
Terms for subject Metallurgy containing line of | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
centre line of groove轧槽孔型中心线
centroid of X-ray diffraction lineX 射线衍射谱线重心
degree of centre-line segregation中心偏析度
depth of frost line冻线深度
depth of frost line冰冻深度
descaler of finishing line精整作业线除鳞机
designing of construction line炉型设计
designing of construction line断面设计
doubling of line谱线分叉
half-peak breadth of X-ray lineX 射线半峰宽度
in-line change of frequency【连】 振频在线变换
in-line change of stroke振幅在线变换
in-line decision of strand quality铸坯质量在线判定
in-line defect inspection of hot slab热板坯缺陷在线检测
in-line longitudinal cutting technology of slab板坯在线纵切技术 (【技】将连铸出的板坯在线切割成窄板坯或方坯的技术。采用该项技术可在不增加新连铸机的情况下,扩大连铸坯规格,提高生产效率。)
in-line longitudinal slitting technology of slab板坯在线纵切技术
in-line measurement of rhomboidity菱变在线测量
in-line threading of mandrel在线穿芯棒
in-line variable width technology of mold结晶器在线调宽技术
integral breadth of X-ray lineX 射线积分宽度
intensity of powder line粉末法衍射线强度
line diagram of powder pattern粉纹线图
line of atoms原子行列
line of cells电解槽系列
line of closest atomic packing原子最密排列方向
line of contact接触线
line of demarcation相界
line of demarcation分界线
line of ferrite铁素体带
line of flame front火焰前锋线
line of flame front火焰前缘线
line of flow流线
line of flux通量线
line of force力线
line of fusion熔合线
line of high intensity高强度线
line of induction感应线
line of influence感应线
line of influence影响线
line of intersection交线
line of low intensity低强度线
line of magnetic flux磁通线
line of magnetic force磁力线
line of pores排成线的气孔
line of pores气孔链
line of production生产流程
line of production生产线
line of scatter散射线
line of segregation偏析区
line of segregation偏析带
line of singularity奇线
line of singularity奇异线
line of solidification凝固线
line of stress discontinuity应力不连续线
line of vacant sites空位线
line resolution of powder pattern粉末法衍射图样的线分辨能力
line softening of strip带钢连续式软化退火
line-up of sintering equipment烧结设备排列
line-up of sintering equipment烧结设备系列
low stock line of BF高炉低料线
magnetic line of force磁力线
off-line slitting technology of slab板坯离线纵切技术
off-line threading of mandrel机外穿芯棒
off-line threading of mandrel离线穿芯棒
on-line cutting of strand连铸坯在线切割
on-line defect inspection of hot slab热板坯缺陷在线检测
on-line measurement of hot slab热板坯在线测量
on-line prediction of defects of slab板坯缺陷在线预报
on-line slitting technology of slab板坯在线纵切技术
on-line variable width of mold结晶器在线调宽 (【技】在连铸机正常拉坯的条件下改变铸坯宽度的操作。其优点是:①增加铸坯规格、缩短停机时间、提高生产能力;②减少切头切尾、提高金属收得率;③可在不停机的情况下浇注成分相近、尺寸有别的铸坯。结晶器在线调宽通常是通过移动其窄边来实现的。)
on-line variable width technology of mold结晶器在线调宽技术
operating line of blast furnace高炉操作线 (【技】直角坐标系中能显示和描述高炉炼铁过程中重要指标的一条直线。由法国人里斯特 (A. Rist) 教授首先绘制出,故又称里斯特操作线。)
pitch line of groove【压】 孔型中心线
pitch line of groove孔型中心线
propagation of slip line滑移线扩展
route of pipe line管线路
sloping line of bosh【铁】 炉腹斜线
strip welding line of coils成卷带材焊接作业线 (用于连轧)
tension of dislocation line位错线张力