
Terms containing list | all forms | exact matches only
gen.a bar of steel and a block of rubber come high in the list of elastic things钢条和橡胶的名次居前
gen.a bar of steel and a block of rubber come high in the list of elastic things在各种弹性物体当中
avia.acceptance inspection list and manual接收检査单和手册
tech.Admiralty List of Lights and Fog Signals英版灯标雾号表
tech.Admiralty List of Radio Signals英版无线电航标表
avia.allowance part list/component identification number许可的零件细目表/零件识别号
tech.alternative check list method替换措施表列法
tech.annotated list of items附有说明的项目表
agric.annotated list of seed-borne diseases种子传染病害的注解目录
busin.annual list and summary年度经营成果摘要
avia.application list update应用清单更新
shipb.Are the prices on the list firm offers?此价格是实盘吗?
desert.area-list quadrat优势记名样方
fisheryASFIS List of Species for Fishery Statistics PurposesASFIS系统用于渔业统计的物种清单
fisheryASFIS List of Species for Statistics PurposesASFIS系统用于渔业统计的物种清单
avia.automated parts list generator system自动零件细目表生成程序系统
avia.automated parts list generator system自动零件表生成器系统
avia.automated parts list release自动零件细目表发放
securit.blue list book热门债券清单
tech.certificate and list of measurement and or weight容量重量证明书
busin.certificate and list of measurement and/or weight容量证明书
avia.check list holder检查项目单盒
tech.check list method表格检验法
tech.check list system检验表格系统
tech.check list system校验表格系统
gen.Christmas carol Silent Night has topped the list of Britain's "most recorded Christmas song of all time"圣诞颂歌《平安夜》位列英国“有史以来灌录次数最多的圣诞歌曲榜”榜首
tech.classification list conveyor system票据传送设备
tech.closed list of bidders审定的投标人名单
tech.closed list of bidders密封的投标人名单
consult.comprehensive check-list of industries全部工业清单
tech.concatenation list structure连接表结构
avia.configuration deviation list Minimum equipment list构型偏差表最少设备清单
tech.cutting-list structural timber按锯料单加工的木材
tech.data list file数据表文件
tech.data list structure数据表结构
securit.detailed list of claims债权明细表
securit.detailed list of claims债权清册
securit.detailed list of debts债务明细表
securit.detailed list of debts债务清册
refrig.detailed list of heating and ventilating equipment供暖通风设备明细表
avia.detailed material requisition list change notice材料需求明细表更改通知 (航空产品生产用表 SAMC12-146)
multimed.Directory List box目录列表框
avia.distribution list process清单发放过程
tech.end of list control block表结束控制块
avia.engineering parts list coding工程零件细目表编码
avia.engineering parts list coding sheet工程零件细目表编码页
avia.equipment list effectivity update设备清单有效性更新
avia.equipment list identification设备清单标识
avia.equipment list identification设备清单识别
avia.equipment list index设备清单索引
avia.equipment list index设备清单目录
avia.equipment list summary设备清册摘要
comp.FORTRAN -compiled list-processing language公式翻择型表格处理语言
nautic., tech.general acceptance list of repairs工程总验收单
avia.general list of modification〔客〕总修改目录
busin.general list of shipping document货运单据总清单
adv.general sales list medicines非处方药
tech.hatch list telegram分舱货物电报
shipb.Here are our catalogue and price list for all our export articles.这是我们所有出口商品的目录和价目表。
gen.If there isn't any room, we can get you on the waiting list or we can find you a room in another hotel如果没有空房间,我们可以将您放入等候名单中,一旦有空房就马上给您安排,或者为您在其他饭店找个房间入住
gen.If we refuse your application, we will give or send you a notice of refusal. This document will list the reasons for the refusal, and will explain your right to appeal如果您的申请被拒签,那么您将收到我们寄给您的拒签信。拒签信上会列明您被拒签的理由,并说明您是否拥有上诉权
tech.International List of Ship Stations国际船舶无线电台一览表
tech.International List of Stations国际电台表
doping.IOC list of prohibited substances国际奥委会公布的违禁药物清单
tech.label list of a label variable declaration标号变量说明的标号表
gen.Let me see the beverage list first我先看看饮品单
tech.light list number灯标表号码
tech.light list number灯塔表号码
tech.light list number航行灯号码表
adv.list ad目录广告
multimed.list address列表地址
tech.List and Index of Admiralty Chart Folio英版海图图夹索引图
