
Terms for subject Aviation containing line of | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
air line of communication空中通信线
ascending line of node升交点线
automatic command to line of sight自动调整瞄准线
automatic command to line of sight瞄准线自动控制
auxiliary line of sight辅助视线
center line of bend弯曲中心线
clear line of sight视线无阻挡
cloud free line of sight无云视线
command to line of sight瞄准线指令
computerized on-line system for the management of spares计算机化备件管理联机系统
descending line of node降交点线
end of line线终端
extended line of sight延伸的瞄准线
family of advanced beyond line of sight terminals高级超视距通信终端系列
forward line of enemy defence敌前防御线
forward line of enemy defence敌防御前线
forward line of own troops友军前线 (绘在地图上的假想线,用来表示在特定的时间内的任何类型军事行动中,友方军队所在的最前沿位置。友军前线通常指掩护部队所在的前线位置,飞行员有权攻击友军前线之外的任何目标)
gradient of position line位置线梯度
limiting line of submerged approach潜艇接近限度线
line class of service线路业务等级
line of apsides拱点线
line of arrival弹着线
line of bearing航向线
line of bomb release投弹线
line of constant Doppler shift等多普勒频率线
line of fall落地线
line of impact击中线
line of nodes交点线
line of position位置域
line of right ascension赤经圈
line of separation分离线
line of sight rate视线角速度
line of tension应力线
line-of-sight rate瞄准线移动角速度
line-of-sight transmission视距离信号传输
method of line线性法
method of line线方法
minimum line of detection最近控测线
minimum line of interception最迟拦截线
No. of line电缆编号
out of line sight在视线外
pressure line of position位置压力线
radar line of sight雷达视线
semiautomatic command to line of sight瞄准线半自动控制
semi-automatic command to line of sight瞄准线半自动控制 (导弹制导方法,导弹发射后被控制进入射手视力范围内)
stabilized line of sight optical tracker稳定瞄准线光学跟踪仪