
Terms for subject Football containing line | all forms | exact matches only
attack in three line三线进攻
back line防守线
break through the defensive line突破防线
build a line-up"筑墙"
build a line-up筑人墙
build a line-up排成一线
Chinese football team's new line-up中国足球队的新阵容
close line近线战术
cross the goal line越过球门线
defense line后防线
end line底线
fall back to the goal-line撤回到球门线
forward line锋线
fullback line buck后卫突破防线
go back of the ten-yard line退出十码线
goal area line球门区线
goal line端线
goal line入门线
goal line底线
goal line球门线
half line中线
halfway line中线
halfway-line flag中线旗
halfway-line flag中经旗
horizontal line横线
in line defense—线防御
length of the goal line球门线的长度
length of the touch line边线的长度
line of defense后卫线
line of defense防守线
line up列阵
line up a wall筑人墙
line up a wall排成一线
line up in position for the kick-off排起阵势准备开球
link line前卫线
midfield line中线
midpoint of the halfway line场地中线的中点处
opposition''s line-up对方列阵
over the touch line越过边线
pass over the goal line越过球门线
penalty line罚球线
photographer's line摄影人员限制线
plug holes in the line of defense补位
run the line担任巡边员
touch line边线
touch line ball边线球
vertical line纵线