busin.list-and-discount pricing system价格折扣制度
tech.list area表区
tech.list area表域
multimed.list box列表框
adv.list broker名录经纪人
adv.list broker名簿经纪人
tech.list building开列名单
busin.list building开列清单
securit.list building编制名单
adv.list buyer名录买家
adv.list buyer名簿买家
tech.list cell表元
adv.list cleaning名址信息修改
adv.list cleaning名单除名
securit.list closed股票认购单登记结束
agric.list compacting 压缩
tech.list compacting表格压缩
adv.list compiler名录编辑者
adv.list compiler名簿编辑者
desert.list-count quadrat记名计算样方
agric.list cursor编目光标
agric.list data structure表数据结构
busin.list data structure表格数据结构
tech.list data structure数据结构
tech.list-directed data field length表式数据域长度
tech.list-directed data specification表式数据说明部分
tech.list directed input表控输入
tech.list directed input表式输入
busin.list-directed input and output表式输出入
tech.list-directed input list表控输入表
tech.list directed input-output表控输入输出
tech.list directed input-output表格型输入输岀
tech.list directed input-output式输入输出
tech.list-directed input-output statement表式输入输出语句
tech.list-directed length of field表式域长度
tech.list-directed output表式输出
tech.list-directed transmission表格式传输
tech.list-directed transmission直接表格传送
tech.list edge锡瘤
tech.list editor program表编辑程序
tech.list editor programme表编辑程序
tech.list element列表元 (素)
adv.list exchange名录交换
adv.list exchange名单交换
tech.list file表文件
tech.list file structure编目文件结构
tech.list file structure表文件结构
tech.list for investigation调查表
nautic., tech.list for original repairs原始修理工程单
tech.list form表格形式
tech.list frame sampling名单框抽样
agric.list head表头
tech.list head in thread tree穿线树中的表头
adv.list house名录经纪公司
adv.list house名簿经纪公司
tech.list insertion表插入
tech.list language表语言
busin.list less pricing价表减额定价法
tech.list linearization表格线性化
adv.list maintenance名录更新
adv.list maintenance名录维护
tech.list manipulation表处理
adv.list merge-purse名单统合及除去
tech.list notation表标记
ecol.list o£ wild plants of national priority protection国家重点保护野生植物名录
busin.list of account账单
busin.list of account会计科目
tech.list of anchor bolts for the equipments设备地脚螺栓一览表
avia.list of appliances设备清单
avia.list of applicable material应用材料清单
avia.list of applicable publications应用刊物目录
avia.list of applicable publications适用出版物清单
avia.list of approved repairers批准的修理工名单
tech.list of architects建筑师目录
tech.list of architects建筑师索引
busin.list of architectural member建筑构件表
tech.list of articles物品清单
busin.list of authorized signature印鉴簿
securit.list of authorized signatures认可签字名单
fisherylist of authorized vessels授权船舶清单
tech.list of available space可利用空间表
busin.list of award决标单即决标的纪录文件;具有契约效力
securit.list of award投标决标名单
busin.list of balance余额表
busin.list of balance收支平衡表
tech.list of balance结余清单
busin.list of bidders投标人名表
busin.list of bidders开价价格表
busin.list of bidders递价商品目录表
tech.list of bidding items招标项目
tech.list of bidding items and quantities投标项目与数量清单
tech.list of bolts and tie rods螺栓及拉杆表
tech.list of building materials建筑材料表
tech.list of buildings and structures建筑物构造物名称表
tech.list of cargo装货清单
busin.list of casualty伤亡名单
avia.list of changes更改单
busin.list of charge收费清单
busin.list of classification of packing radioactive goods放射性货物运输包装等级表
tech.list of color indices彩色索引表
tech.list of colour indices彩色索引表
sport.list of competitors阵容
sport.list of competitors参赛者名单
tech.list of conspicuous object显著目标一览表
tech.list of conspicuous object显著物标一览表
tech.list of constructions建筑结构索引
tech.list of contents图纸目录
busin.list of contraband articles违禁商品清单
tech.list of cost estimate估价单
tech.list of currency货币及金银清单
busin.list of current availabilities可供应货物清单
tech.list of dam sites坝址一览表
avia.list of deleted item删去项目清单
avia.list of design changes设计更改表
busin.list of detail drawing adopted施工详图图纸目录
busin.list of details详细目录
busin.list of details细表
tech.list of direction方向表
tech.list of directive radio beacon无线电指向标表
