
expl.little opened void细小开启空隙在高压或真空条件下才能进水的开启空隙
gen.little or no几乎〔简直,实际上等于〕没有
gen.little or nothing几乎〔简直,实际上等于〕没有
desert.little owl斑马萝藦
desert.little owl纵纹腹小鸮 (北非、阿拉伯半岛、亚洲沙漠地区)
anim.husb.little panda小熊猫
biol.little panda小熊猫 (Ailuruns fulgens styani Thomas)
econ.little paying receiving system小出纳制
fin.little paying-receiving system小出纳制度
agric.little peach小桃病
desert.little pickles黄花新月
tech.little piece checkroom小件寄存处
biol.little platanthera小长距兰 (Platanthera minor Reichb. fil.,兰科)
agric.little pod短角果 (silicula)
tech.little poisonous低毒的
agric.little pruning轻度修剪
textilelittle pulley小滑轮
anim.husb.little quakinggrass银鳞茅
anim.husb.little quakinggrass小凌风草 (Briza minor)
biol.little quakinggrass银鳞茅 (Briza minor L.,禾本科)
desert.little quartz dust细石英尘
biol.little radish四季萝卜 (Raphanus sativus var. radicula Pers.,十字花科)
entomol.little red ant小家蚁 Monomorium pharaonis
entomol.little red ant仙人掌钻蛀虫 Monomorium pharaonis
entomol.little red ant法老蚁 Monomorium pharaonis
biol.little red ant厨蚁 (Monomorium pharaonis Linnaeus,蚁科)
biol.little red louse牛羽虱 (Bovicola bovis L.,兽羽虱科)
tech.little red wagon活动厕所
desert.little ringed金眶行鸟 (北非沙漠,阿拉伯半岛,澳大利亚沙漠)
desert.little ringed金眶行弓
geogr.Little Rock小石城分校
bridge.little Roman club system小罗马梅花叫牌法
desert.little rush-warbler蒲草短翅莺 (非洲南部沙漠)
anat.Little's area Little (又称易出血区,位于鼻中隔的前下部,约90%鼻出血发生在此区。 筛前动脉、筛后动脉、蝶腭动脉的鼻中隔后支、上唇动脉和腭大动脉在该处黏膜下互相吻合,形成动脉网。由于此区黏膜血管丰富而表浅,外伤或受干燥空气刺激时易破裂出血)
tech.little school教养院
consult.little science小科学
biol.little-seed beakrush小果刺子莞 (Rhynchosptra microcarpa,莎草科)
biol.little-seed muhly小子乱子草 (Muhlenbergia microsperma,禾本科)
anim.husb.little-seed ricegrass小籽落芒草 (Oryzopsis exigua)
biol.little-seed ricegrass小子落芒草 (Oryzopsis exigua,禾本科)
desert.little shearwater小鹱 (南非,阿拉伯半岛,澳大利亚沙漠)
desert.little shearwater小艘
biol.little shellbark hickory小糙皮山核桃 (Carya ovata,胡桃科)
gen.be little short of近于
gen.be little short of简直是
gen.be little short of几乎是
gen.little short of几乎近于
desert.little shrike-thrush棕贝鸟鹟
desert.little shrike-thrush棕公鸟鹟 (澳大利亚沙漠)
cardslittle slam小优胜法
cardslittle slam桥牌贏十二副牌
bridge.little slam小满贯
tech.little slate小页岩
tech.little slate小石板 (瓦)
desert.little slaty flycatcher小灰姬鹟
textilelittle slit legline小开叉裤腿结构线
gen.little sought after不大需要
anim.husb.little souslik小黄鼠
desert.little sparrowhawk非洲侏雀鹰 (非洲南部沙漠)
desert.little spleenwort低头铁角蕨
anim.husb.little spotted skunk斑臭鼬
tech.little spring小弹簧
entomol.little spruce sawyer小云杉食木虫 Pogonocherus penicellatus
econ.little steel小钢铁
anim.husb.little stint小滨鹬 (Pisobia minuta)
desert.little stint小滨鹬 (非洲沙漠、阿拉伯半岛、澳大利亚沙漠)
agric.little sugar pine糖松类
textilelittle suit小型套装
desert.little sur manzanita小苏尔熊果
desert.little swift小白腰雨燕 (非洲沙漠、澳大利亚沙漠、阿拉伯半岛)
agric.little tapering果木形丰满的
anim.husb.little tern小燕鸥 (Sterna albifrons)
tech.little theater小剧场
life.sc.little toe小趾
anat.little toe小趾 (位于足的腓侧,在足趾中最小)
gen.informal little treasured one宝贝
tech.little tree willow小树柳
biol.little-tree willow小树柳 (Salix arbusculoides,杨柳科)
footb.little trick小动作
