
Terms containing line repair | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
tech.car inspection and repair line检修线
navig.deepwater pipe line repair system深水区管线修理系统
met.direct in-line repair直接在线修整
tech.line repair线路修复
gen.line repair station养路站公路的
UN, tech.maintenance rate means the reimbursement rate to compensate the government for maintenance costs comprising spare parts, contracted repair, and third and fourth line maintenance that is required to keep major equipment items operational to the specified standards, and return the item to operational condition upon return from the mission area保养费率是指补偿政府的保养费用的偿还费率,适用于备件、合同保养及保持主要装备运作符合特定标准并在从任务区运回时能恢复运作状态所需的第三、第四线保养
chem.repair parts line item备件名称