securit.list of directors董事名单
busin.list of document文件清单
tech.list of documents文件目录
tech.list of documents合同文件目录
tech.list of drawing图纸目录
tech.list of drawings图纸目录
avia.list of drawings图纸清册
avia.list of effective pages有效页清单
tech.list of element元素表
tech.list of equipment设备清单
tech.list of equipment and materials设备及材料明细表
tech.list of equipment and materials设备材料清单
avia.list of equipment and materials设备材料表
avia.list of equipments设备清单
tech.list of errata正误表
securit.list of exchange participants & holders of stock exchange trading rights交易所参与者和联交所交易权持有人名单
securit.list of exchange rate quotation外汇牌价表
busin.list of export commodities出口商品目录
busin.list of exports出口货物清单
avia.list of factory standard tool企业标准工具清册
busin.list of fixture装置目录
tech.list of fixtures备品目录
busin.list of forwarded traffic发货运输清单
tech.list of forwarded traffic发送货物运输清单
busin.list of freight delivered and received货运交接单
shipb.list of freight delivered and received交接货物清单
tech.list of furniture and fixture设备装置目录
tech.list of geographic names地名表
tech.list of geographical names地名表
tech.list of hiring charges租费清单
sport.list of horses马匹名单
tech.list of illustration插图目录
tech.list of instruments文件目录
avia.list of interchangeable parts and assemble可互换的零/组件清册
avia.list of interchangeable parts and assemblies互换零组件清单
avia.list of interchangeable parts and assemblies互换零件清单
tech.list of internal finishes房间做法表
tech.list of labor and materials工料单
tech.list of labour and materials工料单
tech.list of leeway风压差表
tech.list of lights灯标表
tech.list of lights灯塔表
tech.list of lintels过梁表
agric., stat.list of listing编号单
busin.list of load unload wagon装车卸车清单
tech.list of machinery and materials设备材料清单
tech.list of main equipment主要设备明细
avia.list of material材料表
avia.list of material材料清单
avia.list of material器材清单
avia.list of materials材料清单
busin.list of materials and equipment fittings材料及设备配件表
tech.list of materials and fittings材料及配件明细表
tech.list of materials and fittings材料及设备明细表
tech.list of materials and labor工料单
tech.list of materials and labour工料单
tech.list of materials and main equipment主要设备材料表
tech.list of materials and main equipment主要设备材料清单
busin.list of member花名册
sport.list of members委员名单
busin.list of missing articles失物单
busin.list of missing articles遗失货物清单
tech.list of modification更改清单
avia.list of modifications更改清单
shipb.list of modified drawing更改的图纸清单
shipb.list of modified drawnings更改的图纸清单
gen.list of new publications新书〔新刊物〕目录
tech.list of notion概念表
tech.list of open points待定项目清单
nautic., tech.list of operational limitations操作限制清单
consult.list of outstanding issue未偿债务清单
avia.list of overhaulable components可翻修件目录
agric.list of parcels on a lorry运货单
tech.list of parts零件目录 (表)
tech.list of pattern indices图形索引表
tech.list of payment付款表
avia.list of physical dimensions物理尺寸细目表
tech.list of piping erection管道安装览表
tech.list of piping supports管道支架一览表
agric.list of plant protection products植物保护剂一览表
tech.list of pollutant污染物清单
tech.list of polluting substance污染物清单
tech.list of polyline indices折线索引表
tech.list of preliminary determination初定震中表
busin.list of price价目表
busin.list of price价格表
busin.list of prices牌价
tech.list of prices价目表
busin.list of process A加工清单A
avia.list of program definition项目定义表
avia.list of program definition程序定义清单
busin.list of property性能表
tech.list of property财产清单
tech.list of quantity of doors and windows门窗数量表
busin.list of quotation行情表
busin.list of quotation牌价表
busin.list of quotations行情表
busin.list of quotations报价表
tech.list of quotations牌价
avia.list of radio beacon无线电指向标表
tech.list of radio signals无线电信号表
avia.list of radioactive and hazardous elements辐射性及有害元素清单
avia.list of radioactive and hazardous elements放射性与有害元素目录
tech.list of railway goods tariff rate铁路货物运价率表
ecol.list of rare and endangered plants珍稀濒危植物名录
