
Terms for subject Agriculture containing line | all forms | exact matches only
A-9 lineA-9 鼠成纤维细胞系
addition line加系指染色体,lina additionis
additive base line附加基线指电离辐射
aiming line照准线{测}
air-line cleaner轧花机风管式净棉器
alien addition line异源 染色体 加系
alien substitution line异源加系 (lina substitutionis alienus)
alien substitution line异源[染色体]代换系
amicronucleate line非小核系 (lina amicronucleata)
aneuploid cell line非整倍体细胞系
animal cell line动物细胞系
anticlinal line背斜线 (linea anticlinalis)
automatic line spacing自动行间隔
bagged line套袋品系
banana dotted line mosaic香蕉点线花叶病
banking on-line system银行业务联机系统
basal line基线鳞翅目
bearing line方位线指海图的
bee line蜜蜂飞行线
BHK line腮鼠肾成纤维细胞系
bidirectional data line双向数据线
blood line血缘
blue isogenic line蓝等基因系
border line境界线
bottom long line底层延绳钓
bred line纯育系
breeding of line系统育种
brilliant line亮线
broad-line seeding宽行条播
broken line虚线指曲线
broken-line graph破折线图
BSC-1 line非洲绿猴肾系
buffered line printer缓冲行式打印机
by-pass line旁通管
calcium line生石灰 (CaO)
calcium line石灰
cell line细胞繁殖指存活细胞无性繁殖系
center line轴心线
check line检核线
cleavage line卵裂线
clonal line克隆系
clonal line无性[繁殖]系
clonal pure line克隆纯系
clonal pure line无性繁殖体纯系
cloned line克隆系
cloned line无性[繁殖]系
closure line封闭线
cloud line云线
coarse line粗线[条]
collecting line天线
communication line adaptor通信线转接器
community antenna television line extender公用天线电视线路扩展器 (CATV line extender)
community antenna television main line amplifier公用天线电视主线放大器 (CATV main line amplifier)
community on-line intelligence system团体联机情报系统
compartment line区划线
core line果心线
cotton line selection棉品系选择
cream line奶油层奶油和脱脂牛奶的分界线
cross line十字丝{测}
curvature of the plumb line垂线曲率
cytoplasmic male sterile line细胞雄性不育系
danger line水位危险线
Danish plum line pattern virus丹麦李线纹病毒
dead line截止限期
dead line game死线对策
dead line game不可逾越界线对策
demarcation line区界
dent line马齿型玉米品系
derived line诱导系
derived line method诱导系育种法
descender line下伸底线
dialog on-line联机对话
dial-up line拨号线
disomic addition line二体加系
dorsal line背线
dorsal median line背中线
dorsopleural line背侧线
double row-line seeding双行条播
drag line牵引钢索
drain line排水线路
drip line placement行向滴施
drive line传动系
dwarf-internode line短节间品系
early inbred line早熟自交系
ebb line退潮线
edge line边沿线
Ehrlich lineEhrlich 系指鼠乳瘤
elite line良种系
equal-velocity line等流速线
equiscalar line of departure等距平线
error line错误路线指方针,政策
established cell line确立细胞系
evolutionary line进化系
experimental line试验品系
family line breeding母系系统选择育种法
family line breeding母系选择育种法
fat line粗线
fault line gap断层线隘口
fault line scarp断层[线]崖
F₂-derived line杂交子二代衍生品系
feed line饲料输送管路
female line雌系
fertility restorer line能育性恢复系
fertility restoring line能育性恢复系
firebreak line防火线
firn line[冰川]粒雪线
fish line钓线
fish line钓丝
flat-bed line plotter平板行式绘图仪
float line浮子纲
float line上纲
float line浮延绳钓
float line浮纲
flow-line harvesting流水作业式收获
fluid pressure line流压管路
fluid pressure line液压系统
front line锋线
frontal line of snowmelt融雪 锋线
front-mounted in-line前正悬挂 (式)
frost line霜结线
frost line霜冻线
fruit processing line水果加工线
fruit processing line with sorter-grader带分送分级机的水果加工线
full line实线指制图
geodesic line[最]短程线
germ line种迹
germ line body种系体
germ line chimera种系嵌合体
germ-line chromosome种系染色体
germ-line differentiation种系分化
germ line karyotype种系核型
germ line mutation种系突变
germ line transformation种系转化
grade-line of canal渠道纵剖面
grade-line of canal渠道纵坡
grade-line of tile drain排水暗管瓦管纵坡
grass line牵引索
grass line副索架空集材
guide line标线
guide line准线
guide line准绳
guide line检查线
guide line控制线
guide line引线
hamster kidney fibroblast line腮鼠肾成纤维细胞系
haploid cell line单倍细胞系
HeLa cell line海拉细胞系
heteroploid cell line异倍细胞系
high-combining line高配合系