footb.little trick小动作犯规
textilelittle tricorn riding hat小三角骑士帽
adv.little U.S. method由全国性转向区域性媒体投放的方法
auto.little used car用得很少少许用过的汽车
desert.little walnut紫玉盘核桃
desert.little walnut得克萨斯核桃
desert.little wattlebird小垂蜜鸟 (澳大利亚沙漠)
tech.little window小窗
textilelittle women dress小妇人装
textileLittle Women dress带蝴蝶结翻领抽褶童裙
gen.little wonder…不足为奇
gen.little wonder that...难怪…
desert.little woodswallow小燕贝鸟 (澳大利亚沙漠)
gen.make little difference对…没有没有什么差别影响,关系 (to)
gen.make little of轻视
gen.make little of难了解
gen.make little of不以…为意
gen.make little of不领会
gen.make little of认为…不很重要〔价值不大〕
proverbmany a little makes a mickle集腋成裘
proverbmany a little makes a mickle积少成多
met.modifying taper little by little锥度微调 (法: We have studied the optimum narrow face taper of mold with a target to minimize the cracks of cast product by modifying the taper little by little for various casting conditions and steel grades. 我们已经对结晶器窄面最佳锥度进行了研究,其目标是在不同的连铸条件和浇铸不同钢种的情况下,通过锥度微调法将铸坯裂纹降至最低。)
commer.Most little shops have been absorbed in big businesses大多数小商店已并入大公司
gen.much cry and little wool雷声大雨点小
gen.My brakes feel a little soft我的刹车好像有点松了
gen.Never sip or slurp your tea or soup loudly. Take small, quiet little mouthfuls一定不要大声地喝汤或嗫汤。喝汤的时候要小口地、安静地进行
China, lawno grasslands, or as little grasslands as possible, may be occupied应当不占或者少占草原
gen.no little很多
gen.no little不少
gen.not a little非常
gen.not a little很多
gen.not a little不少
gen.of little account没有多少有些,没有价值
gen.of little account不大有点儿,不重要
gen.of little avail不大有用〔效〕
gen.be of little consequence无足轻重
gen.be of little consequence意义不大
gen.be of little moment无足轻重
gen.be of little significance无关紧要
gen.be of little significance不重要
gen.of little substance内容贫乏的
fig.be of little value价值不大
econ.Owing to lack of funds, little headway has been made由于资金缺乏,进展不大
gen.Please convey my greetings to little Rose请向小罗斯转达我的问候
busin.please wait a little while请稍等
met.project with little investment but quick results短平快项目
gen.put little stock in不信任
gen.quite a little许多
gen.quite a little不少
gen.quite a little相当多
desert.region of little relief小地形区域
UN, afghan.see little evidence of Peace dividend和平红利
agric.segregational little[孟德尔式]分离性小菌落
gen.set little by轻视
gen.set little price on不够,不重视
gen.signify little对M 没有什么关系有重大关系 (to M)
gen.signify little对 M 不大重要很重要 (to M)
gen.some little一点
gen.some little几个
gen.some little少数
gen.some little少许
gen.Sparkling tiaras are entirely too little girlish for women闪闪发光的小皇冠太女孩子气了,不适合妇女
gen.Sure, but it takes a little bit time好的,不过要等一等
gen.take up little room占地很少
nautic., tech.tanks, voids and auxiliary machinery spaces having little or no fire risk极少或无失火危险的液舱、空舱及辅机处所
econ.The content is too little, please particularize内容太简单,请详告
gen.The dimension of the bed sheets you buy should be a little bit larger than the actual dimension of the bed您购买的床单尺寸最好比床的实际尺寸稍微大一些
cloth.The inner packing there with a little bit of flower design is best on our market内包装上带一点花卉图案,这样最适合我们的市场需要。小贴士:
gen.the little仅有的一点儿
