
Terms for subject International trade containing liner | all forms | exact matches only
air liner航线客机
air liner班机
berth terms or liner terms班轮条件
break bulk liner杂货班轮
cargo liner运货班机
cargo liner定期货轮
C.I.F. liner termsF.班轮条件
coastal liner沿海班轮
Code of Conduct for Liner Conferences班轮公会业务手则
Code of Conduct for Liner Conferences班轮公会行动手则
container liner货柜班轮
container liner集装箱班轮或班机
Convention on the Code of Conduct for Liner Conference班轮公会行动守则公约
conventional liner常规班轮
cost, insurance, freight liner terms C.I.F. liner tenns成本、保险费、运费加班轮条件到岸价格加班轮条件
cost, insurance, freight liner terms CIF liner terms到岸价加班轮费用价
FOB liner terms船上交货班轮条件
free on board liner terms按班轮条件船上交货价
freight liner集装箱列车
freight liner直达列车
freight liner货柜列车
freight liner货运班轮
irregular liner不定期航路
liner bill of lading班轮提单
liner B/L班轮提单
liner carriage班轮货运
liner conference班轮公会
liner negligence clause班轮疏忽条件
liner operator班轮营运人
liner’s freight tariff班轮运价表
liner service班轮业务
liner service班轮运输
liner ship班轮
liner shipper班轮托运人
liner terms定期船条件
liner terms班轮条件
liner terms班轮条款
liner time定期航线
liner trade班轮运输
liner trade route班轮运输航线
liner vessel班轮
non-liner regression非线性回归
ocean liner夕卜洋轮船
ocean liner远洋班轮
passenger liner班轮
passenger liner客轮
regular liner定期船