high-yielding line高产品系
homologous line纯合品系
homozygous cell line纯合细胞系
homozygous line纯合 (linea homozyga)
hybrid cell line杂种细胞系
hybrid line杂种品系
hybrid line杂种系
hybridoma cell line杂交瘤细胞系
hydrogen line氢气谱线
imaginal line虚线
immortal cell line永生细胞系指长期不断增殖的细胞系
improved line育成品系
in-line analysis直读分析
in-line analysis线内分析
in-line arrangement顺排指排卵
in-line code插人代码
in-line code直接代码
in-line coding直接插人编码
in-line data process联机数据处理
in-line engine直列式发机
in-line filter线内滤器
in-line forager直流型青饲料收获机
in-line guide在线指导
in-line harvester直流型收获机
inactive line待用线[路]
inbred-line parent自交系亲本
inbreed line自交系
inbreed line近交系
inbreeding line自交系
inbreeding line近交系
international on-line retrieval system国际联机检索系统
introduced line引进[品]系
irrigation pipe-line灌溉管路线
isanthesic line等始花期线
iseoric line等年温较差线
isoceraunic line等雷雨[次数与强度]线
isoceraunic line年雷暴日百分频率等值线
isodynamic line等风力线
isogenic line等基因系 (linea isogenica)
isogonic line等[磁]偏线
isokeraunic line等雷雨[次数与强度]线
isokeraunic line年雷暴日百分频率等值线
isophenological line等物候学线
kaoliang inbred-line高粱近交系
keying line网控线路
keying line键控线路
kidney line of African green monkey非洲绿猴肾系
lateral line可移动[灌溉]侧支管路
lateral line辅助[灌溉]管路
lateral line organ侧线器[官]
lead line干线
lead line
light line明线用于种子
lightning protection of overhead line架空线防雷[保护]
line analyzer线路分析器
line breeding系统育种
line-by-line method逐线法指大气透过率的一种计算方法
line cross品系间杂交
line culture品系栽培
line drilling条播
line dropout漏行指打字或排字
line dropout行丢失
line group品系群
line isolation株系隔离
line number品系数
line of best fit最适线
line of breeding育种品系
line of convergence辐合线
line of creep潜水渗透线
line of descent谱系
line of draft牵引线
line of frontogenesis锋生线
line of hitch牵引线
line of isoamplitude等辐线
line of pull拉力线
line of pull牵引线
line of seepage渗透线
line of weakness脆弱线{土壤}
line out of service线路停止使用
line planting条种法
line planting行植法
line quality monitoring行质量监测
line reel卷线车
line reel绕线器
line ruler划线尺
line seeding条播
line selection谱系选择
line separation系统分离法
line separation品系分离法
line shaft传动轴
line skip跳行指打字
line smoothing线平滑指曲线整修
line smoothing线修匀
line sowing条播
line space行距
line spacing行间隔
line spotting of the leaf梭斑病
line-spread function线性扩展函数
line survey样线调查
line test系统测验
line test品系测验
line test品系检定
line thinning隔行疏伐
line thinning带状疏伐
line transect method样线法
longitudinal line纵埂
longitudinal line纵线
loose line疏排行指排版
loose line散排行
low water mean line平均低潮线
low-voltage underground line低压地埋线路
luminous line明线
lure line引诱绳
maize inbred line玉米近交系
maize inbred line玉米自交系
maize selfing line玉米自交系
male line雄系
male sterile maintain line雄性不育保持系
male-fertile inbred line雄性能育自交系
male-sterile inbred-line雄性不育自交系
male-sterile line雄性不育系
malignant cell line恶性细胞系
marriage line婚配系
marriage line结婚系
maternal line母系
maternal-line selection母系选择
mean high-water line平均高潮线
mean low-water line平均低潮线
meander line折导线
milk line输奶管路
mixed line混系
mixed line混合品系
mobile sprinkler line移动式喷灌机管路
mode of transplanting line插秧方式
monosporidial line单孢子繁殖系
mother line selection母系选择
mouse inbred line小鼠近交系
mutant cell line突变细胞系
mutant line突变系
narrow line drilling窄行条播
narrow line seeder窄行条播机
nival line雪线
non-line-out plant未移栽植株
normal isothermal line平均等温线
nucellar line珠心系 (lina nucellaris)
nursery line移植畦
nursery line栽植行
nursery line移植苗床播种行
off-line analysis脱机分析
oil line油路
on-line data handling联机数据处理
on-line information system联机信息系统
on-line media联机媒体
on-line training and practice联机培训与练习
on-line working在线运行的
on-line working联机运行的
open line ditch明渠
opening of a credit line on current account在活期帐户上开办一个信贷限额
original self-line原始自交系
overlapping line重叠线