tech.list of reinforcement钢筋表
busin.list of resources资产清单
sport.list of results成绩表
tech.list of sailings船期表
tech.list of schedule钢筋表
busin.list of selected products and materials主要产品与原材料目录
consult.list of selected tenderers挑选的投标者名单
busin.list of shareholder股东名单
tech.list of ship's stores船舶备用物品
shipb.list of shipyard property船厂财产目录
tech.list of signs图例
tech.list of signs符号表
tech.list of signs图式符号
tech.list of spare parts备件清单
agric.list of species物种名录
avia.list of specification规范目录
avia.list of specifications and standards规范和标准目录
busin.list of standard drawing标准图纸目录
tech.list of standard drawings标准图纸目录
securit.list of stock codes证券代码名录
busin.list of subscribers认购债券者名单
busin.list of subscribers认购人名单
busin.list of subscribers认股者名单
busin.list of supplier供应人名单
busin.list of table统计表
tech.list of technical characteristic技术特性表
tech.list of text indices正文索引表
tech.list of the comprehensive materials综合材料表
tech.list of the equipment设备一览表
busin.list of the object of quarantine检疫对象名单
agric.list of varieties品种名录
tech.list of views对景图目录
busin.list of weight and measurement重量容积表
avia.list of wire, cable and conduits电气管线表
tech.list of working drawings施工图图纸目录
sport.list of world best performers世界最佳运动员名单
securit.list on the exchanges证券交易所挂牌名单
securit.list order processing program上市委托处理程序
securit.list order processing program上市订单处理程序
gen.list posted
busin.list price价目表上所列价格
tech.list price目录价 (格)
adv.list price刊例价
tech.list price基本价格
tech.list price价格目表价格
securit.list price价目表定价
busin.list price for exchanging gold兑换黄金收购牌价
tech.list price method标准价格法
tech.list procedure列表程序
tech.list processing condition表处理条件
tech.list processing function表处理操作
tech.list processing function表处理功能
tech.list processing language报表处理语言
tech.list processing language处理语言
tech.list processing routine表处理程序
tech.list processing system表加工系统
tech.list processing system表格处理系统
tech.list processing system列表处理系统
tech.list processing technique表处理技术
tech.list processor处理机
tech.list processor编目处理机
gen.List Processor表处理程序
AI.LISt Processor language LISP语言一种程序导 (LISP)向表示的程序设计语言
comp.list program generator表格程序发生器
AI.list programming表程序设计
comp.list programming表格程序设计
comp.list programming language表格程序设计语言
tech.list pump横倾平衡泵
desert.list quadrat记名样方
tech.list reclamation表的回收
tech.list record content记录内容列表
tech.list record headers记录标头列表
tech.list recording content记录内容列表
tech.list recording headers记录标头列表
adv.list rental名录使用
adv.list rental名簿租用
tech.list representation表格表示法
adv.list respondent名单中的受选人
adv.list sample名单采样
tech.list sampling名单抽样
tech.list scanner表扫描程序
tech.list schedule表格调度法
tech.list scheduling调度
adv.list segmentation名单细分
adv.list selection名单细分
tech.list separator表分隔符
adv.list sequence名单排列顺序
multimed.list server邮件列表服务器
multimed.list server名单服务器
adv.list sort名单重新排序
tech.list sorting method表分类法
tech.list storage表的存储
tech.list structure带状结构
tech.list structure条状结构
tech.list structure链表结构
tech.list structure form表结构形式
tech.list table编目表
adv.list test名单抽样测试
tech.list to port左舷倾侧
agric.list up编成目录
agric.list up列表
adv.list usage名录使用
adv.list usage名簿租用
adv.mailing list broker名录经纪人
adv.mailing list broker名簿经纪人
adv.mailing list buyer名录买家
adv.mailing list buyer名簿买家
adv.mailing list cleaning名址信息修改
adv.mailing list cleaning名单除名
adv.mailing list compiler名录编辑者
adv.mailing list compiler名簿编辑者
adv.mailing list exchange名录交换
adv.mailing list exchange名单交换
adv.mailing list guarantee名录信度担保
adv.mailing list maintenance名址记录更新
adv.mailing list maintenance名录维护
multimed.mailing list manager邮递名单管理程序
adv.mailing list program信址列表程序
adv.mailing list rental名录使用
adv.mailing list rental名簿租用
adv.mailing list sample名单抽样
adv.mailing list sample名单采样
adv.mailing list segmentation名单细分
adv.mailing list selection名单细分
