
Terms for subject Engineering geology containing line | all forms | exact matches only
aclinic line磁赤道线
air line通气管
air line架空线
air line航线
air line风管
air voids line干密度与含水量关系孔隙曲线
anchor line锚链
anchor line锚索
base line建筑场地主导线
base line准线测量
beach line海岸线
bearing line方位线
building line建筑界线
casing line管线
central line中间排
circulating line循环管路
consolidation line固结曲线
consolidation line渗压曲线
constant slope line等坡度线
contour line等高線
Coulomb line库仑线
critical state line临界状态线
danger line警戒水位
danger line警戒线
displacement line变位线
divisional line分界线
drain line排水管道
drainage line排水路線
drainage line水流線
drainage line排水线
drilling line钻探用钢绳
driving on line定向掘进
drop pipe line深井井管
drop pipe line水井竖管
earthquake line地震线
elastic line弹性线
elevated line高架道路
elevated line高架线路
equipotential line method等位〔势〕线法
exploratory line勘探线
fathom line等英寻线
fault-line valley断线谷
feeder line铁路支线
firn line雪线
fitted line拟合线
fitted line配合线
fixed-line observation定线观测
flood line高潮线
flow line蠕变曲线
flow line流程线
flying line航线
flying line飞行测线
foam line碎波线
foam line破波线
form line地形线
foundation line开挖线
foundation line基础线
gas pipe line气体管线
glide line滑动线
ground line gradient自然坡度
ground line gradient地面坡度
groundwater fall line地下水陡降线
groundwater isopiestic line地下水等位线
groundwater line潜水位
groundwater line地下水位
grout distribution line配浆管路
hi-line tower高压线塔架
high-tide line高水位
high-tide line高潮线
high-water line高潮线
high-water line高水位线
hinge line脊线
hydraulic grade line水力坡度线
hydroisopiestic line等测压水头线
hydrostatic line静水压力线
in-line data processing联机数据处理
incoming line引入路线
infiltration line浸润线
isallo-stress line等变应力线
isanomalic line等异常线
isobathic line等深线
isodepth contour line等深线
isodynamic line等动力线
isogeothermal line等地温线
isohyetal line等降水量线
isometric line等值线
isopiestic line等势线
isopiestic line等测压水位线
isopiestic line of aquifer含水层等压线
isosmotic pressure line等渗压线
isostatic line等压线
isotropic line极小直线
isotropic line空間對角線
isotropic line迷向直线
isotropic stress line各向等应力线
lead line铅锤线
limit line边界线
limit line临界线
line boring成行钻孔
line boring排钻采矿
line building同排建筑
line check valve管道止回阀
line check valve管路单向阀
line drilling成行钻孔
line drilling排钻采矿
line expansion线膨胀
line flooding成排灌水
line level测定水平高程
line level气泡水准器
line level线水准仪
line-load surcharge线荷载超载
line of approach渐近线
line of approach接近线路
line of approach进站线路
line of bearing方位线
line of bearing走向线
line of corresponding discharge对应流量曲线
line of corresponding stages对应水位曲线
line of creep爬徑滲流
line of creep潛變線
line of creep渗流路径
line of demarcation边界线
line of dip倾向线
line of equal content等浓度线
line of equal pressure等压线
line of excavation开挖线
line of firn雪线
line of hole排孔线
line of intersection交切线
line of nodes节点线
line of outcrop露头线
line of rupture破损线
line of saturation饱和浸润线
line of section剖面线
line of slide坍方线
line of slide滑动线
line of slide滑裂线
line of sounding测深线
line of stratification分层线
line of stratification层位线
line of strike走向线
line of thrust断层线
line of thrust推力线
line of weakness软弱线
line plunger pump往复柱塞泵
line pressure管道压力
line swelling线膨胀
line well生产线井
line with casing用套管护孔
low water line低水位线
main stress line主应力迹线
mean line等分线
measuring line测线
mesh line网线
multiple line curtain多排帷幕
neve line雪线
neve line万年雪线
obsequent fault-line scarp逆断层线崖
phreatic line土中渗水线
piezometric line测压管水头线
plotted line规划线
plumb line铅直线
plunge line波浪破碎线
potential line等势线
power supply line供电线路
pressure line压力管道
profile line测线
prospecting line勘探线
radial line放射线
railroad line铁路线
recharge line线型补给井群
regression line平衡曲线
return line回浆管
ridge line分水岭线
saturation line飽和線
saturation line飽和曲線擊實曲線
saturation line饱和曲线
seepage line浸潤線
seepage line滲潤線
sewer line下水管道
shear line剪切线
shore line岸线
single line grout curtain单排灌浆帷幕
slickenside line擦痕线
snow line万年雪线
sounding line测深线
sounding line测深绳
strand line岸边线
strand line海滨线
stratification line层理线
structure line构造线
suction line抽吸管
summit line山脊线
syngeothermal line等地温线
thrust line逆冲断层线
transit line视线
umbilical line操纵缆绳
upstream line上游河流线
upstream water line上游水位线
vent line排放管线
virgin isotropic consolidation line原始各向等压固结曲线
water line水位线
water line水管线
water supply line供水管道
water-depth line水等深线
well line井排
well line井列
wet line水线
wet line湿线
wire line缆绳
yield line屈服线
yield line塑性变形线
zero lot line地界零线
zero water saturation line含水饱和度的零线