
Terms for subject Architecture containing line | all forms | exact matches only
a line abreuvoir砌墙麻线
a line abreuvoir并列横排成一线
above grade line地面管道
acoustical delay line声延迟线
across the line跨接线
air handling line通风管道
anchor line锚索
arch line拱曲线弧线
arch springing line拱脚
arrangement of station line车站线路布置
assembly line流水作业装备,生产线
automatic draft tube fill line自动尾水管充水管路
automatical draft tube fill line自动尾水管充水管路
automatical line plotter自动线绘图机
bailer line捞砂绳索
bank line路面侧坡
barrier line制止线
base line线
black line print黑色图
blanketing line落料生产线
blaze the line标出设计路线
block line建筑线
block line房屋界线
blower line放气管
blowoff line排污放气管道
bond line粘结接合
bond line粘合
boot water-line paint水线涂料
boundary line of street道路红线边界线
branch line支线
bricklayer's line砌砖工线
building line房屋边线
building line设计线
building restriction line建筑范围面积
butt line接缝
center-line grade中线坡度
center-line stake中线桩
chalk line白粉笔画的线
coaxal line同轴线
coaxal line termination同轴线终端负载
contour line等高轮廓线
curtain line舞台地面与幕的交线
dead line最后期限
dead line闭置线路
diagonal line双角线
door center line门轴线
dot and dash line点划线 (即一・一・一)
downhill pipe-line下倾的输送管线
eye line透视图上的视平线
finished line终止线
floor line楼面线
ground line基准线
ground line地平面线
guide line指导方针
guide line线
guy line风缆
guy line牵索
hair line十字瞄准线
hair line发丝
hair-line crack发样裂纹
hair line seams发纹
hardware pole line架空明线的金具金属附件
heating line暖气管道
heating line供热管道
heavy line图表中的粗线
hide-den line虚线
hide-den line隐线
high line索道
high line高压电线
high-pressure hose line高压蛇形管软管线
hot gas line热气管线
hot line job带电操作作业
hot water line热水管
house line三股细油麻绳
hydraulic grade line水位降落曲线
hydro-isobaric line等水压线
illuminating line照明线路
in line production流水作业
in line pump直列式柱塞泵
in line pump管线泵
inbound line人站线路
inclination line比降坡度线
incoming line输人线路
indented coast-line曲折锯齿形海岸线
influence line感应线
initial line线
initial line始边
intake pipe line进水管线
isoclimate line气候等值线
isoclinic line主应力等倾线
isohyetal line等沉陷线
isohypse-line等高线 (水准面)
isoinsolation line等日射线
jerk line一种钻机启动绳
key line母线
key line主线
killing line停泵线路
knuckle line棱角线
lapse line逆减线
laying line铺设线
level line等高水平线
life line保险带
line flow assembly流水作业线装配
line level砌砖拉线找平
line manhole管道人孔
line of balance对称线
line pipe干线管
line stake路线桩
load line载重吃水线
load water line载重吃水线
location centre line定位中心线
long-line method预应力混凝土的长线法
long-line prestressed concrete长线法预应力混凝土指先张法
long-line prestressed concrete长线法〔先张法〕预应力混凝土
long-line prestressed concrete长线张拉法预应力混凝土
long-line prestressed concrete先张法预应力混凝土
long-line pretensioning banks长线预应力先张法台座
loop line环形线
maximum snowfall line最大降雪线
neat line开挖线
neat line边线
on-line input联机输人
open line开路线
plugging-up line用户闭塞线
property line post地界标
property line wall围墙
receding line建筑物退缩线
reference line基准参照线
ridge line分水山脊线
snap ping line弹线
straight line block直线型建筑物
straight line block板式建筑物
straight line distribution直线分布
straight-line graticule直角坐标网
streak line流线
strip line传送带
submarine pipe line海底管道
subterranean line地下线路管路
supply line供应线
supply line水管线
taut-line cableway架空索道
taut-line cableway紧索道
tear line包装袋撕裂线
tie line拉线
U-line lampU 形荧光
vertical line铅垂垂直线
wall surface line建筑基线
water gas pipe line水煤气管线
water-line paint水线漆〔涂料〕
water-line paint水线漆
water-supply line上水道
wet return line回水管
winch line绞车绳
zigzag line曲折线