adv.mailing list sequence名单排列顺序
adv.mailing list test名单抽样测试
gen.make a list of编目录
gen.make a list of造表〔册〕
avia.manufacturing reference list system制造基准清单系统
avia.master equipment list index主要设备清册索引
avia.meter list display interval调度表显示间隔 (控制比每架飞机在调节定位点处飞机计划计算到达时刻提前分钟数的动态参数。这时试算着陆时间 (TCLT)被冻结,成为实算着陆时间 (ACLT);即顶点到达时间 (VTA )被更新,于是 TCLT 被适当修改冻结,并分配一个 ACLT。当冻结时,飞行进人被插人到达部门调节清单,显示在该部门的平面显示器/主显示监视器 (PVD/MDM )上)
avia.minimum equipment list index最少设备清册索引
nautic., tech.minimum list of items for the inventory of hazardous materials有害物质清单最少应列项目
avia.minimum requirements list for serialization系列化最低要求清单
avia.non-list assembly未列出的装配件
busin.number of list of sale销货单编号
busin.number of list of sale出售品编号
busin.number of list of sale销售商品编号
tech.numeric list of charts海图图号索引
tech.numeric list of commodities货物号码清单
tech.numerical list of charts海图图号索引
busin.numerical list of commodity货物号码清单
sport.official list of Olympic Games record奥运会正式成绩纪录表
busin.official list of quotation官定行市表
busin.official list of quotation公定行市表
gen.Once the discharge formalities completed, the cashier will issue a list which be presented to the nurse on your unit一旦出院手续办好后,收费处会出具一张出院清单,这张清单要交给您所在病房的护士
tech.packing list in lain paper无卖方名称的包装清单
avia.part list index零件细目表索引
avia.parts list assembly order零件细目表装配指令
avia.parts list change notice零件细目表更改通知
avia.parts list inquiry零件细目表查询
avia.pilot fault list display飞行员失误细目表显示器
avia.pilot's fault list display飞行员驾驶错误细目显示器
avia.planning parts list-work sheet零件/分组件清册
gen.Please tell us or notify in the list whether you need your clothes washed, dry-cleaned, ironed or mended请告诉我们或在洗衣单上写明您的衣服是否需要水洗、干洗、熨烫或缝补
avia.preferred parts list system首选零件细目表系统
avia.preliminary list of design changes设计更改初步清单
agric.price list for grain谷物价目表
shipb.price list of shipyard products船厂产品价格表
tech.priced list of labor and material工料定价单
tech.priced list of labour and material工料定价单
tech.priced list of material and labor工料定价单
tech.priced list of material and labour工料定价单
agric.print list mode打印表格方式
avia.products list circular产品目录通报
tech.program list control block程序表控制块
tech.program list control block程序清单控制表
tech.programme list control block程序表控制块
tech.programme list control block程序清单控制表
tech.provisional list of tenders临时标单
tech.ready list as a queue就绪表队列
tech.recursive list processing递归表处理
tech.request parameter list exit routine请求参数表出口例行程序
tech.request parameter list string申请参数目录串
tech.request parameter list string请求参数表串
avia.requirements list for serialization系列化要求表
tech.restricted list of bidders拟订投标人名单
tech.restricted list of bidders推选标商名单
tech.restricted list of bidders拟订投标人清单
tech.restricted list of bidders投标者的限价单
tech.sampling at list time按表列时间采样
tech.selected list of bidders合格标商名单
tech.selected list of bidders投标人选择名单
consult.short list of firms候选公司名单
tech.simple list form简单编目形式
tech.simple list structure简单表结构
tech.special list of equipment临时设备表
tech.static list angle静横倾角
securit.stock exchange daily official list Sedol number股票交易所每日正式牌价
securit.stock exchange daily official list Number证券交易所每日官方牌价股票号码
avia.stowage list and hardware tracking system存储清册和硬件跟踪系统
busin.summary list of materials and equipment材料设备汇总表
avia.supplier data requirements list status供应商资料需求清册状态
avia.supplier data requirements list system供应商资料需求清册系统
tech.train list information after departure确报
tech.train list information after departure列车确报
tech.train list information in advance列车预报
tech.train list information in advance and before departure列车预确报
tech.train list information reporting station确报站
tech.two-word list element二字链表元
gen.We've checked our Lost and Found list, but your glasses did not appear on it我们已经查过了我们的失物招领单,但上面没有您的眼镜
avia.wire list and hookup charts导线清册和连接图表
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