gen.The little beach hotel has a pleasant ambiance这家海滨小旅馆的环境幽雅宜人
gen.the little ones孩子们
gen.the little people小人物
gen.the little people小孩
gen.the little people小精灵
gen.The medicine may make you a little drowsy这个药会让您犯困
gen.The most famous clothing design of Chanel is little black dress香奈尔最风行的服装设计非小黑裙莫属
gen.There are lots of little traditions like this, from decorating the Christmas tree to kissing under the mistletoe, to exchanging gifts. That is a lot of fun有很多类似不起眼的传统,从装饰圣诞树到槲寄生树下亲吻,然后交换礼物,这一切都是如此有趣
gen.there is a little more oil left此外还剩得有一些少许,许多,没剩下
econ.There is a little prospect for the immediate disposal of the overstock有几分希望将积压的货物马上售出
commer.There is little activity in the market市场不活跃
gen.there is little, if any有也不多
gen.there is little probability ofthat…很少,不大像会
commer.There is little prospect of getting any bids from buyers从买主获得递盘的希望几无
gen.there is little to between the two两者之间没有什么〔多少〕可选择的余地
gen.there is little to between the two两者不相上下
econ.There's only a little immaterial damage只有一些无关紧要的损害
gen.these data will be of little value to us这些资料对我们很有〔很少有,有一些,没有,特别有,有直接的〕价值
commer.They netted only a little from the sale他们从这笔销售中赚钱不多
econ.They were under the impression that we show little interest in their products他们原以为我们对其产品没有什么兴趣
gen.think little of不以…为意
gen.think little of轻视
gen.think little of难了解
gen.think little of不领会
gen.think little ofM 认为M不很重要〔价值不大〕
gen.think little ofM 轻视
gen.think little of认为…不很重要〔价值不大〕
shipb.think little of quality轻视质量
commer.This arrangement will be of little help to our sales这项安排对我方销售几乎没有帮助
expl.This is a little odd-looking concern fitted with blinking lights这是个有闪光装置、样子奇特的小玩意儿
econ.This matter has little bearing-ing on production cost此事与生产成本无多大关系
railw.tjaele with little ice少冰冻土
gen.to little avail不大有用〔效〕
gen.to little purpose有很少〔有一些〕结果〔效果,意义〕
agric.too little太小
agric.too little太少
gen.too little不够
agric.too little energy input太少能量输人
agric.too little stress太小胁迫
gen.transform wastes of little worth into industrial products把没有什么价值的废物变成工业品
expl.Typically, explosives that are porous solids at normal temperatures and contain little or no liquid are relatively unaffected at the normal low temperatures experienced in commercial blasting通常说来、常温下含有很少液体或没有液体的多孔固体炸药、一般不受商业爆破中常见的低温的影响
agric.vegetative little营养性小菌落
tech.water with little precipitate沉淀物很少的水
shipb.We have ordered such a large quantity that a discount, no matter how little, should be allowed.我们订购这么多的货,折扣多少还是要给的吧
econ.We won't resume offering until your goods come down a little你方的货物价格下跌一些,我们将恢复报盘
gen.Where did you get this chic little hat? It looks so lovely!你这别致的小帽子在哪儿买的?真漂亮啊!
gen.with a little practice稍微实践〔练习,实地应用〕一下
gen.with a little practice稍经一试
gen.with little effort不难
gen.with little effort不费力地
gen.Would you speak a little louder?请你说大声一点好吗?
gen.You can enjoy it with little money here在这里您只需花很少的钱就能享受这辆车
expl.young people with little concern for the future对未来毫不关心的青年
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