
Terms for subject Bridge construction containing line of centres | all forms | in specified order only
centre line of main beam主梁中心线
centre line of railway线路中心线
centre line of subgrade路基中心线
centre line of track线路中心线
centre line of track线路中线
centre-line of beam梁轴线
centre-line of bridge桥梁中线
centre-line of bridge site桥址中线
centre-line of deck桥面中心线
centre-line of depth of girder梁高中心线
centre-line of height of beam梁高中心线
centre-line of member杆件中心线
clear distance from centre-line of track to hand-rail of sidewalk线路中心至人行道栏杆内侧的净距
direction along the centre-line of bridge顺桥方向
gravity centre-line of cross-section of member杆件截面重心线
height from surface of flow channel of culvert to bottom of rail at centre-line of track线路中线处自涵洞流水槽面至轨底的高度
line of centres中心线