panicle-row line穗行系
parent line亲系
parental inbred line亲本自交系
parental line亲本品系
partial line down部分行下移指排版的行下移
paternal line父系
patrol line警戒线
patrol line巡逻线
permanent snow-line永久积雪线
phyletic line线系
phyletic line族系
pipe line输料管线
pipe line导线
pipe line输料管
pipe-line equipment管式挤奶设备
pipe-line filter管式滤器牛奶
pipe-line milk meter管式量奶计
pipe-line milking installation管式挤奶装置
pipe-line milking machine管式挤奶机
pipe line wrapping管线包裹
plantation line植行
planting in close-spaced straight line密条播
planting in line行植
planting in line条播
planting in line行栽
planting line植行
potato line-up implements马铃薯行栽农具
power line传动系
preservation of line品系保存
pressure line齿轮传动啮合线
pressure pipe line压力管路
principal level line主水准线
print line打印线
private line专有线路
pseudo-off -line working伪脱机工作
pure-line breeding纯种繁育
pure-line breeding纯系育种
pure-line method of breeding纯系育种法
pure-line parent纯系亲本
pure-line population纯系群体
pure line selection纯系选种[法]
pure-line variety纯系品种
purse line括纲
recirculation line回输管路
recovered line恢复系
recovery disrupter line回复分裂基因系
recovery-disrupter line回复分裂基因系 (RD-line)
red line disease赤线病指甘蔗
regression straight line回归直线
remote sensing line遥感线
restoring line恢复系
rhumb line方向 角航线
ruler line标尺行
run a line定线{测}
satellite line卫星形线
satellite line卫星通信线路
scale above lateral line侧线上方鳞片
scale in lateral line侧线鳞
scale line定极线
scale line比例尺线
section line土地区划线
secure line安全线路
segregating line分离
segregation of pure line纯系分离
select line spacing选择行[间]距
selected line选择品系
selection of hybrid line杂种品系选择
selfed line自交系
self-fertilized line自交系
self-fertilized line自花受精系
self-sterile line自交不育系
sense digit line读出数字线路
severe line squall强飑线
sib line兄妹品系
sib line同胞品系
side line canal边渠
side line canal边沟
side line dam辅坝
sighting line测线
similar line相似线
single inbred line单自交系
single line单品系
single phyletic line单线系
singularity line奇异直线
sister line姊妹品系
smooth line光芒品系
snow cover line雪线
snow line冰拔
snow precipitation line积雪线
solid line实线指曲线
sounding line水深线
sowing line播行
sowing line播种行
species line种界
specific humidity line比湿线
spectral line intensity光谱线强度
spiracular line气门线
spiracular line呼吸孔线
spray line喷液管路
spray line喷灌管路
sprinkler line喷灌管路
stable line玉米自交系稳定系
start line起始线
steering line驶线
stem line干系种族系统
stem line主系
stem-line cell干系细胞
stem-line theory干系学说
stigmatai line气门线
straight-line gale[长程]直击大风
straight line training一字形整枝
strip line实心线
subdorsal line侧背线
subscan line子扫描线
subspiracular line气门下线
subspiracular line呼吸孔下线
superior line优良品系
supply line供水管线
supraspiracular line气门上线
supraspiracular line呼吸孔上线
syngeothermal line等地温线 (linea syngeothermalis)
tag line attachment止旋拉索装置
test-line method钙线测法分析骨的含钙量,肥料
tester differential line测交差别品系
tester line测交系
thermal line printer热敏行印机
thermal line printer热敏行式打印机
thick line宽线 (linea crassa)
thin-line peptide无折叠肽
tie line连接[通信]线路
timber line树木限界
track line架空线
translated line平移线
tree line树木界线指海拔高限界
triple row line sowing带状三行播种
true-breeding line不分离系
true-breeding line纯育系
trunk line干渠
tube feed supply line饲料输送管道
tuber line薯系
tuber line块茎品系
two line system两系法指杂种优势育种利用的方法
upper spiracle line气门上线
upper spiracle line呼吸孔上线
vary off-line脱机修改
vegetation-type line植被型线
vegetative pure line营养纯系
ventral line腹线
ventral median line腹中线
virus-free line无病毒系
vista line通景线
water line水路
watering line灌溉管路
wheat line seeding小麦条播
wheat pure line小麦纯系
wheel line sprinkler辐射型管道喷灌机
wheel line sprinkler轮式管道喷灌机
white isogenic line白色等基因系
widow line寡行
widow line分离行
wind-shift line转风突变线
winter snow-line冬季雪线
X-lineX 线
X-lineX 轴
Y-lineY 线
Y-lineY 轴
zone line环带线
zone line环纹