
Terms for subject Bridge construction containing line | all forms | exact matches only
acting line作用线
aerial line架空线路
alignment guiding line导向线
along the line沿线
approach line引线
arch centre-line拱中心线
arch crown line拱顶线
arch pressure line拱压力线
arch springing line起拱线
area of influence line影响线面积
auxiliary line辅助线
base line基准线
base line底边
base line dimension基线尺寸
base line measurement基线测量
base line survey基线测量
bay line专用支线
bending moment influence line弯矩影响线
bisecting line二等分线
block line实线
border line轮廓线
border line图廓线
border line边线
boundary line限界
boundary line of construction建筑限界
boundary line of railway铁路限界
bracket of contact line equipment接触网支架
branch line railway支线铁路
bridge for multiple-track line多线铁路桥
building line建筑限界
camber line脊线
catenarian line悬链线
center line stake中线桩
central line of carriageway车行道中心线
centre-line of beam梁轴线
centre-line of bridge桥梁中线
centre-line of bridge site桥址中线
centre-line of deck桥面中心线
centre-line of depth of girder梁高中心线
centre-line of height of beam梁高中心线
centre line of main beam主梁中心线
centre-line of member杆件中心线
centre line of railway线路中心线
centre line of subgrade路基中心线
centre line of track线路中心线
centre line of track线路中线
centre-line surveying中线测量
chain line点划线
clear distance from centre-line of track to hand-rail of sidewalk线路中心至人行道栏杆内侧的净距
clotted line虚线
coast line海岸线
collimation line照准线
compression force line pressure line压力线
contour line等深线
contour line mapping等高线绘制
cross line交叉线
crown line拱顶线
curb line路缘线
danger flood line危险洪水位
deck plate girder bridge on curved line上承式曲线上板梁桥
deck plate girder bridge on straight line上承式直线上板梁桥
demarcation line of weathered strata风化层分界线
detour line绕行线
direction along the centre-line of bridge顺桥方向
distance of tracks of double line bridge复线桥线间距
diverging line岔线
dividing line分水线
division line分隔线
dot line虚线
dotted line点线虚线
double line bridge复线桥梁
double-line bridge双线桥
double line bridge双线桥梁
double line bridge复线桥
double line railway双线铁路
double line railway复线铁路
down railway line下行铁路线
draw-out line牵出线
earth-pressure line土压力线
eccentricity of compression force line压力线偏心距
eccentricity of pressure line压力线偏心距
elasticity line弹性线
end of influence line影响线端点
envelope line包络线
enveloping line包络线
excavation line开挖线
extension line延长线
external force line外力线
external normal line外法线
fall line吊绳
flood line洪水线
flow construction line流水生产线
flow line水流线
flow line流水线
flow-line production流动生产线
forcing line受力线
freight traffic line货运线
frost line冻结线
frost line冰冻线土中 (in soil)
frozen line冻结线
gauge-line of rivets铆行线
general scour line一般冲刷线
general scouring line一般冲刷线
geodesic base line大地测量基线
goods train line货运线
gravity centre-line of cross-section of member杆件截面重心线
ground line地平线
ground line地面线
ground surface line地面线
guy line拉线
hair line crack发丝裂缝
hair-line cracking细裂纹
height from surface of flow channel of culvert to bottom of rail at centre-line of track线路中线处自涵洞流水槽面至轨底的高度
high tide line高潮线
high water line高水位线
hillside line山坡线
horizontal centre line水平中线
horizontal line地平线
horizontal line of ground地平线
hydraulic grade line水面线
hydraulic gradient line动水梯度线
important line of communications要道
inclination of axis to horizontal line轴线对水平线的倾角
influence line影响线
influence line for reaction反力影响线
influence line method影响线法
influence line of load荷载影响线
influence line with different signs异符号影响线
influence line with same sign同符号影响线
inland navigation line内河航线
intermediate straight line夹直线
isoclimate line等气候线
lane line车道线
lead line测深绳
leading line导线
length of constructed line建筑线路长度
length of operating line运营线路长度
limit of length of grade line坡长限制
line bridge跨线天桥
line for freight traffic货运线
line for freight transport货运专线
line for goods train货运专线
line for passenger train客运专线
line for passenger transport客运专线
line load线荷载
line of action of force力的作用线
line of action of resultant force合力作用线
line of centres中心线
line of collimation视准线
line of dashes虚线
line of zero stress零应力线
line survey线路测量
line tape皮尺
line welding线焊
live line运营线铁路
load and beam cross line荷载与梁相交线或点 (or point)
load distribution line荷载分布线
load influence line荷载影响线
loading length of influence line影响线加载长度
local line地方线
location centre line定位中线
long-line production process长线法对预加应力 (for prestressing)
longitudinal distributing line纵向分布线
low water line低水线
lowest water line枯水位
low-water line低水位线
main communication line交通干线
main line正线
main line干道
main line of communication交通干线
main line railway干线铁路
main railway line铁路干线
main stress line主应力线
maximum ordinate of influence line影响线最大纵坐标
mesh line网格线
multiple line bridge多线桥
multiple line railway多线铁路
multiple-sign influence line多符号影响线
nodal line节线
normal consolidation line正常固结线
operating line运营线铁路 (for railway)
outer ring line外环线
over-line bridge for passenger旅客天桥
overhead contact line equipment接触网
pedestrian crossing line人行横道线
pedestrian crosswalk line人行横道线
perpendicular direction to the center line of bridge横桥方向
perpendicular line垂线
perpendicular straight line垂直线
piezometric line自由水面线
piezometric line自由水面
pipe drain grade line管底纵坡度线
pipe line bridge管线桥
position of maximum ordinate of influence line影响线最大纵坐标位置
pressure line of arch拱压力线
principal diagonal line of matrix矩阵主对角线
probability line概率线
profile of railway line线路纵断面
railway line线路
railway line铁路线
relocation of line改线
reserved second line预留第二线
ridge line分水岭
river side line沿河线路
rivet gauge line铆钉行距
rivet gauge-line铆行线
rivet line铆钉行距
rock line岩面线
rupture line破裂线
safety line安全线铁路的 (for railway)
sawtooth-shaped influence line锯齿形影响线
scouring line冲刷线
shaft line轴线
shore line河岸线
shoulder line of subgrade路肩线
side line侧线铁路的
single line单线
single-line bridge单线桥
single line railway单线铁路
single-sign influence line单符号影响线
slope line坡线
solid-line curve实线曲线
special line for freight train货运专线
special line for passenger train客运专线
special line for railway专用铁路线
stage line of hydrograph水位过程线
station line站线
steam locomotive traction line蒸汽机车牵引线
straight line interpolation直线插入
stream line水流线
temporary line便线
terminal connecting line枢纽联络线
top line of seal封底顶线
total length of influence line影响线全长
track centre line轨道中心线
transit line导线
transverse distributing line横向分布线
traverse line导线
triangular influence line三角形影响线
triple track line三线线路
trunk line railway干线铁路
up line of railway上行线
user's line专用线
vertical line竖直线
vertical line铅直线
vital communication line要道
water line profile in channel水面曲线
water parting line分水线
weld line焊线
welding seam, weld line焊缝
working line受力线
working line工作线
yield line theory屈服线理论
zero grade line不填不挖线